Hey Sup Forums what do I do? Vidya just isn't fun for me anymore...

Hey Sup Forums what do I do? Vidya just isn't fun for me anymore, I'll play a game for like 20 minutes and just be disinterested.

The only thing I'm really into nowadays is my weekly game of D&D, no video game in the world can replicate the fun of that.

Any suggestions?

Try playing twice weekly. It's double the fun.

Set up a bunch of groups on adventures league or roll 20, play all day erry day.


Try something called Hentai. It is art

you're not wrong

What's that?

Check out the movie "Mazes and Monsters"
It's really bad, and it has a young Tom Hanks unable to act his way out of a paper bag, but deal with it.

When finished watching the movie, do that.

Try going outside

me too. Nothing makes me happy as in a D&D game.
So much bullshit to deal in this fucked up world man, so much bullshit

what edition?

also modern board games
>one deck dungeon
>51st state
>roll for the galaxy
>great western trail

Already do. Run/Listen to music each morning, practice guitar for a bit and then work, I do that M-F

Then weekends is organize/clean around the house days, D&D/dinner and stuff with fiancé.

been trying of and on for 10 years to get a regular game going with halting success


Just started a new campaign. We're doing a home brew adventure leading up to The Tomb of Annihilation when it releases.

Listen to the ticking of your watch for as long as you can UNTIL YOU BECOME 1 WITH GOD AND BUDDHA

yeah I really liked 5e before the DM moved and the game broke up

I'm about to DM a sample game to my board game group. the bad news is if they like it I'll have to DM

It took the better part of a year for us to find a consistent group but once you do it's awesome.

Sounds like it's time to grow up, user.


Find better games. This happens when I play games I really don't like or have beaten a bunch of times already.

I thought I was outgrowing vidya until Uncharted 4 came out and I was glued to it, so I know it's just the vidya I had on tap. Maybe your tastes have changed

Read a book.

Take a course. Get some advanced math under your belt. Work up to something like artificial intelligence. You'll meet all sorts of smart people.

I used to suggest join a hackerspace but you have to do that with caution as they are full of SJWs.

Try some MTG also i love dnd

drugs are bad, m'kay.

I've always been interested in the lore and art behind MTG but the cost of it all sort of scares me as someone who already has expensive hobbies (I'm really into Guitar playing and headphones.)

The tabletop arena in my city closed forever a few years ago. :/ These days I do all my tabletop RPG's over roll20.net.

I've tried Roll20 and other things but it's just not the same.

Being in the same room and rolling those dice for real and hanging out is part of the game to me.

Actually I replaced D&D with Everquest 20 years ago and am still playing.

For me, it's not really an option. There's nothing else around here for that, and I live in a CITY, not a town...

That's crazy what city if I may ask?

Lowell. We'll just say it's practically a pit-stop for people from Boston on their way north to New Hampshire, where the good shit around here is.

Ahh, I'm in the Bay Area of California, so my problem wasn't the lack of groups but rather finding a group that wasn't full and finding a group whose members I meshed with well.