The marines have flamethrowers and fuel to last 900 octillion years, after that its handguns and boots.
The fight takes place on an infinite flat field, obviously not in this universe so no black holes and shit. The marines start in 1 group and the ants come from all directions (by foot) untill 1 team is 100% dead.
No death by hunger, dehydration, old age or disease but the marines still need sleep. No reproduction either.

Which team would win and why?


you need to specify the rate the ants are coming at and their capabilities.

What kind of ants?

this cant be answered without knowing the ants spawn rate

This guy was awfully confident

they are regular ants that bite and do little else, they come at you with the speed they can walk which is very slow, the thing is there are a lot of them, like a LOT of them.

Gravity fucks it up and everyone gets sucked into a black hole.

>need sleep

Its amazing how you can type but not read.

So no venom?

no, so how do you think the battle would go?

Well since the universe isn't large enough to hold graham's number of anything including graham's number, the ants become the universe displacing the marines, their flamethrowers and fuel from existence.
TL/DR pointless thread

The ants would collapse into a super dense singularitant.
It would absorb all matter in the universe, including the bullets, marines, and your mom.

They will then birth a new antiverse made overly oh ant-imatter.

tldr; you cant read

>the universe isn't large enough

Graham's number < infinity

>the marines need sleep
they're dead. even if they sleep in turns, the exhaustion will get to them and with that many ants all it takes is one mistake to get completely fucked.

you also gotta keep in mind only the ones at the edges of the group will actually be able to flame the ants, as the others risk burning/shooting their allies. and even with infinite fuel they still gotta reload.

The fuck is up with all these illiterate niggers in this thread?

Yeah but gravity fucks it up.

pretty sure all species of atns either have some amount of venom, however small, or have those oversized fangs. so yeah in either case, given the huge number of ants it's lethal if they get to you, doubly so if you're alergic or afraid.


"No reproduction either"


Which bit of my logicant argumant is flawed?

Even if it isn't OUR universe, the singularitant is unavoidable.
I for one welcome our new insect overlords.

Are you suggesting that there's no gravity in this universe? Then the atmosphere floats away and everyone dies, ants and Marines, within about 5 minutes.

Most don't have venom.

its a hypothetical situation where gravity fucking it up is impossible, think of it as a computer simulation if you cant fathom the situation otherwise.



It's worse than they.
Chemical processes fail, and any atomic bonds in which the weak force exceeds the strong will result in molecular instability.

It all melts to goo.

okay okay, 900 octillion years worth of fuel how much is it or do i assume i have infinite fuel until 900 octillion years have passed?

50% of googolplex us marines form a circle and the rest go into the center. the ants will advance so slow they can easily halt it for 900 octillion years.

Good question.

I always thought that one of the best weapons we could deploy is a ton of fire ants dispersed by plane over the enemy's bunkers.

>I hate those little fuckers.

all of you see Stop trying to go around the rules and address the fight or fuck off, you cant even understand how many times "but muh gravity" has been said in this thread so how could you retards understand the numbers we are talking about.

There's be enough ant's to outweigh a galaxy for every every single marine.

Assuming no 'inconvenient' laws get in the way, the number is so much larger it'd be like asking a single ant to extinguish the sun.

That's not a 'simulation', that's a video game with a shitty physics engine.

Look, I'm sorry we aren't falling into whatever mold you had for this thread, but if you ask a fucking painfully stupid question, you're going to get stupid answers.

The ants would just climb into a wave. They are suprisingly intelligent. The wav would then go into the marines mouths and drown them.

im fine with stupid answers, its just that particular one is the most stupid out of all possible answers and its also the most common, which is weird when it doesnt even answer the question, it just points out the question is silly, which i and we all already knew.

Even if they were all nigh invincible superhumans they'd be fucked. one googolplex tsar bombs in the middle of each ant sphere would barely put a dent on the ant population!

If you understood the numbers yourself, you wouldn't need to ask the question.

I understand that when you're 12 and you find about these cool 'imaginary numbers' you want to try and sound smart, but really everything you've said is stupider than 'an ice sun colliding with a fire sun', with none of the trollish wisdom.

i dont need to ask the question, but i do because i like the originality in some of the responses, maybe you should try it too atleast once in your life.

The question isn't 'silly'.

