I'm living in sweden right now or swecuckistan, i hate them all brainwashed fucking cucks...

I'm living in sweden right now or swecuckistan, i hate them all brainwashed fucking cucks, and these ''wamen'' even if i kill hundred of these shit people it won't even make a diffrence, what can you do Sup Forums? been typing shit like this on facebook, gotten calls from my family to take it down.They don't want me to get hate, and they say this will bite me in the ass in some years.

greetings from Germany. same problem here.


We have to band together bro. White men have conquered this planet since the beginning of time. We can do it again. We're smarter, more tactically inclined, and we work as a cohesive unit better than they do. We could easily take our countries back if we had structure.


>greetings from Germany

recognize your own issues
and stop concerning yourself with what others choose to do with their lives
there's no real or observable difference between the races mentally, regardless of what shills try to sell

These women and their white male cucks need to get a painful death for bringing all this shit, but how? how do we fix this? do we need to purge every single one? even the law are against us.

bet there is, have you forgotten those immigrants?

Get out of here with that shit. There's 100's if not 1000's of studies from refutable sources that show a statistically relevant deficit in measurable intelligence between Races, blacks being almost dead last in every case.

No, you only need to kill enough to scare the rest into submission. The cucks would flee almost instantly I'm sure, the blacks would likely crumble under their own stupidity after their white sympathizers disappear, they'd probably just start killing each other, we wouldn't have to do much. As for the rest, leave or die. Pretty simple.

How many? 1 thousand? 10 thousand? i can't kill them all alone, i'm lucky if i even can kill 10.

And i'm talking about using a knife, no guns here.

Don't take yourself out of the game before it starts, you'd be selfish to start now. You might kill a few but you'd almost certainly be arrested. All you can do is talk to people man, start convincing your white compatriots to open their eyes and see what's happening to their beautiful race and land. And then they'll do the same, and soon enough there will be enough of us to do something on a large scale that will actually make a difference. The time is right. We're gaining allies in the highest echelons of government. It's going to happen soon I'm sure of it. We just have to bide our time and try to control the damage while we wait.

number of times cuck mentioned in post directly proportional to size of secret cuck porn collection.

you already posted this thread

OP, that's no way to talk to your father.

I want to belive that, i have to.. I'm gonna be there to purge these shit, I guess i have to wait, thank you.

Do what other Swedish men do, who doesn't take leftist bullshit: go off-broad to Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Malta or Thailand.

then cite one faggot.
actual sources, not low income families of troublesome youth. genuine studies of people in the same environment doing worse than others

>bet there is, have you forgotten those immigrants?
what about them? they assimilate, or not, doesn't matter, their children will undergo the same life dulling, mind numbing indoctrinating brainwashing bullshit everyone else in your country gets

>there's no real or observable difference between the races mentally
Results from USA show otherwise.

1/10 bait made me reply.

Hating Sweden is natural.

>lonely sperglord kills a few niggers & an heroes
the only think that will achieve is mockery, for being a big enough beta pussy to actually kill people instead of man the hell up. just lok att randy strair, the current public face of all mass murderers

do0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0on't do it

HAhahahaha no your not smarter than them white trash

>the only think that will achieve is mockery
what are we gonna do then? just watch when these stupid women get raped? i don't really give a fuck about these women,i hate when these niggers belive they are in control, these niggers is a fucking mockery, throwing stones at everyone and screams allah eatAsnicker.

Go to gym
Get gud job
Make lots of non-nig kids.
Only solution

>can't find himself a wifey to breed with, ensuring his nation stays the way he wants it to
>can't find girlfriends to impregnate
>can't even find one night stands to fuck
you wanna know what to do about all these immigrants, and the death of whitey?

you fucking retarded shitbags still fail to realize what MAKE LOVE, not war means.
war makes you lose, there's no winning in this current system by fighting war, but impregnating bitches in massive numbers to further enlarge your army...
you retards claim to be superior, yet you fail to recognize the simple fact that if you, your parents, and your children simply fucked and had more kids of their own

you wouldn't need to beg other nations for immigrants
you wouldn't need to offer them government supplied neetbux to come take the role you and your degenerate families should've had

honestly if whites go exinct, they fucking deserve it for not breeding more.

>just watch when these stupid women get raped?
yes, that's exactly what "we" should do. let the niggers have them. it works on two levels:
>no one wants a white women that's been polluted by a nigger
>no one but mentioned above would want to be with a nigger
the world consists 50% of women, and if you disregard the shitskins, there's stil plenty of attractive women left to choose from

The only hope now is Euro Orania or Eurania.

Breed? these fucking women? are you fucking stupid, i don't even want to touch these fucking brainwashed fucks, i'm not interested in sex.

I can agree on that, I guess we have to wait til every stupid women get raped and hope they realize how stupid they are.

Protip: Being white is now being part of the bad race.

>i'm not interested in sex.
confirmed faggot. just kill yourself alone in some woods then you fucking loser.
i'm off to try and better our situation in the world.

enjoy your worthless meaningless existence and incapability of doing anything productive.

literally given the answer of what you can do, but you turn it down because you'd rather be a retarded faggot who gets cucked.

there's literally nothing else you can do.
you wont even be able to kill one shitskin
but you can produce at least half a dozen, possible even dozens of white babies.

but naaah you'd rather be a faggot cuck.

