Write three positives and negatives about your country

Write three positives and negatives about your country

Czech Rep.
>Cheap drugs
>Beatiful and easy girls
>Nobody takes PC culture seriously
>Older generations are grumpy
>Shit economy
>People are less emphatic
(Also lots of gypsies)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Cheap bars with great atmosphere
>Entrepreneurial mentality
>Virtually no streetcrime
>Shitty postcommunist welfare mentality
>No respect for collective property
>Short tempered people

Hey there. I'm looking for a video of some cz alcoholics walking around in the street screaming. I saw it on youtube, but cant find it now. Can you post a link? You know the one.

OP here, we are almost exactly the same, you just have more gypsies tho

I've fucked a gypsy in Prague.

I would say Czechs are more the Germanic type of mentality, cool, organized, frugal and kinky, while Slovaks are more Hungarian type, explosive, emotive and risk seeking.

The gypsies are a marginal problem for most Slovaks. I think countries like France have a much bigger problem with them, because they do not know how to deal with them. I lived in Villeneuve d'Ascq and the gypsies basically made their own junkyard on about 3 hectares of city property, trailers, fires and all. The authorities did nothing more than put some concrete roadblocks such that they would not spread even further.

So many fellow czechs and slovakians on Sup Forums.. definitely agree on slovakia's cons.

Czechs and germans are too diff, all the germans are met were so cold, didnt have sense of humor, they were like aliens to me

>Culture and History
>Southern Girls are insanely hot
>Drugs and whores easy to find
>PC culture is invading us
>The entire north from Lyon to Dunkerque is a gigantic shithole, except Brittany. Except the PACA region matters.
>Parisians are absolutly shit people.

Gipsies are a problem in northern France.
There's basically none in the south.
Same thing for arabs: the northern arabs are cunts, the southern are far cooler.

Is Paris worth to visit?

No. I went there. It was shit.

Better booze than the US swill

East of Manitoba

Did you see any of the violence or is it over inflated MSM shit?

It depends on what kind of a traveler are you and how much money do you have. If you are interested in history and art, yes. If you are interested in partying, boozing, and hookers, no.

French guy here:
Absolutely. It's really a beautiful city. There's ton of thing to visit.
But the problems is the people in it: total dickhead who never say thanks or stuff.
Lots of gipsies begging for money.
Don't go to the 17,18,19 and 20th districts (arrondissements as we call them), they are the "ghetto".
2nd district is the "Marais" (literally the Marsh), the Gay AND Jewish district (another "ghetto").
But if you're looking for girls, go to Pigale and the Bois de Boulogne: hookers everywhere (and some traps in the Bois de boulogne too)


i love my college

stupid people
shit president
world hates us

nothin wrong with Trump. Stop believing the bullshit media. you have had WAY worse presidents.

There's only violence when the cops shoot a black (no shit) or when a terrorist kills 50 people.
It might have changed since the last time I went, but the whole "hurrr paris is as violent as detroit" is full bs

You have ghetto full of gay jews?

No, both gays and jews.
There's a legend that says that gays stick coins on the floor, and when jews come to take them, they try to finger them.


* Somewhat functioning welfare state
* Nice nature
* Low crime rates


* Idiots hellbent on ruining our sweet deal (PC morons)
* Terrible roads
* High prices for alcohol

>Did you see any of the violence or is it over inflated MSM shit?
I didn't see any violence, but nearly had to duke it out with a nigger who tried to scam me.

(also czech here)
search for "baník vs sparta huligans football" good stuff, i've been there once to watch


Hooligans are one of the most retarded people in the world

South Africa

>Beautiful landscape, seas. Mostly fair climate, few natural disasters
>Fairly cheap, apparently
>Insane range of flora and fauna

>Massive income inequality resulting in a wide range of problems
>Corrupt as fuck government
>Still developing, lack of modern facilities (nevermind that most of the population couldn't access it anyway)
>Bad infrastructure. Seriously...

Yeah, I don't like it here much. Probably a fucking fantastic holiday destination. To live? Maybe, if you're rich. Wouldn't place my bets on its future though.