It's on the same level as asking who would win in a wrestling match, the entire energy content of the galaxy, or your single functioning brain cell?

That's farcical!

OP has no single functioning brain cell!

And yet you don't consider the 'Anthology of Antony A Antworthy's Anterior Antimatter Antiverse' original.

You salacious idiot.

I think the marines would win. A solid wall of fire and with that many marines would have enough to dispose of the ash properly as it builds up.

HOWEVER, I feel like the universe with current theories should end by then either by heat death or collapse, so maybe neither will have time to win.

you say no reproduction, but could I have recreational sex with the ants?

This is important.

ants, graham's number is too big, the ants could easily get inside the marines location ( under their legs ) and by bitting them they would accidentally fire on other marines

A solid wall of fire with the ants throwing themselves into the fire willingly for 900 octillian years wouldn't even get 1 octillianth of a percent of the ants killed.

The ants would also form a giant singularity with far greater mass than the observable universe, so maybe instant collapse it is...

how says i didnt? you just love jumping to conclusions and putting words in peoples mouths, ever thought about getting into politics?

do the ants have any queens? if yes the marines can literally never win even if they're ageless, as the ants would burrow the shit out of the ground and make super colonies where they'd increase in number exponentially.

assuming they can't go underground, there's also the problem of them slipping past. with that many ants, even if the marines could flame them, some would still make it past the flames eventually, and if some make it and make the flamers flinch, then it's gg.

ITT: No one understands numbers.

grahams number vs googolplex is significantly (to the point of being hilarious, then boring, then hilarious again, then boring) worse odds than 1 vs googolplex.

both groups would collapse into black holes
tl;dr: OP doesn't know physics

If the marines each had miniguns that could spray nuclear bombs, and were unaffected by nuclear bombs, I'd still bet on the ants.


All the soldier urinate at 11pm and this creates a huge wave of piss in all directions means all ants die.

marines obviously, do you have any idea how big a googolplex is? it's huge, 100 times bigger than a googol

So ants weigh 1-5 mg for arguments sake let's do 3mg per ant as an average and length & width of 2.1cm & 1.2cm. A standard type military grade flamethrower will burn approximately shoot 10m of nignoggery cracker shots per second. 900 nogtillion years of fuel with 100 per seconds per diamonds. To make it simple goofleplex of big cracknigs will shoot 80 ants per sq ant at Grahams number.

Srsly ants win. Once There is tetration to hexatipn then stacking them niggas onto an already huge sum os rly big and ants will win

The universe isn't infinitely large.

he didn't read the expanded universe

do you have any idea how big graham's number is? it's huge, (insert unimaginably big number here) times bigger than a googolplex

nigger graham's number is so big it literally cannot be represented even with a tower of potencies.ala x^y^z^... .

This googoplex marines all urinate at the same time creats a huge tsunami. Would kill all ants

Fell for the bait lads, a googolplex is sooo obviously more than 100 times greater than a googol, learn googology faggots :)

the soldiers would also die you idiot. either drowned in piss or buried under a gigantic pile of shit.

The universe isn't infinite. If you take the smallest theoretical size of something (Planck volume) and figure out how many of those can fit in the upper limit of the universe's size, Graham's number is bigger. And not just a little bigger, it's inconceivably bigger.

If each of the soldiers had a googleplex of guns, and could shoot each of those guns a googleplex times a second, and each shot destroyed a googleplex of entire universes, the ants would still just roll over the marines without even noticing.

i didnt even address it, i only made a parody of your bait.

Thats it muh boi. The marines will build a huge dome made from poo. So the ants stay outside. Win win

yorue'r right anen, is't so big even yuo're mumas asse canot holdet it.


there's so much fucking autism in this post that it gave me cancer

I'm gonna go with gravity.

You're assuming marine's can't reproduce. I mean sure, every single marine ever is male. But they already love to fuck each other in the ass, and as super-smart Jeff Goldblum said in Jurassic Park, "nature will find a way", even if it has to figure out how to make babies from male buttsecks.

There's so much cancer in this post it gave me autism

you do realize the shit fort will then get flooded with shit and piss from the marines inside it and kill them, right? worse, they literally cannot move away from it because ants are fucking everywhere and they'll just climb the walls.

