Explain to me again how antifa isn't LITERALLY identical to the nazis?

Explain to me again how antifa isn't LITERALLY identical to the nazis?

>protip, you literally can not.
>hard mode- The white nationalists at Charlottesville aren't Nazis at all

Other urls found in this thread:


I bet you need a LOT of things explained to you. Slowly. Repeatedly.

It would be useless to do so. He's heard it and is impervious.

I hope you faggots kill eachother.

I'm glad you both agree then, since there were no arguments made. I'll note this.

Still not hearing anyone disagree. God it feels good to be right. Like, 100% of the time.

Dubs of truth btw

Nazis are normal, honorable people with strange political views.
Antifa are homosexual bums who hate themselves, with stupid political views.
Also they hate each other for the politcal views they define themselves by.

For your triggering pleasure, snowflakes.

One is an ancient statue that helps us understand what art was like in the ancient Middle East while the other is glorified statue of a man who wanted to break the country in half. Breaking the first is ignorant breaking the second is patriotic.

Only rational explanation so far. Kudos.

pick one

Not talking about pic related ya dunce, but I'll send you a cookie for your efforts. Email?

Why? What is unhonorable about their ways?

>used violence and intimidation tactics to silence political and idealogical dissent
>silenced free speech and attacked anyone not supportive of the cause
>used lies, brainwashing, and propaganda to gain heavy suppprt from the nation

>uses violence and intimidation tactics to silence political and idealogical dissent
>silences free speech and attacks anyone not supportive of the cause
>uses lies, brainwashing, and propaganda to gain heavy suppprt from the nation

Looks like I win. Good job, me.
Logic and intelligent reason-1

Sorry saw the picture thought it was dumb, but otherwise your right antifa, alt-right, and nazism are all pretty much the same thing. They just march around telling people how they should think meanwhile never having once had any sort of relationship with someone that had different views as them with an open mind. Just a bunch of angry people with too much time on their hands.


I do however agree with what you said about kicking over confederate statues though. Why they were ever erected initially is beyond me, but I'm glad to hear that shits going down.

Yeah we almost had both extremes of the political spectrum kill eachother. Should have just closed off the city and let them have at it, we would have a more moderate president next time around.

Anybody who would dignify your trolling with a legitimate argument is an idiot, but anybody who agrees with your premise is fucking retarded.

take note, this is what it's like to be 5 years old

>have a more moderate president next time around
You mean one that is hand-picked to keep us complacent.

>not pooping in his hands and then handing him the shit he demanded
comic is both fake n gay

No I mean a more moderate president. Which is why I said "more moderate president" not "one that is hand-picked to keep us complacent"

Both sides here, left and right, are extreme fucking faggots, and I enjoy watching them cannibalize each other. Over basically nothing. Giving a fuck about some statue is a worthless waste of time. I can't wait for these faggot LARPing idiots who wanna play cowboys and Indians to kill each other.

I like you

>uses violence and intimidation tactics to silence political and idealogical ideas reminiscent of Nazism
>silences free speech and attacks anyone not supportive of the cause of stopping Nazis
>uses lies, brainwashing, and propaganda to gain heavy support from the nation against Nazis.
Fixed your strawman for you.
Antifa may be rabid, idiotic ideologues, but they have a very targeted audience compared to the former.

>don't worry, antifa only wants to hurt nazis
>don't worry' the nazi's only want to hurt jews

>nearly empty thread otherwise filled with nazi sympathizers

there is truly nothing more pathetic than the American right

They're doing the exact same thing regardless of how you personally feel about the subject depicted. The sad fact is your head is so far up your ass you can't see it, and you're so shallow that you won't admit it.

You forget two things. One, the Nazi's were a political party, in power and in charge of many branches of govt. Antifa is grassroots, and isnt using direct political power in the same manner, nor could they if they wanted to.
Two, Nazism/white supremacy is closely associated with a number of horrific atrocities involving subjugation, genocide, conscription, blackmail, and others. A public response to anyone claiming, or embracing, ideologies close to those of the Nazi's should be expected.

You're a fucking idiot. They say they're against fascism yet uses the same tactics that the Nazis did to silence those they disagree with. Fucking millenials I swear, relativistic approach to life

>a is the same as b so c is the same thing as both the previous

Also, the "millennial" thing was cute.

I like you too....let's blow each other

Seriously, these are the idiots who Dont think their lives are eventful and interesting enough so they imagine seeing conspiracies behind everything to spice it up...

>muh jews
>muh illuminati

Let's hope they kill each other quickly

So have the black power struggles in Africa, they've been violent in the extreme. And let's not forget every leftists favorite countries, Russia and China, and those two hundred million people who died so that communism could take root

Pacifism, tolerance, hope, and wait-and-see were the methods used to deal with the bad guys in the 1930's. It didn't work. The face of Europe was changed, and a nation still bears the burden of the sins of its fathers.

