White people tried to save their heritage, the Jews and Niggers wont let them...

White people tried to save their heritage, the Jews and Niggers wont let them, looks like its time to fight fire with fire. Fuck blacks and fuck their black history month and fuck Martin Luther Kang. Its time to start taking down Kang shit you know what to do Sup Forums.

MLK wasn't for this shit you tremendous faggot, he was peaceful, he wanted to peacefully UNITE all races as EQUALS. Black people today have forgotten his message, and are more in line with Malcolm X.

So really, you should be saying fuck Malcom X.

Fuck all niggers send them shit flinging monkey back to Africa where they belong.


>wah muh confederacy
you lost the war, get over it

Go back to Europe

>Being this butthurt about statues of treasonous people

>Dems: Hillary won the popular vote.
Trumptards: you lost the election. Stop being a pussy and get over it

>The civilized world: you lost the Civil War. Stop being a pussy and get over it.

Being this fucking retarded.


Im no Nazi you peace of shit. JEW media dick stuck so far down your throat, all you can do is call people Nazis. Regurgitated jew media bullshit get a life.

White heritage...

>implying all trump supporters are from the south
>implying a war over slavery and an election are even comparable

Its white history FUCK white history the only history that matters is black and Muslim and Jewish Muh Auschwitz, Whats worse is your probably fuckin white and just to stupid to see it.


That white history, was about people who committed treason and lost. They fought against the United States Of America, why did we ever put the statues up in the first place?

OP is just fat inbred. Probably blows sheep cock too

When niggers and people show up with mace and bats to run you off for a peaceful protest and you get called Nazis and bigots and slandered all over news media SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG HERE FOLKS. Its time to fight back now or soon it will be to late.

>you get called Nazis and bigots and slandered all over news media
For posting images like that, and the hateful rhetoric is why people call Sup Forums an alt-right safe haven

Except some of them actually WERE nazis


I don't know who you are, or who you think you are but soon you will find out why they were put there.

Truth hurts.
Pic related in language you can understand.

>when you go to a white supremacy rally and someone calls you a nazi and a bigot, SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG

naw sounds about right to me

It was all a dream
I used to read Word Up magazine
Salt'n'Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine
Hangin' pictures on my wall
Every Saturday Rap Attack, Mr. Magic, Marley Marl
I let my tape rock 'til my tape pop
Smokin' weed and bamboo, sippin' on private stock
Way back, when I had the red and black lumberjack
With the hat to match

True. Freedom of speech is just what it says. Freedom. An armed group trying to prevent that through fear and violence would be called terrorists if their beliefs were slightly different.

So what? The Voltaire's biographer summed up his view as
>I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it
They have a right to be heard, same as you.

They were put there to piss off niggers

Whatever you say you unpatriotic faggot.

See thats the regurgitated jew media you ate for breakfast coming back up. It was a protest of taking down statues. And white people have every right to be proud of their heritage and proud to be white that doesn't make them Nazis. And yes some mentally ill white people identify as Nazis just like some mentally ill Libs identify as trans they are both equally disturbing and annoying.

>some mentally ill white people identify as Nazis just like some mentally ill Libs identify as trans they are both equally disturbing and annoying.
That moral equivalence is absolute trash, just like you white boy


I feel so misinformed. Where should I go for my up-to-date unfake news? Breitbart? Fox?

Do it faggots.
Discover that lead peirces republican skulls the hard way.

I fucking wish, if everyone went back to their own country's the world would be so much happier.
also Sultreans so go eat a dick.

>implying that some people deserve more respect than others
>implying I don't know that op only says faggy things because he is a fag

I like how you forgot to mention it was about a statue of a racist traitor.

civil war II is coming. you can all feel it.

BBC CCTV Any news network thats not hosted by the Jew owned media.

This. Also, Malcolm X was actually really cool and had a really cool backstory if you read the book his daughter (I think) wrote about him. I'm not saying I agree, but tbh he was a pretty rad guy after he got out of prison

>implying a war over slavery and an election are even comparable
>implying it was a war over slavery
>implying you don't know the only reason slaves were freed in the first place was to destroy southern businesses and bolster the norths army supply of bullet fodder
l2history you fucking retard. better start reading quick, they're already destroying the facts and truths of that war.

>You as if there are any confederates left
Everybody knows the confederates lost the war you dumbass, op obviously isn't a confederate. He just wants the other races to stop shitting on white men for stuff our ancestors had done. It's not like we control their actions. Or at least I assume it's what he meant.


> to run you off for a peaceful protest and you get called Nazis and bigots

Gee. I wonder why?

Could it have something to do with the guys waving swastikas and yelling "Seig Heil"?

Nah. Couldnt possibly be that, could it, you fucking Nazi sympathiser.

It doesn't matter its a part of white history. 500 statues of martin luther kang and a martin luther kang street on every corner, paid for by the whites, to keep the niggers dulled down and docile fuck them stupid monkeys let them build back their own statues and work from now on.

>be peaceful protester
>have a group of faggot retards divert attention from your cause because they're using the most obvious bait possible
morons. it was all fake and gay anyway

>they only wanted to free slaves to benefit themselves
>implying that makes fighting to keep slavery okay

Malcom x was a bitch that sucked the Muslim dick and sold niggers out to the Muslim brother hood. All you niggers are played and traded like playing cards literally.

