Honestly Sup Forums

Honestly Sup Forums

Do you care if nukes start dropping with north korea?

absolutely. the people of north korea are innocent. they don't deserve that fate.

someone pls tell me....if we go to war with NK will other countries join in like Russia?

*yawn* now comes Miller time

On NK, yes. On the US, no.

The gooks are innocent. The US has a history of bullying small countries into getting their land. However, China would not allow that outcome, so it could be interesting.

This. China won't allow the reunification of Korea as it will put a US ally and bases pretty much up against their border.

This planet is past its expiration date. Let the bombs fall.

I'd be more worried of China, thats what kept the US from bombing North Vietnam into the stoneage during that war.

During the Korean war, North Korea appealed to Russia and they told them to fuck off. Nork's next went to China and they reluctantly agreed to help, because they lost face when the US 7th fleet interfered when the nationalists chinese escaped to Taiwan and at that time China did not have a navy. China sent hundreds of thousands of troops which overwhelmed the US led allies.

North Korea would be committing suicide if it tried to get in a nuke fight with any of the major nuclear powers. if they have a triad (submarines, bombers, and ICBMs) you can be certain that even if NK got off the first shot it would still be retaliated against. Nobody uses nukes because as soon as you do you're opening yourself to retaliation. That's why NATO was reticent to deploy tactical nukes (Davy Crockett recoiless nuclear warheads were considered but never deployed) due to fear of escalation

>Korea as it will put a US ally and bases pretty much up against their border

This doesn't make any sense. So Korea unifies and then the United States invades China? What are you smoking?

so what do you suspect would happen if no nukes?


in all seriousness i am openly welcoming it

i want them to just do something, i don't want anyone to get hurt in the us, but maybe launch a missile at us and we shoot it down and then level their fucking country

i mean everything fucking gone

i have wanted this for so many years and now i can't talk about it because everyone thinks i'm hopping on a bandwagon. but seriously, like 12 years ago i said that i would join the military if we started shit with north korea because it's the only true evil left in the world to erradicate

inb4 sand niggers gonna nigger

China are already a little butthurt that the US has bases with listening capacity in South Korea. If it becomes 'One Korea' and then they have the ability to do similar in the northern area, China will be even more butthurt..

Nobody expects the US to invade China and it's stupid to think it would happen, but China don't want US operated facilities so close.

Marine cock


Not the samw user but it's likely that the U.S will have a permanent military base very close to their border. They probably won't invade but the Chinese don't want them that close

do you even english?

Unless it hits the west and north eastern coast, then who gives a shit. Nothing but SJWs anyway

Hail Satan!

never happen. would love it to.

The figure of 150 nuclear weapons in Europe today is dwarfed by the number that were stored on European soil at their peak — 7,300 in 1971. the nuclear weapons in Belgium, as well as the other four European countries — the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and Turkey — where they are stored today (there are two storage sites in Italy) tie together the Atlantic alliance in unique ways. The nuclear weapons are the ultimate American guarantee to Europe, and they're also a kind of US-European bargain: Only the US president can approve their use, but the host nations have to approve the bombs leaving the country. Thus the weapons can serve as a deterrent while also being virtually unusable

Then, there were artillery and missile warheads of a staggering variety, a nuclear bazooka, and even backpack nuclear weapons. Ships and submarines routinely carried nukes into the Baltic and Black seas to the Soviet Union's doorstep. Policy was driven by perceptions of overwhelming conventional military threat and the doctrines of deterrence, with arsenals growing ever more capable.

Not much, maybe some conventional skirmishes but even that may be NK pushing too far. The only reason their country still exists is because the western powers think it's easier to just let them do what they want while staying within their borders, during the Korean war China played a big part in aiding the NK but China doesn't really give a shit anymore and would rather keep its economical ties to the US so they probably wouldn't jump to their aid. If NK starts a shitstorm now they probably won't survive long once they start open hostilities

Dear NK
If you're really nuking America, please nuke the counties in blue

Pic related

So what exactly is the concern that we are listening to China, that if we moved a couple of hundred miles closer like they have to be worried about? I think you ought to stop reading comic books, this defies logic that China would even care.

I mean what does China do that we need to be listening to? Chinese Radio or TV programs?

You must be a child


Even the smaller amount of nuclear weapons stockpiled today are almost guaranteed to bee ~10-50x as much as the NK have and that's giving them more credit than due because nuclear weapons are notoriously difficult and expensive to produce and maintain. Also with North Korea being in the pacific they probably won't need to use European based ICBMs that would require approval.

Humanity is probably due for a refresher on how fucked up nukes are, so a limited exchange might do the world a lot of good in the long run

>European based ICBM

There are no European based ICBM, other than the Tridents on the British Subs and the French Subs, but why would they even care?

The US has 14 Trident Submarines each carrying 24 Trident ll missles with as many as 8 MIRV's on each missles. Not even counting any land based Minuteman missles, etc..

I posted the NATO weapons count on European soil in relation to post >No.742113758, where the author states "NATO was reticent to deploy tactical nukes" which was/is a fantasy, there always was and is nuclear weapons in Europe.

>Do you care if nukes start dropping with north korea?

We need their rare earth resources. They should not be irradiated prior to our use.

Actually N. Korea was bombed to shit by the US, their cities destroyed, their farmland decimated... it's no wonder they're still rather pissed at us.

Did you buy the new, improved "WMDs" story? Brought to you by your trustworthy Jew (((media))).

I think even if N. Korea went nuclear, the U.S. could and should play the bigger man and only use conventional weapons. They should still defeat N. Korea handily and come out looking good for once

Of course America will rain nuclear hellfire contaminating the whole fucking Pacific

Good point. I live in a racist flyover state, so if they bomb us I'll either be unaffected or wont care cuz fuck my neighbors. We should take an idf approach to bullying nk though, just roll through the fences in armoured cat D11's, or maybe komatsu carry dozers would be cheaper to ship in given the geography... Either way, bring back the civillian survivors. Not enough Asians here in the Midwest.

na fuck em
honestly would be dope if there was a nuclear war. this planet is fucked anyways

Oldfag here.
I grew up in the 80s in New Mexico, homeland of the nuke, during the cold war. In the 50s people would visit the Trinity site where the 1st nukes were tested, they would take home pieces of vitrified glass from the site as paperweights. Little did anyone know then the radiation coming off the whole site, as well as the glass they took home.
There is a hollow mountain next to the city I lived in, filled with stored warheads. My buddy's dad was a military higher up who's job it was to check the detonators on these warheads. My buddy had night terror dreams every night about nuclear war. All the young people thought they were going to die any day, our city was known as a major target of the soviets.
Any of you shit feasters think you can drop one nuke on this planet and not expect to be breathing from a respirator for the rest of your life is an asswipe deserving of a MOAB stuffed up your peehole.

You do realize if you hit the west, the fallout would go over our crops right?