Hey guys, can you please help me out with this of my hw?
Process on a pic would be really helpfull guys
Hey guys, can you please help me out with this of my hw?
Process on a pic would be really helpfull guys
A) looks stupidly hard
B) looks stupidly hard
C) is impossible
D) x = 9
A) multiply both sides by x^2 -1, simplify and solve
B) multiply both sides by a^2 * x^2 - b^2, simplify and solve
C,D) both are easy enough to solve on their own
I did this shit when I was 12 how old are you OP
Don't be a nigger. Im in a LoL match but Ill work them out when Im done. Im pretty sure all you need to do is use the quiadratic formula on a)
Thank you kind gentlemans
Faggot lovely faggot
a lo mejor deberas aprender como indentificar el cuadrado en A,B
>Difference of squares
oh look, more bullshit you will forget in a week after the class ends.
A) x = 5
B) x = 1/a
C) Impossible
D) x = 9
I guess...
C x=-4
You did something when you were 12 that someone else figured out for you centuries ago.
Wow watch out everyone.
Its not a difference of squares
aka x^2-b^2
Alright, shits over, gimme a second and Ill work em out
For a) multiply both sides by x+1, the equivalent of mutiplying one side by x+1/x+1, which is 1. Do the same, but this time for 1-x. Now, if you were to multiply (x+1)(1-x) (which should now be in your numerator), you would get 1-x squared, or -(x squared-1). Use that to cancel the left denominator. Solve remainding quadratic using the quadratic formula.
Too lazy to solve A and B. C is -4 and D is 4.
B) is same premise. C is impossible because the absolute value of x could never equal -4. D im a bit stumped on, i would go for trial and error.
According to the heading, X is a Real number, so it can be -4
Solve for x:
(b + a x)/(a x - b) - (a x - b)/(b + a x) = (4 b)/(a^2 x^2 - b^2)
Multiply both sides by a^2 x^2 - b^2:
(b + a x)^2 - (b - a x)^2 = 4 b
Expand out terms of the left hand side:
4 a b x = 4 b
Divide both sides by 4 a b:
Answer: |
| x = 1/a
>c) No soln
Solve for x over the real numbers:
abs(5 - x) = abs(13 - x)
abs(5 - x) = abs(13 - x) if and only if 5 - x = 13 - x or 5 - x = x - 13:
5 - x = 13 - x or 5 - x = x - 13
Subtract 5 - x from both sides:
0 = 8 or 5 - x = x - 13
0 = 8 is trivially false:
5 - x = x - 13
Subtract x + 5 from both sides:
-2 x = -18
Divide both sides by -2:
Answer: |
| x = 9
Im a nigger and c isnt no soln but you can figure it out
holy shit thank you user, thank you very much!!
Yeah, have fun in algebra. Also, you can use shit like Symbolab and Wolfram Alpha and just follow the steps if you're stuck.