Why would anyone support the Far Left or the Far Right? They're nothing more but ignorant...

Why would anyone support the Far Left or the Far Right? They're nothing more but ignorant, homicidal maniacs that would happily beat someone because they don't share the same political view point. FUCK THEM!

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Really? Tyler Durden from Fight Club? He's an anti-establishment anarchist, and that's pretty fucking far left

Why do centrists think they're above the political spectrum when they're clearly on it

At least we aren't Antifa or the KKK.

You would condemn them for being "homicidal maniacs", and yet you are an anarchist? I am done here

It amazes me that people idolize Tyler Durden.

Like, were they reading/watching the same fucking Fight Club as the rest of us?

Quick question as a moderate that votes independently what's the best course of action to get brainwashed extremists on both sides to fuck themselves to death

Well you're not wrong

I have never actually seen a march of communists or, really, anyone in government heavily connected to communist movements. Neither do I know of any communist attacks on American citizens any time recently.

I can't say the same for Nazi's.

No, they weren't, because they see Tyler as this "2edgy anti government guy". Just like Anonymous

>I have never actually seen a march of communists or, really, anyone in government heavily connected to communist movements. Neither do I know of any communist attacks on American citizens

I know this is bait but fucking hell this is weak 0.5/10

I never said i was an Anarchist.

>inb4 blm

He's a fictional character, guys.

I use to support the left, but not anymore.

After seeing their protests, hearing their words, and even attending their rallies, the only difference between them and the right is what message they're screaming.

I keep asking "Okay, so we did the protest, what now?", the reply I always got was "We do it again, spread the message, bring awareness." I thought we were solving a problem, not just completing step one of solving a problem...

It's frustrating to know that you want to support these guys, and with some information that change is happening, it's just not enough to convince me progress is being made at the rate we need it.

the problem is how people use the image, anonymous used to be the typical anti gov face until many extreme lefties thought of themselves as some cool freedom fighters by being anarchists

I do agree with OP, it's just that we have to be careful with what influences people since many are quite easily influenced

inb4 you list a bunch of neoliberal groups/govt members and call them 'communists' because anyone the left with (or even without) a few cherrypicked marxist views is apparently a commie

> anti-establishment anarchist, and that's pretty fucking far left
It's a macho men's club of beating the shit out of other and nihilism. How the hell do you figure that's left?

Did you even read the book? Or even watch the film, pretty sure Project Mayhem and half of Tyler's huge monologues about industrialism and government are still in there

List some, m8.

What makes that leftist? There are even more on the right who hate the fucking government than the left, and anti-commercialism and shit is also on the right. You don't think militias and survivalists and so on are hippies, do you?

The problem with the far left is that the "problems" that they think they want to solve a make-believe. Minorities and women already have things handed to them on a platter just for being who they are in America and left-wing idiots are crying for more.

Anarchism is inherently left wing, unless you're one of those Anarcho-capitalism nutters

Every antifa march ever.

Also, fuck you.

they are never happy with other people virtue signalling them, it's the oppressed olympics

Like when a videogame or a movie has forced women or black or gay characters and they still bitch about now being enough in number, or not being good enough

It's like they always had the mentality of "you have done well my servants, but there is a long road ahead"

not* being enough

What's the retort shills?

Only in a very reductive sense. Anarchism in a theoretical sense is usually considered left wing these days, but anarchism in the sense of armed thugs or rioting is usually considered more right wing.

anarchism is inherently non-political or anti-political. ever hear of a dictionary?

You are truly a fool if you think the special privileges awarded to minorities and women in the west outweigh the social/economic deprivation and general treatment by the masses they suffer. You live in a make believe world. In the real world, there are people that by right of their birth will never be able to enjoy the freedoms you do, but you will always look at cherrypicked articles from your computer screen and decide that equality already exists.

What are you smoking? They're cultural marxists at best, and even then not really

Depends on where. The European versions seem more hardcore socialist.

>cultural marxists at best
oy vey

>you live in a make believe world
>always look at cherrypicked articles
>oh god
>projecting this hard


OP here, you Antifa fags are the biggest retards ever, hypocritical, ignorant, violent. You all should really Heaven's Gate yourselves.

You have closed your eyes to the experiences of those who live around you, even your own friends and family. You think they're all liars, or they're exaggerating. You have no idea what it's like to be them, yet you are so very sure they live in paradise.

>implying my friends and family don't have similar experiences as me

Try harder

why do the Both Sides Are Wrong™ folk only come out when it's right wingers causing violence and mayhem

Because that's when everyone won't shut the hell up about it on either side and pisses people like me off.

Is this thread dead?

