Are you supposed to wear underwear underneath pajamas or no?

Are you supposed to wear underwear underneath pajamas or no?

no, you're supposed to wear your sister's dirty underwear over your face

Who the fuck wears pajamas, just sleep in your underwear. Or better yet, sleep naked.

You aren't supposed to wear pajamas at all

>sleep naked

I would cum in her ass so hard

It's a fictional character, faggot. God damn.

Wearing clothes to bed? What?

Well I wear athletic shorts to bed, but I also wear boxers underneath them too
Am I doing it wrong?

I just sleep in panties, pajamas are too hot. If it's cold out, a t-shirt and panties.

I wear diapers under my pajamas

>wearing clothes in bed

depends on if you have a clean vagina nd butt fi you don't you shouldn't...
tacky as heck if you don't.

>implying VR porn isn't happening soon
my dick will be in her pooper soon, just wait

Would a diaper be more acceptable?


Depends on how cold it is and if you expect to get some.

Also helps if your toilet is not close to your room and you might need to pass by others on the way to it

I just sleep in shorts
even though my room is clean, I don't want to risk crawlies crawling on my junk at night

wearing anything while sleeping...

Proceed where? Im in bed, it was really more of a rhetorical comment. But I do have this, ok? And its too damn hot for diapers and footies right now.

>Sleeping in a bed


no underwear under the pajamas

Im dressed like the one in blue. Diaper, plastic pants, footsy pajamas. Paci too.

> try to sleep nekkid
> wake up to find dick in a knot
> pubes are all twisted around it
> like the washing machine does if you leave string in it
> end up painfully yanking pubes out
> neveragain.exe

Boys wear boy clothes. How many times do you need to be reminded of that, Thomas.

Medically you should sleep naked to air it out down there but everyone's different I sleep naked every chance I get and it feels really nice

Hope you have good air conditioning, kek

Diaper and a onesie for me during the summer, or just boxers