Can someone please explain the jewish problem to me? i really don't get it or why jews are scapegoats of nazis?

can someone please explain the jewish problem to me? i really don't get it or why jews are scapegoats of nazis?

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Jews are parasites who subvert, exploit, and ultimately destroy any nation that hosts them. They do this through the spread of materialism, post-modernism, and Marxism. They exacerbate and exploit any cracks or weak points in a society to turn people against each other, be it race, gender, class, or political ideology. They do this for their own gain, to keep others weak so that they may retain power and wealth.

jews are parasite destructives. and maque other parasites: feminist, gays, socialist marxist, etc. etc. etc. wars to kill whites. And distract from the Jewish problem. Distract from what they do to the whole world and to the Palestinians.

Tell me how it is possible for a Jew to have 999999999999999999999999999999999999999 USD ??

ok serious question here...

you mention:

>exploit any cracks or weak points in a society to turn people against each other, be it race, gender, class, or political ideology

isn't trump doing this now by not taking sides and pissing off a lot of people? is he a jew? or are the people pissed off all jews?

it's simple: it feels good when you can blame someone else for your problem instead of admitting that you simply fucked up in life.

so only white christians are the superior race? why do they act like such victims if they're so superior? why can't they just dominate as well as the supposed jews?

notice how the only people talking about the jew problem are complete failures in life (poor, no prospects, no loving family) desperate to blame it all on someone else. them, plus a few wealthier people who need a blind army of followers to make them even wealthier.

Jews are satanic. Therefore they promote the abortion of Gentiles. To eat their babies in satanic rites. Jews really hate good and Christian people ..

Trump himself isn't a jew, but he's definitely manipulated by jews (for example Jared Kushner). However, in general the rise of the alt-right and white nationalism is a reaction against jewish identity politics.

double dubs = truth

maybe if Jews didn't make everything so expensive. We could buy stuff and be happy

that's not a serious question, and you're being a retard.
You're an obvious shill.
fucking faggot cock sucker nigger spick kike cracker muslim chink

>isn't trump doing this now by not taking sides

that cunt is damned if he does or doesnt
he can either ignore it, and it blows over in like a week, or he doesn't ignore it, and anything he says will be skewed by the opposing media

There's really not much point in it, and I don't get why anyone would want to be president.

at least he isn't a cuck

trible dubs = game over, jews win again. good night

fuck I knew I forgot something


good night summer fag

We admit that the superiors are the Japanese!

North Asian> White> Latin> Arab> Black




start with this pic...them if your smart enough read culture of critique by kevin macdonald

En Ingles, Pablo

>Autisticly screams racial slurs
Argument won

Looks like I rustled your jim jams there schlomo



soy Argentino no estudio pirata!.

vos estudia castellano!





College activists and communists have wayyy more Jews than statistically reasonable. They seem to have this need to subvert. A kind of whining thing.

Not all of them by any means, but you can't argue with the numbers.

6 crazies does not a culture make

I wonder why Communists have a higher death toll than anyone but you can still support communism with no social consequences. Almost like it's been shielded by the people that promoted if.


Read the protocols of Zion

materialism and marxism are opposites, no?


They have far too much input on U.S. Policy. This serves, among other things, Israeli interests.

I think you spend way too much time on youtube




Any population will flourish if you kill off millions. The Nazis just seem to believe its tied to them being Jewish instead.

Another fallacious argument from another shitbird



The Bolshevik Jews told the Russian people and the Soviet Union that capitalism / consumerism was bad ...

The Jewish leaders of companies, etc. In the West, USA. They said that socialist / communism was bad ...


slack-jawed hill-folk have to blame somebody for their unrelenting poverty

many of them blame the globalist bankers aka the jeeeewwwwwws


>North Asian.

So the nomad chinks that live in Russia?

>their unrelenting poverty
as if somehow you're not a part of that

mother fucking jews!!


its a really interesting read, considering it was written over 100 years ago


Dumb hicks who can't get past the mcjob phase in life, and blame everyone else. And Jews are cheap bastards.

Don't forget the new meme: "it wasn't REAL communism!"

Revelation 3:9 ^
See, I will make those of the Synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews, and are not, but say what is false; I will make them come and give worship before your feet, and see my love for you.

>by not taking sides and pissing off a lot of people?
Taking sides on what issue user? Please be more specific in your questions.

remember to vote goyim



Ephesians 6:10-18 King James Version

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;


Jewish families tend to place a high priority on educating their children, hence a higher percentage of Jews being well educated and competent citizens. This threatens the average bullying moron type, who reads the intelligent and educated man. So the bully demonizes the Jew. Simple.

The Mongols are the same as the British. All children of parent fathers. sons of Genghis Khan

They are not. Watch this it will explain it to you.

>muh bullied jews
I wonder how that mindset could be taken advantage of

Sorry but that does not explain the overwhelmingly large percentage of wealth in the states that's held by jews compared to whites. Well jews are smarter on average? True. So are Asians. The discrepancy between Asians and whites is not NEARLY as large. The are also massively over represented in the media. It doesn't help that American jews swing far left on social issues that are very contrarian to say, Israel. What's good for thee, not for me.

>i really don't get it or why jews are scapegoats of nazis?
They were an "other" that lived along side the Christians in Europe. They were an easy way to distract the peasants from the real source of they problems. It worked all over Europe for years.

But look at America now : Bankers and stock brokers are literally stealing all the wealth and off-shoring every job worth while, but the so-called alt-right is rioting against women with blue hair.

If my people were nearly exterminated I'd go to some pretty crazy lengths to make sure that shit didn't happen controlling media and popular culture....honestly can you blame them?

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

Exactly. Real Jews want to be left the fuck alone.

Explain why they have been kicked out of 109 countries for the same thing.

Revelation 2:9 or 3:9 read it and understand

Enjoy your weekend

How do you feel about Satanists and Freemasons in real life? You know, the ones who don't do all that fantasy shit you just rattled off?

Looks like you guys are doing the job for Kim Jong Un

l think some of the left likes him more than Trump

Because Jews are so successful they make them feel inferior so they have to go around trying to convince everybody white people are the best.

Nazi retards are jealous of how rich and powerful the Jewish race is. Now modern day ignorant fools online spew antisemitism because they are weak and broke

Because they make up ~2% of the population and control a large portion of the media and banks.

But it's not some jewish plot. I own a few business in Fl and I know a lot of jews. They are just racist as fuck and openly favor other jews over anyone else and get away with it because "muh holocaust".

Shit like this doesn't help.

Ask how many Rabbi's follow the Talmud user.

>alt-right is rioting against women with blue hair.
they literally never riot.
the lefties have always been violent, riotors, and even murderous.

real issue they were protesting was the changing and destruction of american history.
some shithead gang members came and crashed the party, but they were still obedient and law abiding.
then the real party poopers came and violently attacked peoples constitutional right of protest
they're both shitheads, but one can be civilized and use the proper legal channels, the other are intolerant bigots who scream racist and violently attack anyone who shows dissent which doesn't fit their narrative

Domestic terrorists going to get cleaned up real soon.


They have mental disorders.

How does quoting the bible help your case? Especially the King James bible...the one with a mention of Unicorns.

Progressive liberal here.

lol so many beta males in one picture

someone talk bad about your beloved cock-leader.
you mad

Shhh. The autists are talking.

whats the source on the meme with the beta males