What's the shortest a woman could be for you to have sex with her. I couldn't go below 5'0.
What's the shortest a woman could be for you to have sex with her. I couldn't go below 5'0
Leo Hall
Wyatt Cook
I'll take her.
As a manlet In delighted when a woman is shorter than me.
Evan Martinez
I'm 5'5" and I've never fucked a girl shorter than me, I like tall bitches
Aiden Bailey
Last bitch was 4'11, called her pocket sex
John Cruz
Oliver Parker
I'm 6'2" and I've recently begun seeing a girl who's 5'0". Height doesn't really bother me, and I look forward to hopefully foolin' around with her cute little body.
James Gomez
I'm more concerned with tit size than height tbh. I couldn't date a total shortarse because I'm pretty tall but I'd happily fuck one.
Charles Sullivan
no height preference
Thomas Jones
for me there is no too short. i'd date a midget if she were cool and her body was rockin
Carson Harris
that didn't really sound right thinking about it more...