Who here seeing the new Fifty Shades of Grey?
I for one loved the fist one.
Who here seeing the new Fifty Shades of Grey?
I for one loved the fist one.
>Dave Bouchard
Wew lad.
Dave Bouchard is salty af
Dave Bouchard is fuckin mad pham.
is he mad because she might be getting his dick and he's not?
What's his endgame?
Fucking Dave on FIRE!
Me and a couple of my fellow Shades enthusiasts went and saw the first one together. We now call ourselves the Zucchini Girls. We're definitely gonna see the next movie too, maybe even change our names to the Eggplant Girls depending on how we feel that night.
lmao fucking roasties
Characters that remind you of yourself
For me it’s Dave Bouchard– intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
kek David Bourchard rekkin' them fools
>you will never clean the cine after a screening of 50 shades and lick all of the cucumbers left behind
Ahahahahaa absolute madman! Also didn't ghis guy say he wasn't maming the sequel because he loved his wife or some shit.
Is he /ourguy/
Link me his facebook famalam.
Tell me about Dave.
Why does he wear the v-neck?
fb url = dave.ludlow.3
>actually watching movies
hell no, he's too patrician for Sup Forums
Why is he so fucking angry?
He seems like a sad lonely old angry at the world faggot. He's what happens when /r9k/ is allowed to live past 40 and is given the internet.
I bet you wouldn't say that to his face. He fought in the war.
holy shit i love this guy
People seem to respect him. Like in a "he's an asshole but he's our asshole" kind of way.
He didn't though. And I am on his Facebook about to start trolling him right now. If I can get him to meet me somewhere I'll get a bunch of my bros together and we'll throw rotten eggs at him and make him cry or something and I'll post it on youtube.
I am seriously hoping you and your faggot loverboys get your legs broken
Fuck off normie why can't you let us be miserable assholes and talk shit to you on the internet in peace? You already get the world outside of the internet now you want our world online too?
Now, I haven't watched or read Fifty Shades of Grey but isn't it basically just S&M porn for women? And not that there's anything wrong with it, I think it's lovely that there's no stigma around women enjoying pornography anymore but by that logic you might as well adapt that mildly pornographic story about a guy dating and fucking a bimbo I once wrote and it'd have about the same artistic merit.
Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
lel you live in our world faggot you don't get nice things.
It's literally a Twilight S&M fanfiction written by a fat tumblr chick that got popular with dumb housewives so she changed the names and someone gave her a bazillion dollars to publish it and fat dumb housewives ate that shit up. I've never read a more poorly written book in my life. It makes My Immortal look like Camus.
Only in your mind, because you just couldn't bear the thought of one of your beloved bumbuddies getting hurt
With your child mentality it's just a matter of time
Pls upload when it happens
You ain't gonna do shit, faggot. That old guy looks like he can kick your ass.
I'd watch an adaption of My Immortal if it kept the Harry Potter connection intact. It'd be fucking hilarious.
>/reddit9k/ faggot this triggered
How does it feel to know I shoot spitwads at greasy haired fat losers like you when I go to the theater and you never ever do anything about it and if you tried I would beat your fat ass so bad you would shit your sweatpants and get grounded by your mom you disgusting 30+ year old permavirgin pussy?
Right. We'll see if the coward will actually meet me somewhere.
Underage b&.
You ever listen to the dramatic reading of it on YouTube? Shit is top tier hilarious I recommend it highly.
Wrong again fatass.
You abnormies have to go back. Your kind isn't welcome here. May I suggest killing yourselves?
The fuck is wrong with Dave.
He's butthurt because he has never seen a vagina.
>projecting this hard
>being this triggered
Tryhard tween, you probably use the straw you got with McDonald's Happy Meal to blow your little spitballs across the dark theatre where nobody can see you, then you go home and snigger like teenage girls whilst you suck each other's dicks
Get a grip, you jumped-up little cuck
Lmao at all of this projection.
holy shit my fuckin siiides ouch
Keep crying /reddit9kucks/. Your lives are shit and you're upset because your lives are shit because you're a shit human being. Evolutionary failures.
You have to go back.
Post more Dave
You have some serious autism. You honestly think anyone finds this cool or funny? You honestly think someone here actually believes all of the bullshit you're posting?
If you think this angry old man is funny or cool you're worse than the dumb faggot you're replying to. Some fifty year old man yelling at celebrities he doesn't even know online? Embarrassing.
I never said I did, you retard. But at least this old guy ain't even half as insufferable as the wannabe tough guy ITT.
He considers 30 old, that should tell you something about the age of the faggot you're replying to. He probably found Sup Forums because it was mentioned in the news a few times recently.
I disagree. He's obviously some dumb kid shitposting anonymously on the home of shitposting. This guy is doing it on people's instas because he's a mad old asshole and his life got fucked somewhere along the line.
The guy is like fifty. Are you him?
Fucking hell is this what American cinema seats look like? They're dirty as fuck.
>those brown stains
>I'm so fucking mad I have to throw a meme in every line to appear nonchalant
More Dave Bouchard please. I deleted my facebook several weeks ago