Stop watching porn

stop watching porn

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no. fuck you.

My dick doesn't work because of the meds I'm taking so there's no point in watching porn anyway. Pic 'semi' related. See what I did there?

Fuck off, Varg.

are you mentally ill?

Are you?

yeah, but it's not the point. i know which drugs cause it, that's why i'm asking.

yeah,that aint happenin.

I'm taking a new SNRI that supposedly will keep me sick until I get used to it. I've been on it for 12 days and I literally haven't been hard since. I've got more energy but it's getting frustrating.

Say that to my face, bitch.

Quiet or I'll flail you with my mostly flaccid penis.

Dislikes Christianity but called Kristian, love for varg XD

oh man, i'm sorry to hear that... just try to survive for 2 more weeks and everything should be fine

Checked and thanks. I hope you're right.

kinda in the same boat.
escitalopram makes me "numb", but i can still get hard.

Numb doesn't sound great either.

I don't like the porn but the porn likes me


I'll volunteer for that.

i have, i'm on like week three no fap.

Kek @ fucking gay ass 10/22 stock. Kys faggot

Good luck.

you realise most spec ops units train to sneak up on people like you and take them out silently and efficiently

Yes you're very skilled in the the art of killing. We get it.


I don't think you know what that word means.


No, you...


Is this girl too young to be on cam?

The biggest power women have over men are sex, so fapping is the greatest act of Self-sufficiency for a man.

Fuck off faggot

You're angry because your life force is depleted.

You keep telling yourself that.

You know what? I think I will.

Stop role playing a viking you welfare forest troll

Trips of Truth