There's no such thing as "far left" in the first world. To believe that there is an "equivalent" on the left to the disgusting subhuman filth on the far right is nothing but an appeal to moderation, which is a logical fallacy.

The "left" is moderate right. The RIGHT are the malfunctioning, subhuman trash of this world. People don't just see them as Nazis. They actually fucking ARE Nazis.

>muh either side

No. There are people and there are anti-American, anti-modern, anti-science hate mongering Nazi garbage.

99.999% of everyone the rightwing nut jobs have ever accused of being "commies" are not, nor have ever been supporters of Communism, Socialism, etc. it's nothing but a misguided, moronic, uneducated "catchall" insult for anyone that's intended to shut down dialog and discourse.

Apparently it's voting for Trump. Look at the whats going down. All because some nationalist scumbag who beats his disabled mother and has to take pills to control his temper lost a fight and decided to get revenge by running people over. No other group would have encouraged him to come out and given him weapons to play with. Well a shield at least.

It's really only become a thing in this country recently. It's the politics of extremism. One side feeds the other.

Nazis are also far left. National SOCIALISM. Any socialism is far left. Socialist systems are those with centralized, all inclusive and all pervasive governments.

The "far right" is libertarianism. The Nazi versus communist war is an intramural battle between two leftist systems.

The left has truly won if everyone thinks they must choose between extreme leftist version A or extreme leftist version B. This is a false alternative.


FUCK you're stupid. Like, 'I'm embarrassed for your family to have to sustain your retarded ass' stupid.

Nazis are FASCISTs. Fascism is the pinnacle of authoritarianism. Authoritarianism is the value that makes one rightwing. Therefore, Nazis are were and have always been the farthest right you can go.

They CALLED themselves "soshliszts" as a COVER for their real motivations and so stupid people would be complicit with them in the early stages.

They are exactly as socialist as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democratic republic of and by the people.

Since Stalinism and another forms of communism is also the pinnacle of authoritarianism, would you say they were extreme right?

So you didn't bake your feelings into a cake?

True communism is leftwing. Corrupt, dictatorial communism is just more fascism pretending.

Communism has never been attained because of the inherent power greed and corruption it is susceptible to. It's largely a Utopian concept that isn't really viable in any way if implemented by human-based governments.

You're right OP, it's easy to pick a side when one more often than not discriminates against you.
My solution, withdraw from society. Go to work/ run a business, make money, socialise if need be but slowly leave abandon the corrupt system.

>KKK are musilm of america.
they attack by car and truck.
Killing in church.

Not Muslims.

Retarded religious extremists in general.

KKK is 99.9999% Christian/evangelical. They're all capable of disgusting violence.

Looks like you missed basic political philosophy class when you dropped out early of jerkwater community college.

Like the man said, any large scale governmental system, whether communist or fascist, is by definition leftist. The opposite of fascism or communism is a minimalist government, which is that one espoused by libertarianism.

Stop being a fucking moron, fucking moron.

....okay but to be fair, it isnt just the left that sees nazis....we literally are seeing nazis in the streets, neo nazis at least, from every angle and side of the political spectrum.
Shitty example you edgy fuck

The political spectrum is a circle. Everyone has some beliefs that fall on it in some form. A centralist just realizes that limiting yourself to one part or the other is like eating only sweets and no savory foods. Just aren't getting the full picture.


Uni graduate with honors here, retard.

>fascism and communism are leftist
>only variant named that's modern is right

Cute how you think you get to redefine everything just to claim the rightwing are the moderates.

Again, FUCK you're stupid.

So are you claiming the Neo-Nazis and Nazi sympathizers who are infesting the US right now are leftists?

PLEASE tell that to them. The results will be fucking priceless.

>politically centrist policy is minimal government

This is what happens when you turn political movements into football teams and everybody carries on rooting for the labels of "left" or "right" without even being able to agree on what they mean.

Keep thinking that you aren't being manipulated retard, 99.999% that support antifa blm etc, are oblivious of what they are pushing towards. Self righteous morons that will inevitably destroy the west if they keep falling for soros b8

>He's an anti-establishment anarchist
He's a delusion + he never ever spewed political agenda. You you're just full of shit smartass.

>There is nothing as "Far left" in the first world.

Bombings,stabbings and general violence is moderate.


Nigger, YOU are the one being manipulated and YOU are the b8.

Why do you think it's the right that is CONSISTENTLY uneducated, anti-science, anti-intellectual and anti-academic?

