Hey Sup Forums, What's this?

Hey Sup Forums, What's this?

Blister. Next!

A blister?

Looks like a blister.

Poke it with something sharp to drain the fluid

Not a blister. Looks like super aids. 100%.

Next time you spank da monkey use this.

too much fap

blister, what did you do to cause it?

You guys are stupid, those are fingers

cervical cancer


fuckin AIDS, faggot

It's disgusting.

Looks like a wart, not a blister

A pimple you Assclown


blister. pop it.

Can you be tan and have freckles?

It's cum that's stuck inside your finger, because you haven't fapped enough. Start fapping now before these pop up all over your body.

Don't do this unless it's bothering you. It's better to let your body reabsorb the fluid without potentially letting it get infected. If you do pop it, keep it clean and covered.

It's gonoherposyphylitys- the worst kind of AIDS

someone who's never worked a day in their life

A masturbation stone

Not enough Mana... Fap when you have more to avoid.

Looks like a finger to me

Aids. Have you touched a nigger recently?

Looks like epidermis to me.

Sphincter Herpes

Keep yer fist outta yer bunghole oi ?

lukks liek ehpuderrmuss too mei

hurr urrr derrrrr