Can someone tell me whats the difference between a latino ,a hispanic and a native american?

Can someone tell me whats the difference between a latino ,a hispanic and a native american?

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the order we gas them

Are you 12?

Latinos are cunts, hispanics are cunts, and Native Americans are mostly cool guys. Unless they're either of the first two. Then they're cunts.

Simply put, rape products of spanish and portuguese men.
Only real spanish in Spain and real portuguese in Portugal are the real deal.

Get the fuck out of here you summerfag pussy

Latino refers to the ethnic populations of all Latin American countries
Hispanic refers specifically to Spanish-speaking or mixed Spanish ancestry
Native American refers specifically to the native populations of both North and South America, without mixed Spanish ancestry

No u

Google is your friend. Hispanic and Latino are sometimes used interchangeably, but there is a difference.

Hispanic refers to language. A Hispanic comes from a country where a person or ancestor speaks Spanish.

Latino refers to geography, specifically, to Latin America, to people from the Caribbean (Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic), South America (Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, etc.) and Central America (Honduras, Costa Rica, etc.). A Brazilian is an example of a Latino that is not a Hispanic (Brazilians speak Portuguese).

A Native American is an indigenous inhabitant of the Americas, before the European migrations. In less cultured times, they were called Indians.

The amount of european DNA they have

Yes meztizoes or mexicans rather are the relatives of spanish rapists. Try telling them that though. 60-70 percent of muslims are inbred as well.


keep crying about it pedro

Natives are the real deal man get ur white shit outta here

10/10 answer

retard, see


difference between latinos and Native Americans
the Native Americans got dicked by Spaniards

im Mexican-American.
father from mexico (wetback)
mother was born here (USA)
on my mothers side, both of my grandparents were born here.
all my great-grandparents were born in Mexico

capatcha related:
mexico neighbor

difference between latinos and Native Americans
the Native Americans got dicked by Spaniards and became Mexican


what's user crying over?

Latin is from Europe. (Of the Mediterranean). France, spain, italy, greece.

Hispanic Is of Spanish descent. Like Latin America.

Native Americans. Are the Mexicans, Bolivians, Peruvians, Paraguayans. The rest is mestizo with Spanish.

Mexico = latoinamerica = Spain ≠ Argentina, Uruguay (and south of Brazil)

Argentina, Uruguay = Italians who speak Spanish mixed with Irish and some other Nordic. But Italian dna predominates. Although some of black hair is born some equal blonde, by the grandparents.

South of Brazil = Argentina, Uruguay (but these speak Portuguese.)

Argentina, Uruguay, South of Brazil = USA, Canada. Europa.

yea argentina/uruguay has the most whites in latin america


>Argentina, Uruguay = Italians who speak Spanish mixed with Irish and some other Nordic
a quién quieres engañar?

I am from Argentina and I would like you to force my government not to give the nationality so easily. Because the Latin Americans take Argentina as a bridge to go to other countries easier. Or cancel visas from Argentina. We are filled with black our country! Help!

porque lo decis??

somos italianos bien mesclados con irlandeces. primero!. despues con un poco de nordicos.

a mi igual que a muchos me sale un poco colorada la barba como a Messi.

asta de la cabeza tengo unos pelos: abajo negro, medio rojo, y puna negra. como que el adn se vuelve loco y quiso hacerme colorado pero volvio a negro

learn english, fag

hay mucho español italiano fijate los apellidos no se si tanto nordico y despues de la segunda guerra tambien alemanes si te vas a cordoba (creo q cordboa no recuerdo) hay un pueblo q es todo aleman

sorry i no learn pirata. :)

i learn japanese, chinese. and now aleman

Argentina and Uruguai? Hahaha! If you say so.

eso de que hay españoles es mentira de la CIA. me fije en una pagina que muestra apellidos de los paises. y en el de Argentina eran todos españoles. ni uno italiano! jjaja!! ni chinos, ni polacos, ni alemanes... una mentira!

>i learn aleman
Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Is this girl too young to be on cam?

I have many Dominican friends and I like them very much. Are they considered Latino? Or Hispanic

igual hoy en dia estamos muy mesclados. yo soy cuarta generacion. tengo muchas razas en mi. de la mi abuelos paternos. polaca (abuela), italiano (abuelo), materno (aleman, e irlandesa).
aunque creo que eran mixtos tambien con otros nordicos.

dominicanos are zambos lol

african + nativo like north of brasil.

es asi? o estoy equivocado?.. la unica dominicana que conozco es paola miranda

I don't speak Spanish, which makes it difficult to deal with some of my Dominican friends when they are upset or need help

My Dominican friends are honest and reliable.
I am learning about different cultures and realizing that their habits aren't "wrong", just different.

place of birth obvoiusly

do you have a chubby sister i can bang?

new race: kuikuro of amazonas is like asians in america :D

sorry mi bad pirata idioma

im mexican
i have many chubby sisters


aleman, deuch, doitsu, german = nazis

send one to houston plz, i love chubby mexican girls

but im too lazy to drive all the way to Houston.
come to Austin

it a deal

or just go to San Antonio.
you literally can't throw a rock without hitting one

USA = alemanes la mayoria, italianos, e ingleses (estos son los que saltan del techo con carritos de supermercado..) despues la otra mitad del pais es inmigracion de latinoaemrica y chinos.

----google translate:

USA = most Germans, Italians, and English (these are those who jump from the ceiling with supermarket carts ..) then the other half of the country is immigration from Latin America and Chinese.

es asi no?..

i did that a few weekends ago, shit was cash

The English shit USA. "British little island little pool genes"
Watch "Police Activity" on youtube and only see Anglo-Saxons and African blacks. nor a Latin.

Lately I am watching as the "progress, socialists, communists" of the USA, vs "nazis, nacionalist, kkk"

Progressives, socialists, antifa, etc. Should be down to Latin America! And improve this breed. As they like it so much! They would also be helping to give a turn to the Latinos and contenting the other Yankees (kkk, nazi, etc.) doing the same to Latinos, exporting their Yankee culture to Latin America. Improving the area. Also must invest in Latin America, has almost infinite resources. And thus make them a middle class, because with entertainment and more education will have fewer children for logic.

yes fbi

please nuke mexico and centro-america.

A latino has a Mexican origin and will generally 'steal' jobs.

A native bitches about how it was here first and will generally just steal money from the government.

Nevermind, Latinos are not Mexicans apparently. I still bunch them together though.