The problem is the same people who put trump in office are the same ones who put obama in office so calling all trump supporters nazis in a misnomer and an ad hoc insult. The people considered alt-right today were called the hipsters and leftist 5 years ago the problem is that the left has gotten so insane and hippocritical that it has no base to defend itself other than calling all opposition nazis or supremasists. When in reality most "conservatives" today are just rational and logical individuals who see though the bullshit agenda of the rich masking themselves as "freedom fighting hippies" when they're really trying to silence the masses in order to bring on a corporate dictatorship.

Can you unironically kys fbi-chan

That's because even the commies realized communism doesn't work and just moved on to free markets and capitalism.
What you have left is pricks that casually call every single social policy communism, while they are dying from easily curable diseases or going bankrupt in the process.
At least you're not giving all of your money to the government, because that would be communism'n'stuff.

Our "left" is right of center.

Our right is infested with extremist insane uneducated, violent subhuman nutters. They also err on the side of theocratic authoritarian where it comes to personal liberties.

>unironically posting Ben Garrison comics

No, no. YOU kill YOURself, you retarded faggot.

Oh goddammit, forget Tyler Durden and learn to read. The picture is nailing the current situation, not the nature of the character in the lower picture. This is exactly why things go by you, you're focusing on bullshit.

Graduate student with MA in philosophy here. You're wrong as well as being a retard. Read Robert Nozick to BEGIN to understand what the fuck you're talking about. In political philosophy, left versus right is determined by the political system's necessary governmental size. Large centralized systems are left; minimalist governmental systems are right. This is such an elementary, basic principle of political philosophy, I can only surmise you are a middle come school student failing middle school.

STFU and GTFO so the adults can discuss without interference from your autistically screeching.

These aren't necessarily the far left and the far right, maybe extreme examples. But you could easily argue that most of the people in the middle are there because they have no real political beliefs or interests. You're toeing the line to not have to commit to anything. If we were all as noncommital as the center than nothing would ever get done. Think about it, if you're a liberal how would centrists have ever stood up for civil rights. If you're a conservative, how would a undecided centrist have ever decided to go to war or stop the spread of terrorism/communism/whateverotherism. The pendulum swings two ways for a reason and the far left and far right aren't simply the KKK and antifa, there are a lot of nonracist people who believe in heavy conservative values and a lot of nonidiotic children who believe in bring equality to people and improving their pay/way of life. Too many people have placed everyone in a box and allowed groups like these to flourish under the guise of "alt-right" or "progressive" when they're really just cunts hiding behind the rest of us to even survive. Hope I helped.

Your down syndrome is showing

It's a well known fact, historically and philosophically.

Exactly, america does not have a "left". Democrats are something we would consider the retarded right (party led by a cult of personality) in my country.

Military industry like a society in internal warfare. Its good for business.

>Any socialism is far left
Oh no, it's retarded. :(

both left and right in my country support universal heath care for all, I feel sorry for you guys in the usa, you're fucked at the moment

but I really like the usa I hope shit gets better for you

Lol. The right actually pushes for totalitarianism. Originally, the right was in favour of the king (totalitarian rule) and the left was for progress.

The real difference between the left and right is progress vs stagnation.

Although, the black and white dichotomy in politics is retarded.

I know it makes you feel smart to pull shit from your ass and toss around cliches, but political philosophy is actually a real thing and has been around for 2500 years, from Plato to Hobbes to Locke to Machiavelli to Mill to Marx to Rawls to Nozick, etc.

The "right" encompasses that class of systems which espouse a minimalist (very small) government. Thus, it is a contradiction to say "the right pushes for totalitarianism," since no totalitarian government can exist where there is (nearly) no government in the first place.

This is why you see totalitarian dictators in states that call themselves communist and in states that call themselves fascist, because both are all encompassing all pervasive governmental systems, i.e. leftist systems.

> pull shit from your ass

You might want to check some facts before you make a fool out of yourself.

>tfw to intelligent

>make a fool of yourself

>links to Wikipedia article ( middle school level source material)

>article contains nothing relevant to the debate having to do with "left" "right" or political philosophy.

>calling Hitler a right winger.
wew lad

You are lying. The right consists of Libertarian, who push for smaller government, but also conservatives, who push for restrictive government. Not all right-wing people are Libertarian. Authoritarian systems occur on both the right and the left, because it's measured on a different axis, up and down rather than left and right. Communism is left-wing authoritarianism, fascism is right-wing authoritarianism.

>links to Wikipedia article ( middle school level source material)

Why did I know, you're going to say this? Literally every uneducated retard says the same thing. Do you really lack any semblance of critical thought?
Oh and here's another more relevant link:

LMAO -- is your dank meme courtesy of Sup Forumstardia?

