How does it feel knowing you're adding fuel to the fire?

How does it feel knowing you're adding fuel to the fire?

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Fucking hippies man, fucking hippies...

fock antifa fags


The confederate traitors lost the war, get over it fag.

Destroying monuments to treasonous traitors is hardly the same as destroying thousand year old relics of civilizations that don't exist anymore

Yeah lets erase our history as well since we don't like. Fuck where we came from, we can just make up a new and better history anyway.

No one is destroying anything, it's about placing it in its context. The statue belongs in a museum, not proudly displayed in a city center.

yea thats a great idea actually, o and while ur at it why dont u all kill yourselves and give the evolution of humanity a speed boost

Oh noes the loser's participation trophies are being knocked down whatever shall we do?