Post your job and salary/wage

Post your job and salary/wage

>UPS driver

>Professional shitposter

>Preschool custodian

>Local Pizza delivery (no name chain)
>$5.25/hr + 100% of tips

How many hours a week do you work?

>Ass kicker

$18/hr + $6hr loa

There is no such thing as a 40 hour work week at UPS

Correctional officer. $24/hr and an average of 20 hours overtime each week

>General Manager
>$100,000 AUD Salary

$75,000 base salary + bonus

Is your wage typical for a ups driver?

>Dick sucker for weed money

Knife salesman/demonstrator
400-2000/week depending on sales

It varies by region I believe. Depends on union contract agreements. I'd assume no less than $30 for top scale at most or all locations for full time drivers

Kitchen knives or neckbeard mall ninja shit?

Man whore. Fuck women in a 55 and up community. 200-300 a pop 2 or 3 a day. All word of mouth.

I hear it's really tough to become a driver. That basically you do bitch work and wait your opportunity to become one and that they go by seniority

Kitchen m8
Fuck dat neckbeard shit
However taking money from dumb neckbeards might be fun...

no shit. what does that usually come out to in a year?

I think about death everyday.

Software Dev
100k after 6 years of exp.

>Professional guitar shredder for a Black Neo-classical industrial death metal band out of Kansas
>2.7-3.5k a day with sundays off

Computer Engineer

Confirmed. Can take 1 year, could take 4+. Entirely depends on how big the building you work at is and when people quit/retire.

>>cloud solutions architect
/hr + bonus

Frack support, 580 a day.


>pizza driver
>minimum wage + tips
>mfw I can make 400+ working 3 days

Ups ain't making that kind of money. This retarded faggot probably averages it with his overtime. This nigger makes like 28.65

>As fuck

Pastry chef at dairy Queen
$9.75 hour

$4263.00 bi weekly, csx train engineer


this seems more like it..


wtf.. what state are you in? I'd gladly leave the post office for this.. Please don't say New York.

fuck off ups

My eyes are getting weary, my back is getting tight, I'm sitting here in traffic on the etc
Are you Doug Heffernan?



No fucking way this is real. Do you get benefits?

Independent industrial consultant.

$15,000 per hour.

how do you like getting ass raped in taxes after working your ass off?

How are the schools there?

> Software engineer
> ~$90 per hour

>CNC Machinist

5.25 what third world you from?

Absolutely, yes. Way better than anyone else I know. And union dues are only about $90/month

It's about the same as anyone else. Does it suck? Yea, but there isn't anything I can do about it

If you stay out of inner city Minneapolis/St. Paul it's better. No Somalians and few Mexicans

Fuck off nigger 35 shekels an hour to drive a truck, carry a package a few feet and say hi please sing here. now I need to go demand a raise tomorrow or start looking for a new job.

ship tires to fags
11.00 an hour

I call bullshit. I know tons of correctional officers. They make like $10/hr.

>UPS driver
>29.85 hourly

Hit top pay of 34 this coming April

I should add that i'm allowed to whatever i want between cycles and can just look at my phone and shit. as long as p arts are being run.

>cougar collector, make $7000 a month

80$ an hour, self employed web designer

>Arbys drive thru cashier
>$7.60 per hour
Fuck fast food

>FedEx Driver

>maintenance at popular sports good store



> software master race

2nd grade innercity school teacher, 12 hour work days comes out to about 13 dollars an hour. I have 30 kids for 8 hours so it comes out to about $3.40 per kid for 8 hours of babysitting. Works fucken great.

>weatherization technician
>$23.03 - $65.68 depending on prevailing wage task

>hotel reception mmanager
>$500 /month
welcoome to honduras


Nope hessler world wide m8. Better and cheaper than cutco.

I fix stuff at your mom's house
23 hour

Bullshit. UPS sucks balls. Dropping a box should be no more than tree fiddy an hour.

Weatherization of low income homes in California. Piece work 5 days a week 2 Saturdays a month. 65,000 to 73,000 a year.

HR manager at the UN. $170k/annum

pre-k has janitors?

West Virginia.

Gas Station Worker

600 a check if I'm not stupid

can confirm, i work the sunrise preload in a hub. Just waiting for a position to open up

>processor/phone rep for a federal student loan servicer
>$16/hr with unlimited overtime at $24/hr

Our 3rd year drivers only make about $25. Interesting.

It's through a private company with a high level contract. Sgts get 26 an hour and Lt and above are salaried.


customer support for a SaaS company

Which area in WV?

exec salary cock

You guys are idiots. Just biding time until a bunch of niggers hijack your truck and cut your nuts off slowly in an abandoned crack house.

cashier 10/hour+tips

Teller at a Credit Union

Drivers make a shit ton of money

Soros paid social media shitposter. $600 a month.

Wow, WB splurged for their own stoplight.

>most likely 7, 8 $ an hour
i take too much time working on my shit probably, since the pricepoint for illustration is normal.
Still i manage to do between 2k and 3k monthly, that in the shitplace were i live are more than decent money

>10k $ a month

Can confirm it's true. You work your way as a sorter for like 3 or so years.

>Safeway fruit cutter - 10.50/hr
>Private music instructor 37-50/hr based on distance from my house.

Sometimes longer. My mom's exbf was working for 5 years before he got to be a driver just a couple years ago.

>Thinks little shit stains don't need maids

22.50$ an hour costco

They also drive like fucking maniacs to make quota. GPS logs every turn the truck makes, distance, and how slow you are at delivery. They pay peanuts compared to profit made. Over 60 billion dollars in 2016.

How often do you have to clean shit off the floor?

not sure if trolling are retarded?

>Drivers make a shit ton of money
Yeah, but it's basically impossible to become a driver. I think the only official "in" UPS has for becoming a driver is to apply for holiday driver helper, and even then it's like a 99% chance you won't be kept on after the holidays. There's a myth that sorting facility workers can work their way up to becoming drivers but I've only ever met one UPS driver who actually did that, and he was in the sort facility for 9 fucking years.
Seems like a great job. Impossible to get though. I'm still at a loss as to where all their drivers actually do come from...

It's a cush job though. My friend is a fleet mechanic at UPS working on the gasoline versions of their trucks, making around 33$/hr.