The whole idea of "never forget" is to take action against intolerant groups of haters. I know - you try and throw it back onto AntiFa as if they're the ones who are intolerant. Everyone knows better, except the unthinking and stupid who nod in agreement.

You're scared and greedy. You think everything is "yours" - the country, the money, the power, the girls. You have almost none of it (perhaps except for like-minded girls), and you're jealous and angry too, so you try to blame your failures on someone else. Pick a group. You march with fellow idiots so you can feel like you belong and your views are sane and proper. It irks you that you can't live your megalomaniacal dream.

But you're just stupid. I'm so sorry. But you're just stupid.

>every leftists favorite country
>lists China and Russia
You arent even making sense anymore.
Left =/= communist
Ill be the first to tell you that state-centered socialism or communism is fucking awful.

Maybe I need to dumb it down for you.

Antifa, uses the same tactics as the Nazis, they are on a quest to gain power, if they gain power, they will in turn become like the nazis were, are you following me so far? Only instead of Jews, it's going to be anyone to the right of bernie sanders
Did you get all that? Or should I use crayons and construction paper to draw you a flow chart?

>Pic of you
Also, your dubs will go unchecked.

The real Anonymous is working to fight fascism.

Sup Forumstard leftover dregs think being edgy Nazi faglords is cool.

>every leftists favorite countries, Russia and China
the USSR was a state capitalist nation and China has less regulations than even the United States
tell me again how any of that would appeal to a leftist

>two hundred million people who died so that communism could take root
cool inflated numbers you got there
>tfw 100 gorillion people died from Castro's 15 dollar minimum wage

>equating people destroying historical artifacts to people destroying symbols of white oppression and racist shitheads

ah the white male Sup Forums school of false equivalence

here's your (You)

Both, your image and your pasta were stale user.

Look man, I dont know what you think is going on with Antifa, but they arent a political party. They dont have a platform. They arent trying to get people elected, or give themselves power.
They are a hodge-podge bunch of whiny jackasses who hate the "idea" of Nazism. Comparing Antifa to the rise of the Nazi party, with the information we have now, is hyper-retarded.

>leftists favorite countries, Russia
??? Trumps' a leftist now?

I love that "sins of the fathers" thing there. Same argument niggers use for reparations. Listen carefully dumb shit, I and no white person alive today had anything to do with slavery or its after shocks. Therefore I and no other white person, or anyone for that matter should have to pay for the sins of the past. You want to fight Nazism today? You can't, they died out, what we have today is the equivalent of say the black Panthers, or some cult. If we go after Nazis we should also purge any and all Marxists too, goodbye leftist ideology. And why commies? Because they are responsible for more genocide then Nazis ever were

Brilliant. Best you could do. Nice job

>Did you get all that? Or should I use crayons and construction paper to draw you a flow chart?
those must be your only materials since your argument is about as well thought out as that of a fucking kindergartener

Antifa does not want to commit "white genocide" or whatever fucking fearmongering Alex Jones told you, and if Nazis are "anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders" to you then you are a fucking hopeless imbecile

I lold on this. Everything I earn is mine, and mine alone, everything I make is mine. You are the one with nothing and your post proves it. You don't have but want, so you'll kill and riot and cry to get it. You're a fucking idiot man, stop talking, the grownups are busy

>Everything I earn is mine, and mine alone, everything I make is mine
so what you're saying is that you're entitled to the full value of your labor?

Implying AntiFa leaders aren't being funded by Soros and his communist friends, some of which happen to be professors at our colleges across the USA.

>Comparing Antifa to the rise of the Nazi party
Where is this nazi party you speak of? I'll tell you who I have actually out causing violence and acting like fascists, AntiFa.

Estimated for Russian purges, 100 million
Estimated initial purge for Mao, 25-35 million
Great leap forward estimated 50-80 million

>oh my god, he's off by 20-40 million it's so inflated

>Soros and his communist friends
>business magnate and investor
>having ANY even mildly commie-sympathetic friends
don't confuse true genuine communism with neoliberalism
whatever they tell you neither Hillary nor Soros are commies, they aren't even leftists

I will happily pay my taxes. But that's where my generosity ends. I needn't have to pay for what my ancestors might've done back before even my grandparents were alive. And if you truly think that way, then you're just an idiot

>Antifa being funded by (insert person I dont like because conspiracy)
Yeah, I dont deal with kooky bullshit like that.
Also, the irony calling Antifa the real fascists while people are in the streets with Nazi flags shouting Blood and Soil, and using Nazi hand signs is unbearable.

