About to watch this
What to expect?
About to watch this
What to expect?
pure kino!!!
its dank!!!!
Awkward sex
Pretentious indie art house crap.
I liked it.
GOAT titties from the younger sister. Rest of it is alright
so kino
Dark comedy about a mom and dad that intentionally misinforms their children about everything in the world.
One of the better comedies of the past decade, but loses a lot of appeal after the shock of some scenes are spoiled. It's a quick movie however, worse ways to spend 90 minutes.
Sup Forums not giving you a legitimate answer, that's what to expect
russian lesbian hostage incest at the end the main character escapes AHAHHAHAHAHHA
Arturo Ripstein's work ripoff
The problems of homeschooling children and some very nice titties.
What was pretentious? I thought the plot was pretty simple.
A very small dystopia. Everything else is up to your subjective tastes.
My friend and I argued so much about that fucking ending that I think it soured the whole movie for me.
What was the argument?
It eventually boiled down to "can you work within the system to escape it".
I found the adventurous sister to be impressive in her non-rule breaking rebellion, and the movie itself to be an optimistic deconstruction of Plato's cave allegory, celebrating the innate human ingenuity and curiosity.
My friend saw it as a depressing, nihilistic story of futility. How pretty much no matter what we do, we are stuck in the way of thinking which was passed down to us for generations. He thinks that the only true way to break out of it and find your own path and happiness is to break down the whole thing and subvert everything you were taught. He saw the adventurous sister as a tragic figure who failed because she was unable to reach high enough and think outside the box.
an unsatisfying ending
On that note, why would they not teach their son that getting erection was something evil and something he should be scared of, instead of letting his fuck a hooker.
It's good movie with a lot of hiden erotism. You'll spend the whole movie wanting to see the two sisters fucking but won't happen. Bad ending.
Yeah, I guess it's a valid argument. I can't really tell now without thinking about it, because I had both opinions in my mind.
But wouldn't you consider the fact she is watching the tapes as "Breaking the rules"? They ended up in her hands by an "object of the cave" (the security girl) but still, she wasn't supposed to have them or watch them.
Are you a woman? Because erections happen. You can't do nothing. Plus if his father doesnt bring hookers he probably would have ended raping his sisters.
I watched an interview with the director which explained that it was a sort of a satire of traditional Greek values in which men are seen as entitled to sex. The parents will deprave their children of language, knowledge, and basic freedoms, but depraving a man of sex is just too taboo for them.
Deprive, I meant. Fuck I did twice too. Why do I only notice this shit when it's already posted?
its ok user,we know what you meant
I sure hope that was just bait, otherwise someone should retake their health class.
We argued about that too. I think the key is that the security guard is the object of the cave, and that the sister procured the tapes by playing by the cave object's rules. Plus we can't know if they were explicitly forbidden from watching the tapes. Their parents seemed pretty sure that nothing can penetrate their cocoon, it could be that they never planned for that possibility. It's a grey area for sure.
The sister that doesn't bash her face in is so fucking QT.
A film 10x better than The Lobster
dank kino
Cat scene is hilarious for some reason. Cat's just like wtf.
pleb filter, that is only plebs like this boring ass shit movie with literally no story.
do you think she realised you can't open a trunk from the inside
>that is only plebs like this boring ass shit movie with literally no story.
Yeah, that's exactly what a patrician would say and his argument why a film sucks.
tfw your life is exactly like this except self imposed
Scene toward the end where the sisters are dancing and the brother's just casually strumming his guitar like a based motherfucker, until the sister does some stripper dance or something and everyone freaks out, was such a cathartic scene for me. Everything toward that point had been quiet and silent and often unrecognized acts of rebellion against the parents, and then boom, its like the whole world instantly shatters cause there's not much the parents can even do about it.
those are some sad undergraduate interpretations.
i know, thats why I said it.
am I the only one who thought this movie was about greek economic crisis
the theme of this movie is that greek people have disgusting bodies
seriously, even the eldest sister who looks qt in clothes is just... wtf without them
What can you expect?
A movie that would pride itself on being an art piece when in fact it is completely devoid of any style. The acting is bland, but that's mostly because the roles are completely superficial and there is zero character development. No cinematography.