Wasn't nigger month in May or some shit? Fuck those apes.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>White boy
Why not come up with something original or just stop assuming you're better than everybody, jesus christ. This site turned from a bunch of fags who hate themselves, and sometimes did funny shit, to a bunch of narcissistic pricks who think their hot shit because their ego is through the fucking roof. If you don't have an actual argument, kindly fuck off.

This is a real dirty trick schlomo.

Sadly, I'm sure there are probably a few brown shirt retards dumb enough to bite on this, chimp out and discredit the right wing.

PS: MLK was pro gun and socially conservative. You want to fuck with a statue go fuck with that statue of Lenin in Seattle. If the leftists want to get upset about you defacing a statue then make it a statue of a commie tyrant.

I'm not a nigger btw. I liked the book and I think there's nothing wrong with fighting for civil rights as long as you don't take rights from others. Of course I agree more with MLK, but I just think he was a much better person after his prison sentence.

Sure, it's part of history. A shitty part that doesn't need to be glorified with monuments of racists.

Little white racists will get rek'd
show them no mercy!
its open season on alt right
little white inbreed racist,
will get rek'd, you will be posted
on bestgore, your racist site.

No they're all niggers and we should fuck them all to death.

Yessums mastah, we was kangs!

all niggers must hang.

Rights are anything but civil. Any right that has ever been attained and maintained was done so by force. Civil rights are not rights. Thats a Jew term made up to confuse stupid people into believing they have rights.

We need to cull the black apes and put their women in the factories and brothels

the alt-right is a meme

Your girlfriend has testicles, get over it



You fat, toothless fucks killed 2 Sheriff's Deputies, and 1 Patriot

So far you're off to a horrible start.

Anyhow, we only care about the 1 woman you killed.

we take 100 for 1.

Big talk for someone that had their tendies burnt in the oven..... You fucking neckbeard

The fact that cuckservatives still bring up the election as an arguing point against libtards is truly pathetic.

every time you blame the jews, i cackle a little more inside that its working and youre powerless to stop it

The fact that anything that is conservative in nature equates to being a Nazi make a a whole fuckton of sense. . .

no you're racist because you wave a nazi flag and a confederate flag, while saluting like a nazi and saying racial slurs.

i don't think voting was the worst part of any of this.

>Republicans: "Muh freedums of speech mean I get to beat blacks with a stick!1"

See when you inbred, inhuman creatures decided to be Nazis and Islamic terrorists, you lost all moral highground.

Now we're going to treat you like Islamic Terrorists. They beat people with sticks. And run into crowds with cars.

And thats another fucking thing thanks for mentioning that the tragic death of two fine police officers. What the fuck how can any retard blame anyone at the protest for this. They where heroes and patriots i agree. But relating their deaths to this incident is just full potato.

Not treason. Legally, the US was in the wrong for prosecuting the war. There's a reason that all the confederate officers and politicians were never tried for treason. Nothing in the constitution says that the states have to REMAIN in the Union. It's quite possible that the Constitution was and is invalid simply because the terms of the Articals of Confederacy (the precursor to the constitution) never expired or legally ended.

This is EXACTLY what the war was fought over; power to determine who was allowed to tell people what to do.


Same fag.

they were only dispatched when the muslim terrorist Nazi honkey ran his car into the crowd.

and now they're dead. the alt-right killed them.

Never seen Milo ban anyone for enything except using abusive language.

Oh no, the Internet tough guy is here. Watch out.

>Nothing in the constitution says that the states have to REMAIN in the Union
It also doesn't say you're allowed to leave.

nice bait m8 they were circling the hole time my guess is shit was so wild they couldn't stop watching and forgot to check the gas gauge. But who really knows im sure the Jew media will spin it to be the mentally ill guys fault.

Ignore the shills. Racewar is what they want and it will make everything 10 times worse for whites. Red pill is what we all need.
infowars.com get woke k.

So? Do I need permission to be free? I choose not to participate in your shitty nation, all of the poeple in my area agree. What, are you going to enslave us in order to ensure our freedom?

stay bad mad bro.

Another thing you don't here the media talking about other than in a negative way are all the armed citizens they cant stand that no one got shot everyone handled their selfs well and maintained with their weapons even though they were being maced and swung at with bats. Thats a real feat. And that just goes to show the control of the alt right.

Are you that stupid? The person is saying that Nazis are wrongfully accused of being Nazis.

No one is forcing you to stay, you can move to any country you want.

go to bed JEW

You're an evolutionary dead end

Sure. Me and all the folks in my state choose to make our own country. Fuck yourself, and stay off our lawn.

Mayhap. But he ain't wrong.

A country isn't much of a country if people can just take part of it and start a new one.

Ur culture is a lie.

they'd just been dispatched. you killed the Sheriff's deputies, son.

Funny, I thought that's EXACTLY how the US and a number of other nations came to be...

Almost died of a heart attack from the salt on both sides on this thread.

No nigger your culture is a lie. Now take your nigger ass back to Africa, where it belongs. PS i can smell your nigger stink from here.

Retaliation and escalation is a great way to ensure destruction. You're either a shill or a pawn mate.

Uh..... what? You literally are a Nazi.

The difference is they fought to take it and won. The south fought to take it and lost.

You must have a tiny penis

>you lost, get over it

you lost the civil war already man just chill out