I mean, they are LITERALLY the Nazi brownshirts. They are just too stupid to see it. They are so stupid they don't even realize that the Nazis did the same shit they are doing when they were first starting out, and the Nazis sold themselves as a socialist movement at first. They were the workers party for fuck sake.

In the south, this number was actually 35 percent.

Splitting hairs here man. If antifa ever got into a position to gain power, they'd be all over it like niggers at bbq are over the watermelon.

And if you don't believe that, then you need to study more history about the rise of fringe groups and what happened after that.

One is unified by religion and rejects all ideology that opposes said religion. The other is united by intolerance of people intolerant of people trying to live their life.

in 'The Black Book of Communism', total death toll is estimated at only 1 million, and even that has been attacked as being inflated by several critics

>Two of the book's main contributors, Nicolas Werth and Jean-Louis Margolin, as well as Karel Bartosek, publicly disassociated themselves from Courtois' statements in the introduction and criticized his editorial conduct. Werth and Margolin felt Courtois was "obsessed" with arriving at a total of 100 million killed, and faulted him for exaggerating death tolls in specific countries. They also argued that, based on the results of their studies, one can tentatively estimate the total number of the victims at between 65 and 93 million.

two COMMUNIST STUDIES SCHOLARS who contributed to one of the most damning treatises on communism in history say you're off by at LEAST one hundred million

This is almost an exact definition of the "not a true Scotsman" argument

That's a lot of wild tangents there boy. You sure you got it together?

By "sins of the father," I mean Germans today are still chastised by other nations as being the spark for fascism. That's why they're s sensitive about it today, fighting it at every opportunity, outlawing anything to do with it.

If you're a white supremacist you are *precisely* repeating the sins of past generations. *That's* why you scum suckers need to be wiped out.

The statues that need to be taken down are like those of Saddam, or Hitler, or Stalin.

It's a fucking lie to equate not wanting your trash to stink up the universe with being Marxist or anything. You are *universally* reviled because you're assholes, period. Your whole existence revolves around hatred. It's o wonder you're feeling oppressed - you bring it on yourselves.

Hatred is learned - I'm sorry you had such shitty parents.

Granted. Which is why I hate them both.
But you could easily say the same of the White Supremacists if they gained power, which leaves us nowhere helpful.

that's why trump repeats himself, for his nazi followers

>But that's where my generosity ends.
of course, no one would expect you to allow yourself to be exploited by any person who would not allow you access to the full value of the products of your labor. That would simply be stealing. If only there was some system that would prevent exploitation of the working class and provide them with everything that they've earned as a product of their own labor....

>whatever they tell you neither Hillary nor Soros are commies, they aren't even leftists
They are a different bunch, I understand that. But those little AntiFa kids and BLM kids are useful idiots to many sides.

>people are in the streets with Nazi flags shouting Blood and Soil, and using Nazi hand signs is unbearable.
How many were doing this? The assembly was to protest the tearing down of a statue, not a nazi party. Secondly, they were given a legal permit to use their freedom of speech and assembly, legal channels the Antifa and BLM terrorists didn't go through. Who was acting like the fascist again user?

The only good Nazi is a DEAD Nazi.

AntiFa are the ones who have the fucking balls to DO what must be done. You subhuman faggots want to be uppity about your sad wannabe civil war? guess what fucking happens? You lose your worthless, racist participation trophies. It's that simple.

You thought when that retarded orangutan was """elected"""" that you could come out into the daylight? Well guess what? You're STILL trash and we're all STILL going to put you in your place.

>this pillow is a phone
>what are you talking about it's not a pillow at all
>haha no true scotsman

there is literally no way you can make an argument that a capitalist investor who makes money off of exploitation of other workers is a communist
He doesn't subscribe to communist ideals and is therefore not a communist, it's really that simple

>Oooh, I'm gonna listen to and believe an avowed communist about the death toll from communism.

Dude, that makes as much sense as a glass hammer and a steel nail

the real argument here is how the fuck is isis not the same as the nazi that drove a car into a crowd. pro tip: you're a nazi if you try

>communist studies scholar equals communist
why the fuck would a communist want to contribute to a book describing the failings of communism

Lets not forget why people keep coming to these events in armor, shields and weapons. The Antifa were attacking people all year at colleges and stopping free speech. BLM were actively telling people to go kill cops and their supporters did. The MSM will use anything they can to create their own narratives for people to eat up.

I haven't seen anyone on this board who unironically defends ISIS

Yes, an event called Unite the Right was solely about honoring the memory of Robert E. Lee.
I'll admit that they did have a permit. To protest the statue. That quickly got out of hand, which, while leaving them on a slightly better level then Antifa, once the rallies were no longer peaceful and non-disruptive all bets are off.