Easy girls? Did you try to pick up some american teenage girl? You don't even try and you have naked selfie :D Of yourse you have to be teenage too. We fucked as rabbits on every single boring house party i have been. These are easy girls. In US are girls walking STD's

Hi, thanks. I like a good hooligan video as much as the next guy. But the video I am looking for has some people that look alcoholic/homeless/social misfits and they are seeming drunk and just shouting things at each other. At one point it was posted on every CZ thread. Nobody knows what I'm talking about here?

Unites States of America

>Easy to find a job and start a life
>Cheap food
>High value currency
>Incompetent leadership
>Low intelligence in southern states such as Alabama, Georgia, etc.
>Suffering infrastructure

You definitely must be a low life french dude to only recommend Pigalle and Boulogne for girls (let's face it, only hookers), and say that northerns districts are ghetto.
You, by any chance, wouldn't be living in the posh areas to state some dumb bs like that ?

>>Incompetent leadership
But pic related in charge now, so getting better.

>>Low intelligence in southern states such as Alabama, Georgia, etc.
Because of large negro population

Yes. Not the best, but still much fun. Awesome restaurants and bars (european top quality), funny people (depends, but average french ppl are fun), great places to see and to hang around.
And above all, really safe if you don't behave like a fuckin tourist. Go for it !

Well the girls are easy here if you have atleast a decent game


>Fairly safe, low violent crime, no natural disasters, no dangerous insects/animals.
>Beautiful, old, country, with interesting history and culture.
>Population is almost entirely Scottish or and those that aren't are mostly English or Irish. Any Foreign immigrants generally assimilate well.

>Not independent, but our leaders are so shockingly shit even if we were it would be an even worse state of affairs.
>Incredibly left leaning, try's to emulate Nordic countries. (This has its ups and downs but it's mostly bad)
>Oil dependent economy, when oil prices slump, everyone in the country takes a hit one way or another. (Government is currently working on diversifying the economy though)

1/10 bait, got me to reply back.

>Large negro population
Even the white people down there are retarded. Many of them value sports and farming over a formal education of any sort. Negro population is high in just about every major city.

United States of America

can own/carry a gun most places
cheap gas
legal weed some places

crony capitalism - subsidies / favoritism

bail outs for businesses that suck

Soon, pal. But not yet.

Did you mean this? m.youtube.com/watch?v=zZJYrnfcg7o

America here
>it's not in the Middle East
>we have good eatin
>allowed to own weapons

>we have niggers
>we have liberal minded commies

Yess! That's it! Thank you. Might I ask wtf it is btw?

Its a weeding of two homeless heroin and alcohol addicts

Ah, I see. But are they real or actors?

Its real

That's kinda funny and depressing at the same time. Well, I'm off to bed. Thanks y'all!

>We can drink tap water
>Everyone, everywhere speaks English.
>50,000 pubs?
>Run by a bunch of rich cunts who don't give a fuck about real problems and wants to ban and censor everything
>Le Brexit
>The weather

So you're a Republican but you hate Walmart? Lol

Je suis Corse

Yeah it is. They are all dead now btw. Gn

Hey Russel, your comedy sucks

czechfag here. yak se mas?


>land of opportunity
>muh freedoms
>cheap land and food

>for profit healthcare
>idiot voters
>idiot leaders

lol u fucking retard. its yak ce mas

i'm a texasczechfag, you faggot

do u use shampoo?

i shave my head with a razor


>Wide and varied culture, beautiful land across country
>have gun will travel - if you have means, the sky is the limit for you
>some things are inexplicably cheaper here (food, gas, etc. but unfortunately not housing, education, healthcare, etc.)

>patriotism is a cult, people see "freedom and justice" as a given, rather than something that has to be maintained and protected, and so they don't maintain or protect it
>people are slow to move and slow to change, less adaptable to rapidly-changing post-industrial world
>exploitative upper-class uses "freedom" myth to remove barriers to exploitation, lower-classes support this because they believe they, too, will one day be in charge and exploiting

i agree with these but i think czechs and germans share a political stoicism, they could make tragic things sound like humour. Kafka wrote with a very similar mentallity like čapek but one took dark matters withe ease and the latter funny matters seriously