It's our year

It's our year

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Enjoy your CL final loss to PSG.

100% agreed

did higuain ever win anything?

Literally only La Liga.

porto will ditch you out

Who can even stop us?

Only Napoli.


Do it #ForHim

at least he raped anally to pepper throwers

oh please, they dont need Higuain to lose CL finals, they alredy did so more than anyone without him

>Juve will win CL before official rebranding takes place
New logo BTFO

Didnt he win a coppa italia/supercoppa with Napoli?

One could argue that this squad is stronger than the 14/15 CL Final team. At that point Pirlo was already finished and Vidal out of form. Higuain + Dybala + Mandzukic >>>>> Morata + Tevez. Evra was a starter back then, for fucks sake.

>ABJs will be eternally BTFO

Dybala is fucking handsome


Reminder Sevilla is twice the team Porto is, Juve in quarterfinals already

wouldn't even be mad

Slav genes

i think this team is better, but Juve lost finals with even better teams (2003)

>tfw I have a lot of the same features but not nearly as handsome

Hard to say what it is, but he looks charming af

But You can't buy referees in champions league

that's bullshit
Barça do all the time

>Barça do all the time
and they lost 4-0 today

Well it was a very close match, and no one is going to dispute '00s Milan's quality. No shame in losing in penalty shootout to them, though it could have been a different story if Nedved in his beastly form wasn't booked out in semis.
The point is that the big teams (Bayern, Madrid, Atletico) aren't so convincing and Barca are already out.

it's not over, dat second leg is gonna be hellish

It's his aggressively heterosexual alpha aura

tfw buffon is not your dad.

Why live lads ;_;

what about this

I was there ;_;

>you will never share 20 pizzas with Higuain

why live?

What team is this?
JEEP? Are these refs?