Mfw alt-right fedoras get beat the fuck out of by sjw tumblrites

>mfw alt-right fedoras get beat the fuck out of by sjw tumblrites

Feels good being a centrist

Im a centrist too but I still want niggers and muslims out of my country.
Its common sense.

>radical centrist
so like radical nothing or what

I think a centrist is just someone that agrees and disagrees with both sides, but also calls out the extremist/hypocritical tactics that both left and right wingers use and accuse each other of


No it's not. We refuse to let a group represent any individual.

I am a technocrat, I believe politics will always fail unless we're administrated by a fair neutral AI

Also that democracy has been the biggest mistake in history

A centrist in Canada is considered far right

In otherwords, a pseudo-intellectual contrarian that has no actual opinions of their own and gets a sense of superiority from critizing everyone who has opinions.

>He isn't a neocon

lmaoing @ at all the inferior idiots ITT


>I'm not an international Jewish banker.

>criticizing demonstrably idiotic opinions makes one a pseudo-intellectual contrarian
>this is what ideologues actually believe

>t. never seen a nigger or mudslime with their own eyes

My high school was half groid half mudslime. I would put them all in a meat grinder.

if you can determine that an AI is fair and neutral, it's not particularly intelligent to begin with

'' I'm a technocrat '' Starter Pack

A centrist is a pragmatist who bases their positions on facts rather than emotions or ideology.

If you view each issue on an individual basis, you would realise there are more political dimensions than one (with its left/right dichotomy) and being in the exact centre isn't necessarily correct.

No that's called self-aggrandizing.

>mfw centrists fencesitters think they have found true enlightenment
Feels good being a subgenius

More appropriate to say a good centrist based their positions on achieving results more than anything.

>unless we're administrated by a fair neutral AI
Good luck with that

A better system for the future would be to enhance human intelligence through technology and raise the requirements to vote i.e. you have to pass a test before you can vote. The main problem with democracy right now is that the electorate is retarded.

leftist see groups as individuals, racists see individuals as groups

true centrists see individuals as individuals and groups as groups

that is called realpolitik not centrism

you can't base you political opinions on facts alone
there is always a subjective element

and individual niggers and muslims make up the majority of all crime statistics

in medio stat virtus

I went to secondary in a class that was 70% Afghan and Pakistani immigrants faggot.
Not in Denmark. The majority of criminals are white.

Wow I'm enlightened now. Would either of you live in a neighbourhood solely composed of individual niggers?

>I went to secondary in a class that was 70% Afghan and Pakistani immigrants faggot.
Then you're probably an "individual" Mudslime yourself. Take your individuality back to Pakistan.

>The majority of criminals are white.
Could it be because the majority of people in Denmark are white?
Look up the per capita crime statistics then fuck off.

>Not in Denmark. The majority of criminals are white.
Niggers and Mudslime crime rates are disproportionately high in Germany. I bet they're the same in Denmark. You're new at this Ahmad.

no, and that's exactly my point

you cannot judge a whole neighborhood of niggers as a collection of individuals, which is why you must judge them as a group

that doesn't mean you can't have individual black friends however

sorry for the misunderstanding
I get what your opinion is but it is not centrist

We are two different danes idiot. I only made the comment

I know, and neither of you are centrist
one is a racist right winger the other is a dumb leftist

No you didn't know, faggot. It's "your opinions are" in that case.

please forgive me

Never. You betrayed Simón Bolívar, no forgiveness.

if it wasnt for him santander could have turned the country into a federalist superpower like the US and we would still have panama

...or that's what I would say, were I a centrist ;:^)

Centrists believe they are above everyonr and have no solutions or ideas of their own

They are perpetual women trying to get everyone to get along but instead of mothering they mock and criticize anything that steps out of line

They say that both sides of everything are right and wrong because they're spineless retards who think taking the middle road on every issue means they're unbiased and therefore infallible.

You guys are fags and contribute nothing to anything.

No, my american friend. It means you examine merits of positions of "both" "sides" (assuming we subscribe to the left/right labels) without jumping a bandwagon for the sole benefit of belonging to an ideological tribe.

A centrist will seek a reconciliation and where it is not available, a compromise.

That said, it's unlikely anyone would be able to pass for "centrist" on every political issue, and declaring "centre" to be inherently virtuous is a dubious prospect by itself, if only because it can be hard or impossible to draw up a linear scale to begin with.

tl;dr centrism for its own sake is stupid, but still less so than actually identifying itself as leftist/rightist

Get rid of the word cuck from this image and replace it with liberal

You know why all these altrightists are using the word cuck right? They've become even more racist and insecure to counteract their addiction to black on white pornography.

Like how Muslims that drink pray it away the next day.