How did Tony find out that Peter was Spider-Man? He isn't a detective or anything. And it had only been like 6 months or so since Peter got his powers right? So how did Stark find out?
How did Tony find out that Peter was Spider-Man? He isn't a detective or anything...
Bad writing, that's how.
Plot advancement in a children's movie. You're an idiot. /capeshit/ board when?
No organic web shooters. A tech genius like Stark could easily find out what his webs are made of and back trace all materials to make it to find Spider-Man.
He has the resources of Stark Enterprises and the Avengers which both took in a lot of SHIELD people who specialize in finding people like him.
How would some high school kid know how to create something like that? That is a billion dollar product he just invented there. He could probably do some Real good in the world with that money instead of catching purse snatchers.
This is why organic webbing is a much better idea
>analyse the equipment/suit used
>let Jarvis search CCTV in NY to see what neighboorhood spidey goes to every night
>check who bought said equipment in the weeks before first sightings
He's a genius. His spider powers also amplifies his information retention and perception so he learns at an accelerated rate.
literally synthetic materials mimicking the composition of real spider silk which is being researched right now in the real world. Imagine it being researched in the Marvel Universe. all you would need is a good google search and the right funding which is what he got
There's actually a page in the comics that shows this exact situation. His excuse was that it wasn't permanently strong and wears out pretty quickly so it didn't have any long term applications.
>Be Iron Man
>Have camera drones all over the city surveying whats going on
>Multiple sightings of Spiderman
>Have one follow him back to Peters apartment/climbing into the window/whatever
>Shit like this gets nitpicked while people unironically defend the hot shit Snyder steamed out calling it "kino"
Yeah like why Superman has a Lois sensor and not a MARTHA sensor
Because it's kino, that's why.
Except nobody in the Marvel universe except Spider-man can make that shit.
>His excuse was that it wasn't permanently strong and wears out pretty quickly so it didn't have any long term applications.
>Tons of places would want to buy it anyway so they could perform further R&D on it
>Short term applications:
>instant safety nets
>A car that shoots out webs to stop itself from crashing into something
>An emergency device for escaping from a burning building
>hobby/sports device for enthusiasts who want to swing around on buildings in public places
>>hobby/sports device for enthusiasts who want to swing around on buildings in public places
A better way to put it
>being spiderman
Because he needed to for the plot and this movie is terrible. I'm sorry, there's no possible explanation out there. Not even trying to be mean or funny.
>A car that shoots out webs to stop itself from crashing into something
>the countless lawsuits from damaged property and bystander caught by both the impact of the webs and the subsequent transference of further organ rupturing kinetic force
it's not that nobody can make it, it's a waste of huge resources to make it and even more stupid since it has a little to no functionality when used by anyone other than spiderman. the materials can be easily reciprocated but for what purpose would it serve to anyone other that spiderman himself. everyone else is too busy researching worthwhile things in the marvel universe like the power serum etc. it's like Stony Stark wasting huge resources on how to build a Mjolnir for his personal use but can only be lifted by thor still
you should at least read the thread and enlighten yourself baitfag
>I feel extreme guilt that a young man was caught up and killed in our fighting.
> Hey I know how to fix this. But first, let me recruit this teenager as a child soldier.
I just don't get why captain American was shown as so much stronger than Spider-Man
Spider-man should be fucking wrecking him in the strength department right?
Actually he should be wrecking pretty much everyone in that movie
He's basically Marvel's Batman now, so he's a detective by default.
Oh yeah, what was the answer, faggot, CCTV? He followed Parker home somehow? Why not just admit that this movie was fucking shit. Don't call me a baitfag. I don't like to bait. Baiting is a waste of time. I don't have a single bait picture.
Why the fuck did Tony draft a 15 year old untrained boy to fight in a conflict that could result in his death or serious injury?
>is able to find the most secretive terrorist group's hideout stationed literally anywhere millions of kilometers in the world.
>is able to find the most sought after criminal in the world in literally 2 days
>is able to discover the most dangerous robot's hideout in literally a week
>too hard to keep tabs and follow a kid home in a spiderman suit for 6 months
Is your IQ up to 3 digits, user?
Organic web shooters were always the cooler idea.
Because if you have a spide rmutation and lack the fucking ability to generate the silk, the power is incomplete.
