Post your current wallpaper

Post your current wallpaper

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For when you realize desktop backgrounds are meaningless

i cant. im the only one who gets to use it.

Very relaxing





well it says file is too big when i upload the original but here have it as a link if you want it.

Couldn't find the original scaled version for my pc, but this is the wallpaper







fallout 4 so realistic graphic

Ehh seems kind of tacky but passable
Bland and boring
Standing on the edge of the knife there
Cool if you're under 15
"Standing on the edge of the knife there"
Actually pretty good
Weebish, but if you're into it cool
Not too edgy, not to bland, but pretty cool
Generic Wallpaper 30010
Artsy. Cool
unexpectedly funny.


>2017-03-18 10-58-41.png





my favorite, haven't changed it in forever.


wallpaper engine - best 4 dollars ever spent



a bit of cuthulu


< External monitor


Oh hey I used that as a wallpaper for a while. I love pink and green. neons and pastels, so 80s. here's my current

Honestly i just use wallpaper engine

Gotta love US History

worst wallpaper in this thread
would look better without the "cuthulu"