I am feeling the need to be roasted. Give it all you got. Don't hold back. I want my ego to hurt after this

I am feeling the need to be roasted. Give it all you got. Don't hold back. I want my ego to hurt after this.

Hey nice shirt

I like your hair

Off to a fantasic start...

Obviously an athletic gentleman as yourself shouldn't find it hard to locate a suitable mate.

your room looks very clean

lol chin

You look very handsome I bet your girlfriend is happy

indeed, indeed

that's a sick game

Oh yeah... Nigger

I bet you have a lovely family

Finally someone comments on the game.

Easier to roast you after you show everybody your 5mm penis

So much testosterone flowing through his arms he is a true gentleman a based alpha nothing more to be said what a fucking champ 5/5

>being this uncreative

Pamaj looking ass noice trips though

You have gay

I can see that you seem to like the Playstation 1.
Whilst it was a bit underpowered compared to the N64 it had quite a good library with a lot of classics.
You my good sir have a very good taste in videogames.

If OP can't take the roasting he shouldn't have turned on the oven

Ace combat 3 elecroshpere
You have a good taste in videogames sir

R U A jew???


ok? ew.

How fucking original

not your oven post. saged

Faggot this faggot that op you massive twat

>fuck your trips.

Gun in mouth, brains on ceiling, corpse not discovered until the stench becomes unbearable, remains cremated by the state because no one cared enough to claim them, ashes tossed into a dumpster/ 10