Stupid fucking asshat, you don't even know exactly where I'm coming from in my arguments, but you think you're so smart that you can figure out someone just like that. It must be such a burden being sooo smart huh? I'm not a Nazi, I'm not a commie, and you're to stupid to actually understand what I wrote. Fuck off troll

Exactly this.

The only good commie, is a dead commie.

>Explain to me again how antifa isn't LITERALLY identical to the nazis?

All we have to do is invoke the fallacy of gray.


The argument that faggots like OP make is that because two things share some common features, they are the same thing. Like Nazi's that claim because the United State tossed Japs in concentration camps the US is exactly the same as the Nazi's that tossed Jews and Gypsy's in concentration camps.

So OP makes the faggy argument that because both ISIS and some Anti's both wrecked some statues they are the same. Ignoring of course ISIS kills people they consider Heretics. Ignoring that American Nazi's showed up in the cities where Anti's live and stirred up shit.

>Explain to me again how antifa isn't LITERALLY identical to the nazis?
different ideologies. So LITERALLY different. /thread

.. they literally don't wanna murder everyone who isn't white?

The language yall are using to try to demean one another is embarrassing tbh


Oh wait, you were serious. Let me laugh even harder

Breaking the second is not patriotic.

Want to.be patriotic? Join the Fucking military.

Breaking the second is the destruction of AMERICAN history. There is nothing more American than that statue. It's not raciSM it's Fucking history you idiot.

And just because you call someone a bigot doesn't make it true.

Lefties "the squeaky wheel gets the oil"

I have another saying

"The squeaky wheel gets replaced, and the nail that sticks up gets hammered down".

This is true. What should happen is straight federalism for the states and a return to the letter of the constitution instead of made up interpretations of it when it comes to the actual scope and breadth of the central government. But, it would open the door for bad things to make a comeback, but I'd have to think it's better than us ripping apart again

what is this picture supposed to be telling me
that everything from 30's germany was bad?
keep in mind that the communist party in germany was banned and largely rounded up after Hitler was elected because they were political opponents


PROTIP: America doesn't even have a left. Every last person you've ever called "Soshulist" or "Commie" is just a tiny bit less nutso of a capitalist as you and NONE of them have been leftists. Congrats, you fell for the divisive retard politics of the right wing propaganda machine! Aren't you so proud?

OP didn't even claim to be a nazi you colossal fucking retard. Holy shit you're stupid.

>How many were doing this? The assembly was to protest the tearing down of a statue, not a nazi party. Secondly, they were given a legal permit to use their freedom of speech and assembly, legal channels the Antifa and BLM terrorists didn't go through. Who was acting like the fascist again user?

Yeah lets act like all these people care so much about a general lee statue. That just gave them a reason to rally.

Also, why are people so gung ho about supporting the war's losing side. The side that wanted to leave the very country they live in.... but these people are very 'American'?

What makes you think any race is superior to any other race ? I guess you don't know much about genetics. Stupid ass

/po/bots spinning into extreme damage control these days, it's quite hilarious.

The idea of "never forget" was born from 9-11 to be ever vigilant.

and trumps not a fucking racist. fucking fairly land you live in there sissy

There were antifa protesters carrying Soviet flags, they literally want a socialist government.

How come 9/11 is called 9/11 except in America the date was 11/9?

They are a political platform, you just don't see it.

Damn son, real political discourse on Sup Forums, Im amazed
Honestly, the extensions made to the Constitution were made because our society and our issues are simply too diverse to be governed by such a document. I honestly feel that our country has too many interests, and without some form of division (returns of state sovereignty, larger republics instead of large country, something) we will tear ourselves apart. We cant expect the same laws to govern the East Coast, West Coast, Rocky Mountains, Midwest, Non-Continental states, not without the issues were seeing right now.

>hurr yur stoopid

NO U, faggot.

I didn't once address OP directly. The post is against all the NeoNazis, Klan sympathizers and Trump goose steppers who think they're going to "make Murrika white again".

PROTIP: You look REALLY retarded when you try to claim that guys who self-identify as nazis and carry Swastika flags and give the straight-armed Hitler salute in American streets aren't Nazis. To be fair though, you at least aren't as retarded as the tinfoil subhumans who think they were Democrat actors paid by George Soros. THOSE retards should just be rounded up and melted down into base proteins so they can actually be worth something for once in their pathetic lives.

Do you really believe that it wasn't about states rights? To about half the founders, they wanted the states to be each more powerful in writing laws for themselves that the central gov is now.

Well they are communist, not socialist.

The monkey got his eight years and is gone now. I know this is hard for you faggots to accept but it's true and your wreched queen lost . Not we have a real american in office for the next eight. Please drink the koolaid on your way out