Hey /b

Hey /b
Today I went smoking with my sister, our mutual friend, and these three boys whom one of them was my ex. anyways we were smoking weedis
I was purposely taking pretty big hits and not coughing trying to be cool and shit. which was recognized (aye) but thats not the point
Later my ex pointed out how i was being so quiet and i was like "im just vibing" but it turns out i definitely wasn't just vibing
later we stood up to go (my sister and friend) and I was pretty wobbly and shit
my friend (lets call her G) and my sister were walking pretty fast and went ahead a bit
the boys were walking behind me i remember them saying how i was being all wobbily and were trying to help me up the hill
when all of the sudden
all i remember is my eyes being open but not being able to see.
Apparently I fainted and landed on one of my guy friends who then carried me intel i was a lil aware and asked him to set me down.
He set me on the ground and I then began to have what my sister thought was a seizure
My sister and i know what seizures look like since my dad gets them sometimes when he has low blood sugar.
Iv'e never had one.
My friend G and my sister and those boys helped me get to the car and my sister drove to some parking lot because I was about to throw up and we had to pull over.
WE pulled over and I began violently throwing up- like the kind where you cant control it and are like yelling while you puke and shit.
anyways ive never had a seizure before but latley if been having trouble with my wording and stuff. my dad is a diabetic and he gets seizures so maybe I got this trait from him? I also know ive been SUPER dehydrated (like i rarley drink water EVER) and i read somewher that it could be that. anyway does anyone think they kno what happened? I just want some ideas.
pic related its me

Drink more water and chill on the weed. Too much too quickly, especially if you have a poor diet and the weed is not grown properly it can cause a chain reaction.

You have aids. Full blownsies

I've had similar things happen to me. It happened a lot more when I was a teenager and it's lessened over time (my weed use has stayed pretty constant). It's most likely a combination of factors. I always chalked it up to low blood sugar and dehydration combining with holding your breath and inhaling a bunch of shit that your body doesn't really want to deal with. Just try to take care of your body and don't overdo it and you should be fine.

Go to brag about your social life somewhere else.

Yeah you're probably dehydrated, now show us your tiddies pls

Sounds like low blood sugar. Weed does that to a lot of people, but not usually that bad. Make sure not to smoke on an empty stomach, and drink some gatorade or eat some candy when you smoke so your blood sugar doesn't tank.

Also the seizure thing sounds and looks scary but I don't think it's an actual seizure. I say that because I've been partially conscious as it happens and it just feels like my body is rhythmically swaying. I saw a forum post about this a year or two ago saying that what's likely occurring isn't a true seizure but I don't have the source right now. Do some googling, you can probably find it.

its called getting "greened out" look it up, its basically when you get too much thc

Acute Hypovolemia would be my guess. I'd still go to a Doctor and get your Hemoglobin A1C checked.

Here you go OP. Vasovagal Syncope. Pretty much just fainting that can be accompanied by jerky limb movement. Actual seizures are much more serious, but I'm betting this is what happened.

Don't you faggots know there are no girls on the internet?

Drink water faggot, who doesn't have a nice tall glass of liquid when they smoke Satan's grass.

For fucks sake. If you need medical advise see a doc or web MD. You have 2 options here tho...

ya op here found out that this is called a whitey and happens to alot of people when they smoke to much good weed at once (their blood sugar goes crazy)

>Vasovagal Syncope
you right af

The exact same thing happened to me a few days ago and has been going on for a while. I took two large bowls barely a minute apart before my ears started ringing, my vision dimmed, and I was woken up by my pals who were saying that I was conked out and shaking. I'd take it easy if I were you. Or at least give yourself some time between hits.

What is this faggot shit?

a bunch of pussy pandering faggots being nice to a girl cuz she posted.

if this was a male you'd be trash talking him and running mouth abouty how much of a dumb faggot he is for being so stupid.

And if any of you pathetic thirsties attack me or try some oh user stop being a woman hater and other buzzwords i'll piont out no faggots you know damn well it's true you'll shit all over a guy if he posts but the moment 4/10 vagina like op shows up you guys suddenly are being nice and polite and helping her and not talking shit. So anything you say at me just proves you're only in LEAVE MLADY BE mode you sad pathetic thirsties
jeez the god damn thirst is real

or there just nice people, chill out man

I agree my brother from another mother...see...

>im just vibing
stopped reading there

yeah thats exactly what happened to me, im just glad its kinda a normal thing and im not dying lol

what else are you suppose to say when your just chilling and want people to leave u tf alone vibing is known for just meaning im fucked up and loving it leave me alone- so

>like i rarley drink water EVER

Answered your own question. Happened to me once too, gotta stay hydrated when doing ANY drug. I drink a half gallon to a full gallon of water throughout the day now. Also started taking 5-HTP vitamins, both do the trick. Never had that occurence again and smoke a fuck ton


nice thanks

my puertorican friends call it "la pálida".
hydrate yourself if youre gonna smoke.

def, enjoy!

He should have started fucking you during"the seizure". He probably would have cum fast. Try that shit around me next time... I'll take good care of you.

>or there just nice people

you already didn't gtfo.

Hey /b
Today I went smoking with my sister, our mutual friend, and these three boys whom one of them was my ex. anyways we were smoking weedis
I was purposely taking pretty big hits and not coughing trying to be cool and shit. which was recognized (aye) but thats not the point
Later my ex pointed out how i was being so quiet and i was like "im just vibing" but it turns out i definitely wasn't just vibing
later we stood up to go (my sister and friend) and I was pretty wobbly and shit
my friend (lets call her G) and my sister were walking pretty fast and went ahead a bit
the boys were walking behind me i remember them saying how i was being all wobbily and were trying to help me up the hill
when all of the sudden
all i remember is my eyes being open but not being able to see.
Apparently I fainted and landed on one of my guy friends who then carried me intel i was a lil aware and asked him to set me down.
He set me on the ground and I then began to have what my sister thought was a seizure
My sister and i know what seizures look like since my dad gets them sometimes when he has low blood sugar.
Iv'e never had one.
My friend G and my sister and those boys helped me get to the car and my sister drove to some parking lot because I was about to throw up and we had to pull over.
WE pulled over and I began violently throwing up- like the kind where you cant control it and are like yelling while you puke and shit.
anyways ive never had a seizure before but latley if been having trouble with my wording and stuff. my dad is a diabetic and he gets seizures so maybe I got this trait from him? I also know ive been SUPER dehydrated (like i rarley drink water EVER) and i read somewher that it could be that. anyway does anyone think they kno what happened? I just want some ideas.
pic related its me