I love the idea of Sup Forums fapping over my innocent girlfriend. Will you?

I love the idea of Sup Forums fapping over my innocent girlfriend. Will you?

No fuck you

Firstly, if she's willingly posing for pictures like that, she's hardly innocent.

Second, she's hardly fappable. How about instead you jam a shampoo bottle up your ass and post that. I'd jerk off to that, even if you are black.

I think she is quite fapable

i'd fuck the shit out her. her body is perfect, face is eh, but she would look better sucking my dick and covered in my cum, then you can tongue kiss her and lick my cum up

She's been posted a thousand times faggot

Bullshit she's innocent. She can clearly play the part, but she isn't innocent. That said she is quite fappable.


she pretends to be but actually is a slut

post more for me to fap to op