Why aren't burger this passionate about their sports?
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116 million tuned in to watch Superbowl commercials
checkmate yuros
what a fucking sausage fest
Sports are for entertainment, not to have fights with people. Fucking losers.
Who are they fighting?
the real answer is because poor people cant afford to get into the stadium
>He gets confused when he sees a brotherhood of men
Deserves a (you) for truth
because their teams are just franchises that moves around, there is no real city belonging. Also football is very frustrating for fans as there are few goals compared to sports americans watch. this frustration leads to anger and violence.
In other news PSG just smashed Barcelona 4-0
why don't euros every consider college sports when they try to give meme answers? why do they keep saying the same stupid shit over and over again?
We watch the game, not wave around flags and light up flares to distract us from how shitty the action is on the field.
Then why does college sports not have intense atmosphere like this?
No passion, can't even be arsed to stand up.
refer to the scoring explanation
because stupidity is not a passion
fucking embarassing tbqh. just watch the game and enjoy it. football """culture""" only appeals to 15-year olds who want to wreck shit and those who never grew up
no surprise you were a shitskin.
causing the game to pause because you throw so much confetti on the court is impressive? again, grow up.
Then you guess why Madrid always win...
sports are interesting tp the white man because they showcase a combined battle of athleticism and strategy.
you are entertained by many people making noise.
go back to turkey subhuman.
Lmao he doesn't know that the players react on the fans getting behind the team and chanting
Have you even watched the game? Do you even know that there is a home turf advantage because of the intimidating atmosphere?
How new are you to football?
>this frustration leads to anger and violence.
>getting angry and rioting over a childs game
why dont these poorfucks get a job?
I have nothing against singing songs and such during sports but it's a little pathetic when grown men are lighting flares and acting like savages, do they really think they are doing something important?
back in the 90's serie a stadiums were amazing, every sunday was a battle inside and outside the stadium, home or away
>Dancing and singing in a group is now savagery
Because there are more important things in life.
yeah the players in that video look really fucking thrilled their game is interrupted by ""fans"" who are just using the game as an excuse to get drunk and act loud in a crowd
If these people were black or brown people would be calling for their heads for being so unruly
what happened?
They actually do, watch the vid. The players are fucking stoked compared to their opponents.
Eh no
Ticket prices went up
more like we actually have logic and realize it is not worth it destroy your own city
How are they destroying it by dancing and singing?
cable tv, ticket prices went up, repression
>universal body language for "oh for fuck's sake"
Dancing around a fire or in this case flares without any choreography is indisputably nignog tier savagery.
fuck you
-another finnish
what a surprise. you keep the trash out and the place becomes civil. almost like there's a correlation HMMM really makes me think
it's almost as if unruly activities are primarily for those too stupid to do well in life in general hmm what an odd suggestion
joko tilasit netistä soihdut että pääset larppaan lädiä heti kun kausi alkaa?
there is no passion in american sports.
You do seem to refer to blacks, nignogs and brown people a lot in your posts
Do you have something bottled up? Maybe go to pol and tell them all about how you feel.
>celebrating when you could be watching a commercial with your family
Denmark assblasting all these faggots alone.
Keep up the good work brother.
if you want passion in american sports look at fucking college sports
>starting fires in the stands
>throwing flares on the to field
>10 foot tall fences encircle the field
literally beyond nigger-tier
yes they have
africa begins at the alps
>can't dispute it
>g-go to Sup Forums!!
Anyone wanna dig up that video of the american bball player and his bitch at a game for his new team in Greece (IIRC) and she looks terrified by the crowd?
It's a tip top lel.
>Dane innocently shitposts to try and bait Americans into responding
>gets pounced on and cannibalized by other Europosters
interesting thread
have never seen it, someone post it.
as for me, i dont really care if people are loud and sing, get drunk or even fight, as long as no innocents get involved or property gets destroyed. it can be a nice distraction from your everyday life.
The tomahawk chop by FSU is pretty cool, but they do it too much during a game which kind of kills its hype after awhile
because they're too busy being successful to bother with such retarded shit
Small time compared to us but congrats, I thought all euros were like asspaniards that wave little handkerchiefs and act like complete faggots.
Isn't your league the one where the fans bring cows onto the pitch? Embarrassing!
This is real #passion
wtf is this cultural appropriation bullshit, very ignorant
men fuck ohio state thats not passion. I mean all the shit they do in the south is more passionate
>thinks euroshitters can compare to south americans when it comes to fans
Their will to kill themselves after watching another tied outcome.
was probably confused because of the lack of niggers at a basketball match
>seminole tribe has actually approved it
without those handkerchief waving faggots you'd still be living in a mud shack pedro
that is if you currently aren't
I'm glad their are euros out there that are waking up to how dumb soccer culture is.
>being woke
uuuuuuuuuhhhhh...racist and sexist much?
That's really good, I genuinely thought outside of germans nobody else was like that in Europe.
The best ones in Europe are eastern European countries and turks. Germany dont even come close.
The Germans copied it from the Italians
I know turks are crazy, also greeks. Didn't know they were european, I can't locate them in the map.
It's a shame nobody ever gives any credit to African ultras, Morocco especially has some awesome fans
I actually worked as a football journalist in Brasil for a year so I've been to enough shitty atmosphere matches with annoying samba bands playing throughout while nobody pays attention to them or the match. Even Boavista matches have a better atmosphere here.
To be fair nobody even know Africa plays football
>AFCoN literally just finished
Mate they love it
I mean people outside of Africa
>there's no passion in american sports
>says the brit
better sit down so they don't cancel your season ticket la
he's never been to the Lane, the Den, or to Goodison park
>tfw was there
Did you get robbed
really made me think
why would you think that
Atmosphere is pretty hectic, nig nogs thrive in that type of environment and use it to hold people up at knife point and steal their shit 2bh
The synthesis of passion
i do wish we had passion like that
we just sit there and 'yayyyy go team go' and do the fucking wave, all these euro soccer teams have 90 different chants and shit
We don't have atmospheres like that because at every entrance and exit there are 2 police officers. And every officer has a gun. It only takes One motherfucker to get too close to the cop while being rowdy for a possibility of something bad happening.
Passion or insanity? Riots and hooliganism in the streets doesn't sound all that great. I don't go to a game to actually fight people. I'm all for more inventive cheers and chants at the games. Not all that willing to die for my teams. Especially because 1) they're all disappointments and 2) they just want my money and don't give two shits about me otherwise.
Maybe if they focused less on being hoodlums and more on paying debts, we mighty Americans might respect them a little more.
Good timing
>german """banter"""
>missing the point completely
Low test weakling spotted