I'm gonna stop listing all the bad points here, because, really, the question is not what this """film""" is lacking but what it has to offer: a somehow original premise and some edgy incest scenes. That's it. No message. No exploration of themes.
This movie could have been made by a bunch of film school student, and, in that context, it would be acceptable. Not good, acceptable.
It's worthless superficial, artificial and, considering it takes itself seriously, sadly pretentious trash. No wonder critics loved it.
>zero character development
they all develop, what are you on about? eldest sister goes through doubt and curiosity before becoming rebellious, the son becomes more and more selfish and animalistic, and the dad becomes a bigger control freak
I never seen it but I can't believe a movie by Yorgos Lanthimos got nominated for an oscar
Is it really oscar material? because everything that guy makes is artsy fartsy shit
it's bland. Just bland. The fact that they decided to make it so the children play a mechanic, almost robotic persona doesn't leave any room for variations in acting.
The parents don't change throughout the movie, you imagined that. It's as if it has always been like that and it will never change. Not one thing has changed by the end of the movie.
it's litterally reddit: the movie. That's why redditor critics loved it.
The fact that this movie got nominated for an oscar really tells a lot about the state and mindset of cinema critique.
>daughter runs away
>nothing has changed
and the bland and robotic acting is a stylistic choice to emphasize that this isn't normal, to convey to the audience that what's going on is beyond weird, so that the disturbing feeling you get from their behaviour is amplified
>the bland and robotic acting is a stylistic choice to emphasize that this isn't normal
no, it's just an excuse for lack of creativity.
And yes, nothing has changed after the daughter runs away and dies, because the movie is made so that you never at one second start caring about what happens to any of these people. It is so artificial you cannot start beleiving in it one second, much less identifying with any of the characters. She was dead from the start. They all were. This whole movie is just one refrigerated corpse.
Thinking this movie is any good is a testament of aesthetical imbecileness.
The lobster was better
please faggot.
The Lobster's not great, but it's not THAT bad.
Dogtooth is litterally trash.
The siblings in this movie looked really slavic and not greek. Outside of that, the movie was alright.
Only good scene was the video tape one smack and the tits of the younger daughter.
Movie is trash. The Lobster is way way better. Alps was meh.
Found the Liberal Arts major stick-up-his-@ss film critic.
stop projecting.
Anyway, enjoy being a pleb. Ignorance is bliss.
Your explanation why they are robotic is, lack of creativity, doesn't really stick with the whole film which has a creative scenario. "Lack of cinematography" creates unease. Also, don't you think that under such weird circumstances you are not able to identify with anyone, only sympathize with them? Personally, seeing the children as victims of the control freak father made me feel for them, especially the older daughter, whose character unlike from what you think, develops over the film.
Not everyone. However, in your case....
Are you blissfuly enjoying your ignorance or are you projecting it.
BTW, I haven't watched this movie, but I found your first comment pretentious AF, so I had to comment.
Pray tell us what movies are not trash?
The scenario is not creative. There is hardly a scenario anyway, just a premise.
Anyway, I don't feel like discussing this movie anymore, it's really not worth it. Soon the whole world will have forgotten about this crap and it will be for the best.
Pretentious? You remind me of the movie idiocracy, where the main character speaks normally and everyone feels insulted.
Some good films? Pretty much anything by Jodorowsky, some things by Aronofsky, like The Fountain for exemple. Some things by Refn. Definitely not dogtooth.
I disagree, but I understand how it tires you discussing things you don't enjoy/like
actually, it saddens me to discuss shit. I feel like we're discussing wether BvS was kino or not. I'm too old for that shit.
Of course!!
Jodorowsky and Aronofsky on acid!!!
Pretty pretentious directors for people who do drugs and get so high that everyone else is pled-tier!
Blissful ignorance indeed!
I don't even know what you're trying to say but ok, whatever. This conversation is so tiring it's gonna require a paycheck for me to keep at it.
Enjoy tarantino, game of thrones and zack snyder.
You assume too much.
I don't even watch the garbage you listed.
Is English your first language may I ask?
lack of eroticism
you are meh but your friend is a raging faggot
Fantastic film, one of my favorites
because you need to give carrots with the sticks. people that are too repressed are more likely to rebel
in what health class do they teach you that erections don't happen?
real qt
Anyone know what format this was shot with? The image quality is beautiful. Looks like 16mm?