" the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step"
as long as you've done your part for the Aryan race it does not matter.
if 1000 knight martyrs pulled a brevik then they'd be exterminated

Feel bad for you user. Pic related

1. I don't know about being a ''cuck''
2. I'm probably a faggot,
3. i think i can kill some shitskins.
what are you on? drugs? autism?

Please show me where your daddy touched you.

You don't human psychology very well, do you?

The only reason this is happening is cause whites are letting it. Not cause non whites are powerful. We can literally end all this shit in a fucking week if whites stood together

You post these same pictures all the time.which means that you have them saved in some kind of folder. LOL that's sad

1. It's these women that are brainwashing white male cucks.

Why do you think you're genetically superior when you clearly have aspergers and I would bet my bottom dollar you have a low IQ too.

Post a pic of you so we can laugh at your shitty genetics some more

Alright bro. Kek.
Actually kinda hurt my feelings a little, but it's whatever dude.

you forgot to show the line for asians who top the chart above whites..


Am I aryan enough, dad?

Never said I'm ''genetically superior'' and i may have a Low IQ but atleast i don't act like fucking animal and abandon my kids and wife just to rape some whites.

ruh roh

You got to be joking, we are under globalization there arent state privilages anymore or secret weapons, knowledge can be accessed everywhere and rapidly

I'm actually not that guy, but we share a similar world view so it still counts.

Are you black OP?

How exactly does that fit in with what I said? Is that relevant or just a random opinion about globalized government?

Now I'm offended.

Well, blacks don't shoot up schools cause they had a bad day

saving images is VERY complicated and hard, yes.


He's right you know...

As long as you're not short or fgt. pretty dang aryan nazi faggot

The only reason blacks do shoot anything is because the whites have set up a system that keeps them poverty stricken and miserable. It is very hard for them to break away from this, although a few do.

Except Breivik killed whities, leftist tards supporting the invasion, but whities anyway.

What the fuck are you?

I'm a ''human''

Surt värre.

Tell us your personal juicy stories user. Tell us the shit we read about. Tell us how your estranged veteran uncle couldn't get health care and froze to death on a bench opposite of the clinic. Tell us how your dementing grandma and autistic brother were razzia'd from their care home because they had to make way for the refugees. Tell us how you're doomed to live with your parent's till you're 45 because there's simply not enough housing and Sweden would need another Stockholm to house everyone let alone with the influx of immigrants
Tell us user
Tell us

Everyone laughs at the apologist.

What's a ""human""?


6'1 195-200lb. Not faggot. Am I good enough now dad?? I just want your approval.

They revert to their natural state of living soon enough.
Just look at Africa.
Without white guidance their societies go straight back to stone-age tribes but now with AK-47

So much detail. It HAS to be projecting. You can't make that shit up.

well then, maybe you should think about fucking black girls in africa

if all the men moved north
that means there's a fucktonne of big black booty dying for some dick in the south.

you're too big of a pussified brainwashed cuck to reproduce.. soo... next best option?

I'm white as cocain, that is why black people sniff my ass. -OP



Wait. wait wait, i can fuck some black ass, i can go straight for that.


That's some white projectile guidance for you.


damn gurl muh dick
lemme smash

They would be much happier if they were allowed to remain at early iron-age tech level.

take the easy way out and kys.

The white's way of living was a breeding ground for the bubonic plague. Not to they started both world wars

6"1' is the same as 5'6"
manlet confrmed


Shitdicks will be shitdicks

I read an article about a group of refugees from Syria or some shit. They had moved into Finland but then decided to go back to there country (where there was an ongoing conflict) because, and I quote "It was too cold".

That is some next level bullshit.

Yeah, but unlike niggers we managed to advance and solve the problems reasoanbly well.
Niggers can't help themselves, they simply do not function in complex societies.

I don't hold that aginst them, they are in the wrong place at the wrong time in their evolution.

I do however hold it against people who persist in forcing/allowing/encouraging negroes and other races to mingle with white society.

Fuck you dad.

lol, the fuck do you think these immigrants are coming from?
they're all males

go south and impregnate some big black booty like your forefathers once did when they were disgusted by the woman at home like you are currently.

and the little log of shit coming out is still brown, nothing to win there

so fuckgin what?
go south and fix africa
then when those babies grow up they too can travel north, and then fix europe after it dun goofd
rinse and repeat


Well, it's not like they can help being niggers.
They can help coming here and ruin shit here, though.
So yeah, I hate enablers more than I hate niggers.

I don't hate wasps, tapeworms or ticks or cockroaches, they just disgust me.
I do hate people who deliberatly allow them to infest humans and human environments. I assume there's some kind of vegan who're into that shit.

"Ase g'wayne tuh muh diks yuh, Whytes Wimmenz!"

I don't want to genocide them, I just want them to go somewhere else and not interact with our society in any way. It's like trying to put the round peg in the square hole. They just don't operate at the same level as whites and asians. Let them do their own thing so we can progress as a civilization.

>hurr durr there's no white womens in africa
what does it matter anyway
you're getting some big beautiful booty, nobody has sex for reproductive purposes anymore you faggot.

godspeed user, all those lonely woman need lots o love
black girls have the best booty

Godbless you, all these shit father run away to rape white women, i will save them with my tiny.. dick, guys.. i might have found a problem here..

>Race A has conquered the world, except from ya'know where we came from... Lets show them by conquering the world!

Way to improve the situation, Shitlord.

niggers do

what problem?
black bitches love whitey, even regular sized peckers