Am certain my younger sister is in love with me- what do?
>be me
>younger sister is 15
she's been really close to me for some strange reason-
Now she's starting to go through puberty
She's overtly close to me
I.e hugging me, trying to kiss me, etc.
She wasn't like this last year.
I'm considering moving interstate so I can transfer to a better college
Should I tell her? My father knows, but my mother doesn't. (Divorced)
Help me out Sup Forums
One of you fuckers must be in a similar situation
I might be gay, but that's a completely different topic altogether
And what evidence do you have to show for yourself? *cough* green text you nigger *cough*
OP, we need too know if you like her/are attracted too her first.
Then fuck her and let her dreams die
Is it OP? I think not fucking your sister is what makes you a faggot.
top kek, watch some salty fags come in here wishing that this happened to them
as for being gay,
send nudes
Like I said, I don't like her.
I never have-
She's around a 6/10 for me, but apparently she is pretty popular at her high school