Any female marines? Can the marines breed and increase their army size?

problem with that is it also workes for ants. a human takes 9 months to be born and is useless for years, and the parent is useless while pregnant. meanwhile ants reproduce super fast and in bulks, are ready in weeks and a single ant is needed to keep up a steady supply of new ants.

Ants aren't part of nature, though. They're really robots from Reticulan Sirius 5.

nothing beats Tree(4)

At least they'll die covered in shit and drowning in piss, which is how every marine dreams he'll go

let me explain:

grahams = g62

2↑2 = 4

2 ↑↑2 = 2 (2↑2) = 8

2↑↑↑2 = (4 (2 ↑↑2))^(2↑↑2) times ok?

2↑↑↑↑2 = ( a lot)

>>now here's grahams #

3↑↑↑↑↑3 (g1)
3(↑↑.....g1 times) (g2)
3(↑↑....g2 times) (g3)
3(↑↑...g61 times) (g62)

this is the number of ants

>grahams = g62

>>grahams = 62

whatever it is user. im just making a point

No dont think like a nigger you retard. Marines have a good coordination and engineering skills of course they put in a sewer system and lookouts. Also they will just build their firtress larger. Ants will stand no chance vs top trained marines

>>its common belief that the sheer # of ants = are enough to equal or exceed the weight of all humans

what the fuck are those arrows? and is it g powered byy 62?

the ants will just go through any cracks in the structure (which are unnavoidable, especially once the shit dries off) and/or burrow through the shit walls. if anything it'll make it worse for the marines because the ants will be camouflaged in the brown walls and once the marines notice they're getting in it's already too late.

I feel like that would just annoy the enemy instead of actually causing a threat we would be known as the pranksters of war if we did that

Comeon guys the marines would win so ez. You know it would only take time until the marines crushed even the last one without any casualties? I mean even me could just walk on ants allday long.

We're already in this war, didn't you know?

depends on how many ants we're talking and how much time the conflict lasts.

ants don't take fall damage so dropping them from a plane isn't a problem (maybe for a queen, but otherwise not) and depending on the species they can be vicious as fuck.and that's not the worse: they'll infest the enemie's rations and can even spread serious diseases and infections if they walk over or eat the corpses of dead soldiers and then walk all over your food.

bottom line is that even if the ants don't outright destroy the enemy soldiers they'll inflict major psychological damage and stress, which is very important in a war.

then go ahead and go to Amazonia or Africa, or even to some deep woods near you and find the biggest colony of ants you can. then just try to destroy it and kill them all by walking over it and see what happens.

Knuth's up arrow notation, which is a way of scaling not just a number but the operation performed on the numbers. For instance, addition < multiplication < exponentiation. Those are the first 3 types of operations, and Knuth uses one arrow (↑) for exponentiation. The next step, ↑↑, is tetration, Which is a power tower where you stack exponents on top of each other.

Those are the first 2 hyperoperations. G64 is the 64th.

Just let the ants kill the marines - the marines instantly win!

ants hands down

Factors to take in to the equation:
N = number of marines: One Googolplex
A = Number of ants a marine can kill in a day (assuming 8 hours of sleep) I guesstimate this to be 10^6 or 10^9, but please correct me if I'm too optimistic or pessimistic.
Time: 900 octillion years.

How many ants are killed? One helluva lot of ants, obviously.

However, the total number of ants that the marines can kill during 900 octillion years is still a minute figure in comparison to the vastness of Graham's number. They will barely have made a dent in the ant population. The ants have just a minute fraction of their numbers, and when the marines have no more weapons... game over in a brief amount time.

>G64 is the 64th.
Oops. Actually, it's much worse. G1 is ↑↑↑↑, but each g level doesn't just increase the operation by another arrow, it uses those crazy-huge numbers as the number of arrows.

We had this thread 6 months ago.

ants. until the marines realize what is going on and actually organize themselves and get ready for action the ants are already upon them and at that point they're dead.

This thread has been posted more often than that.

The marines obviously win due to their creative capacity and the human spirit of ingenuity. They would end up finding a way to use the massive amount of excess flamethrower fuel to power a civilization. Then they would industrialize and advance technologically to the point they could move said civilization to space and out of harm's way.

All of space is completely filled with ants, too.

Well obvs the Marine civilization would have figured this out early on in their space program and developed ant-proof spacecraft and robotics for external repair operations. Durrr