Whats left ist super strenght and stikcing to walls. Oh wow. Fuck this.
>meta humans
And yet he couldn't keep tabs on Captain America or Zemo? hmm, how convenient is that? It's poorly written movie, you fucking retard.
And spider sense
And super human acrobatic skills
Honestly spidy is pretty fucking OP
And BvS is amazingly well written my friend!
For the same reason Iron Man didn't destroy him in a fight, it was Cap's movie. I mean, Spider-man physically destroyed Bucky and Falcon without even trying, yet Cap is suddenly stronger than him. The whole movie is dogshit in terms of consistency.
I don't give a fuck about that movie. Why even bring that up? You think I'm some diehard superhero movie fan? You're a fucking idiot with your assumptions.
>another "I didn't watch the movie but these things i saw from threads don't make sense" argument
yeah, user. sure
it was a mock battle for him. training to join the avengers. everyone who went into that fight knew it was nothing fatal. Tony wouldn't shoot of Caps legs if he refused. it's a kid who's dealth with gun wielding thugs who's also faster and stronger than most of the avengers and who also needs experience fighting super humans. literally no better time to bring him
Same as the comics, Cap has overwhelming experience in fights that no amount of speed and Power can match. Granted he's not as strong as spidey but they should be close to equal in strength in MC
It would've been perfect if they'd retconned the original experiment to be around super serum injection using their susceptibility to lateral gene transfer, which is exactly how spiders got their venom to begin with.
The whole 'spiders were the first spider-men' thing adds a nice revelation for normies to suck on like jurassic park did in the 90s, further binds the mu, and explains why he doesn't actually have 'spider powers'.
Not that a mutation would've made Parker spontaneously form spinerettes in his wrists but hey whatever.
>I just don't get why captain American was shown as so much stronger than Spider-Man
He wasn't. He outmaneuvered him, he didn't beat him in a contest of strength. Spider-Man still took down giant man and was holding up that vehicle. It's the first time Spider-Man's strength has been properly shown in one of the films.
Fuck Raimi.
Now if only we could get an adult Parker for a change or out the fucking 70's era altogether, Cap and Avengers is some of the worst shit they could've ever adapted.
>Tony invents one of the most advanced AI's in human history that has actual real world applications and opens up a new chapter in human history
>meh, I'm just gonna have it in my suit, no other application for this
The real reason Cap wins in the comics is because everyone jobs to him. He's the John Cena of superheroes. Even Batman's plot armor wasn't enough in the JLA/Avengers crossover.
>if only we could get an adult Parker for a change
A teen Parker is needed because cape films have a teen target audience. So having a teen superhero encourages the target audience to believe that they, too, can become a superhero if they can get themselves bitten by a spider.
> It's the first time Spider-Man's strength has been properly shown in one of the films.
>Fuck Raimi.
Are you fucking serious? Riami's Spider-man stopped a goddamn train. He held that cable car full of people while taking hits from Goblin, he took shots from a giant Sandman, took a grenade exploding in his face without a scratch, got hit by a train and didn't even slow down, etc. Riami's Spider-man would ass rape Garfield, Holland and Cap at the same time.
Why the fuck wasn't Tony put in the superjail for unleashing Ultron who destroyed a fucking city and almost the entire world? Jesus, he's been the real badguy throughout all these Marvel movies.
This is the movie universe where all the internet runs through a single box in fucking Sweden.
In Iron Man 2 didn't he have enough surveilence technology to see what copycats were doing in other countries during that court scene?
It's not so unbelievable that if there is buzz going on in New York about someone doing amazing stuff in a costume that he'd hear about it and have the tech to follow up on it. Especially after getting involved with the Avengers and how it's about networking superheroes.
Then the films will just seem like Saimi rehash, which is probably why everyone's already bored with Homecoming before even seeing it.
So you haven't even seen these movies.
Where did his glass phone go?
Is Tony going to fuck Spider-Twink?
I always preferred the idea that Peter secreted the webbing from his body, but he needed mechanical web-shooters to actually shoot it. Otherwise, it just dribbled out.
I imagine it'd be pretty fucking easy to simply follow a dude swinging about in a red leotard through NYC back to where he lives on CCTV cameras now adays, especially with the reach of someone like Stark
Jarvis is Vision though now
does Tony still make him do all the work for him except hes literally sitting at a computer now?