Have you ever recognized someone you know on Sup Forums? if so, who?

have you ever recognized someone you know on Sup Forums? if so, who?

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I went to high school with some girl who posted nudes on Sup Forums and then user found her full name and address (I didn't provide it)

recognized my ex gf sister

blackmailed her and we ended up hooking up several times

moved away so I don't see here anymore, but she said i was the biggest she'd ever taken.

that was 4 years ago. good times

fake news

which state are you from? this sounds familiar

Saw a friend of a friend on Sup Forums some topless were posted, immediately recognized her

Arizona, girl was Stephanie Semple. It sounds familiar because it's happened literally thousands of times.

did you save them? what'd she look like. very jealous

You got me there bud

Yes. On tumblr. Someone posted her pics on myex. She was a friend of my exs. She had a kid with someone I went to hs with. Nice tidy little body on her.

my former teacher

One of my exes did some light kink photo shoots a few years ago, and every so often one her pics shows up here. Not exactly a scandal, as she posted the tamer ones on her own FB, but still funny to see other people get worked up about her. I get it. She's stacked as fuck.

post em?

OF course I have them, wouldn't get rid of them ever

Girl named Gabby. A friend of mine posted her pictures to pornhub when they broke up, and they ended up being used as banner ads for like 3 years afterwords. I don't know for sure, but we think she was underage at the time of the picture being taken, but I never asked the guy about it.

post em


Yes i have, my daughter

Only my wife.
people reposting claiming ex's






More of Sarah please


Oh you know her eh


Artsy af just for some nudes


Got them on a usb somewhere. Cba looking right now. Her names katie rowley

I recognized her immediately.


eh not on Sup Forums but on another chan i had the reverse happen, I posted a pic with part of my face in it and a chick I went to school with recognized me and hit me up on Facebook later about it.

We ended up fucking a few times and then dated for like a month, but she was an addict and ended up fucking one of her roommates so I bailed.

Just have topless, heard there a full nudes somewhere, but never been able too find them

how hard did you fap?

That's everything

Chick I went to school with, total dumpster fire but she's filth...sooo

Believe it or not, because i still barely do - But i actually found my highschool teacher in a Pics you shouldnt share thread. I had to double take but i matched the earings and this scar on her hand, and i literally shat bricks. Didn't do anything about it though, was funny because her fiance (who must've posted it) is in the airforce and is sharing his gf with us.


I don't think so, but I did see a picture of a guy in a pony shirt wearing a diaper while in a crib that looks a lot like a guy I hate. It looked so much like him that if I ever see him again I might ask him about it.

This girl I went to middleschool and highschool with. See pics of her fucking a black guy posted all the time.

i did a reverse image search of all the images you gave and this was all I found tineye.com/search/68a77fee42dfd26d1b1a55b701c6a2ee154698f0/

Some posted a school mate of mine on Sup Forums....Linda Dinh...called her a milf

Her name is Candy Hersey (no joke) she has a battwinged heart tattoo on her tit. Shit was cash but I lost the pictures to a crash

She's not on the internet much, took me a while but I got these ones, there's more out there but never been able to find them but maybe you will

I've posted full body naked pics of myself with my face. I hope nobody recognizes me

Kill yourself


Went to high school with this OP and his sister. I had class with OP, he's a weird fucking dude. There was a rumor that he got caught one night stealing his sis' panties. I don't think she knows about this old thread.

I've seen a girl named Darcy posted here a bunch

Have now

I saw this dude I know named Christopher wearing a skirt and a tiara and shit. He was always into anime and all that but apparently now he wants to be the little girl. Pretty crazy.

My friend Sydney

yeah... post them.

Saw the nudes of a girl I know from school

post them

Cute. Nudes you say?

i think my friend is dating Madison deck?

That's definitely not Madison Deck

Deez nuts

I really wasnt sure

thats nuts
and believable

Yes, a girl called Nevada.


Like 4 girls I know did a photoshoot in bikinis about a year ago. 2 went to my (small) elementary school and they all go to a neighboring high school. those pics were floating around here for a while.

Post the pics?

Why lie to complete strangers. Your life must really suck. Fucking loser

these are 2 of the 4 girls but idk them they just go to some high school in my area

lol imma stupidfag my bad B here they are

Goddamn, have any more?

Yes, and my daughter and sister had some explaining to do

Found her on a state thread


Where ya from? Same thing here!


My friends sister

Come on, there must be more

I found pics of my ex gf posted on /s/ than eventually Sup Forums and they still show up from time to time. There's a bunch of them floating around and some of them are ones I took of me fucking her. I have no idea how they leaked, I deleted them 6 years ago.

Any nudes?

found her posted on one of the fb threads, same city, no nudes tho sadly, goes to bars and drinks quite often in nice tight dresses