Hitler was a LEFTISTS, only one hair different from Stalin. Both were murderous dictators that brought their respective nations to ruination, though Hitler was far dumber than Stalin, as evidenced by his short-lived fuckup of a joke of a country.

"Far Right" really just means opposing immigration and multiculturalism. So there you go, thats why people support it.

The part about beating people is just stupid, unless you are talking about antifa.

They CALLED themselves "soshliszts" as a COVER for their real motivations and so stupid people would be complicit with them in the early stages.

Lets call a suffering nation stupid to just get rid of the "everyone just voted to solve the problems to feed themselves" and not look at the societal ills that Germany was facing at the time.

Socialism doesn't equate to the mainstream Marxism assumption of Socialism. Rather it be the socialism of the state that is natural, almost closer to tribalism, only on a national scale.

>They are exactly as socialist as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democratic republic of and by the people.

Again, calling National Socialists "socialists" looking from a left-leaning telescope. and a misinformed ignorant mindset. Authoritarianism is a step to achieving the organic Fascist state. Being totalitarian is more of the Communist game. North Korea is more Soviet/NazBol in nature.

This is true. To really be free, you have to let go of the notion of government completely. Organized religion and the monetary system as well. 3 evils

Communists and Fascists are not the same just because they happen to both be authoritarian, this horseshoe shit is retarded.

Yes, both libertarians who want a minimalist government and conservatives who want a restrictive (still small) government are on the political right.

By definition, totalitarianism can only exist where the government is TOTAL, i.e. all encompassing and all pervasive. Fascism is one such system; communism is another such system.

Thus, there can be no authoritarian/totalitarian system where there is not a governmental structure that is large enough to enforce it, i.e. there can be no such thing as a "right-wing" authoritarian system.

It's like saying "round square" or "married bachelor."

You can criticize the right for some other reason, but NOT that it incurs the risk of dictators.

Radical freedom is a scary thing for people, but that's what the right holds paramount.

Take a political philosophy class, and stop getting your opinions from 5th rate online personality tests or bumperstickers.

I have an MA in political philosophy. How about you, faggot?

me thinks you're the uneducated fool.

do you even understand how wikipedia works? Anyone can author a wikipage.

Read Robert Nozick, then get back to me after you realize what a buffoon you are.

bada bing.

>not even from Sup Forums.

I'm not going to argue his decisions based on the situations he was in or in fact put himself into. He set Germany straight and for 12 years, 6 were in peace and 6 in war. The time spent in war and "muh holocaust" is the main focus in leftist academia.

He did nothing but spew political agenda, he was a side of The Narrator that loathed himself because he understood that he was just a product of capitalism but wasn't able to help himself


like a fucking FoxNews baby-boomer high on Amerikkka, land of circumcised dicks and high fructose corn syrup.

bada boom, faggot.

(From The Library of Economics and Liberty)
In The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, Sheldon Richman succinctly states: “As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer.” He contends that socialism seeks to abolish capitalism outright, while fascism gives the appearance of a market-based economy, even though it relies heavily on the central planning of all economic activities. According to authors Roland Sarti and Rosario Romeo, “[U]nder Fascism the state had more latitude for control of the economy than any other nation at the time except for the Soviet Union.”

Interestingly, Mussolini found much of John Maynard Keynes’s economic theories consistent with fascism, writing: “Fascism entirely agrees with Mr. Maynard Keynes, despite the latter’s prominent position as a Liberal. In fact, Mr. Keynes’ excellent little book, The End of Laissez-Faire (l926) might, so far as it goes, serve as a useful introduction to fascist economics. There is scarcely anything to object to in it and there is much to applaud.”

…As the effects of the Great Depression lingered, Italy’s government promoted mergers and acquisitions, bailed out failing businesses and “seized the stock holdings of banks, which held large equity interests.” The Italian state took over bankrupt corporations, cartelized business, increased government spending, expanded the money supply, and boosted deficits. The Italian government promoted heavy industry by “nationalizing it instead of letting the companies go bankrupt.”

Look at the actions, not the words of a fuckup faggot like sHitler.

Also, go read _Liberal_Fascism_, a good book explaining the near identicalness of communism and sHitler's fascism.

sHitler turned to war because his mismanagement of Germany was driving it to catastrophe.

He was, literally, the most retarded fuckup ever to receive the astonishing good luck to take power.

But, dumb is as dumb does.


I supposed you'd care to explain why Hermann Rauschning, an anti-communist conservative revolutionary literally high tailing it to America ASAP and renouncing Nazism after recording several conversations he had with Hitler

Doesn't that make you feel like shit to know that the leftism you endorse is the same leftism that sHitler endorsed?

Calling me names doesn't make the truth go away, sadsack.