Can someone explain to me what network calculations is and put it simply on how it works?

Can someone explain to me what network calculations is and put it simply on how it works?


help Sup Forums?



Could help if you provide background

or just tell me however you can. Went for a coffee the other day and a van suddenly stopped and backed up a bit I walked up to see and it had something Can someone explain to me what network calculations is and it had network calculations on the side with its company logo

I guess he is doing network calculations. What kind of van?

sorry that was a copy paste I went for a coffee the otherday and a van had network calculations on the side and its company name

it was a a typical white van with ladders on top of it

how does that work and why lol . Thought it was sketchy seeing it drive down the road and stop and back up a bit behind a building when it seen me

it's got me paranoid


To direct water to many users, municipal water supplies often route it through a water supply network. A major part of this network will consist of interconnected pipes. This network creates a special class of problems in hydraulic design, with solution methods typically referred to as pipe network analysis. Water utilities generally make use of specialized software to automatically solve these problems. However, many such problems can also be addressed with simpler methods, like a spreadsheet equipped with a solver, or a modern graphing calculator.

he noticed a manhole...
don't tell anyone about us ever again.

He installs routers

Thats what I thought. I'm sure the other guys would be more competent

Op here. Thanks but why would he stop and back up?


water was tasting a little funky so that makes sense

Sun goes up, sun goes down. So is

Are you talking about subnetting? You can use an online tool if you google it. Unless you actually have to know all that autismo fotlr an exam.

I just want to know where there was a van with ladder ontop of its roof with network calculation on the side of it





i can't

then why post