Need to quit smoking weed. Spending too much money and its killing my productivity

Need to quit smoking weed. Spending too much money and its killing my productivity.

Any advice?

smoke more weed.

I'm up to an oz a week. Can't afford any more. can't really afford that. Getting behind on my house

trick your mind into believing weed is actually bad for you, because it actually is, and just grow a small hate for it and then you should be able to motivate yourself to stay away from it

Inhale bleach fumes. It makes it so it hurts your lungs to smoke. I used this method to quit stoges cold turkey

what are you doing behind your house? is it haunted/inhabitable? either way. i'd smoke more weed.

Do what I did and smoke it constantly until you start getting paranoid, having panic attacks every time you smoke and then quit because you no longer feel anything remotely good about smoking it

I've been smoking weed for about 10 years now. For the last 4 yrs it's prob been 2 joints a day. Been sober for 4 months now. I can't really say how, but it was really just cold turkey. You just need to find some other shit to Do with your time. Like some other guy said, you really do just have to accept and convince yourself that it's not good for you. Even tho it's not bad either, it does turn you into a complacent loser

I only smoke every two weeks, but then I get stoned to the point of drooling. It helps that the pusher is right next to where I go to group therapy every two weeks

stop buying weed would be a good start.

I would say limit your smoking to one or two days a week only but we all know that shit doesn't work.

Hardest part for me was trying to sleep for the 1st week.

ITT people with zero self-control and the ability to be both a productive person and smoke recreationally

Give yourself a weed budget and stick to it. For example just limit yourself to one gram a week and with the lowered tolerance it will still get you high. Most of all stay the hell away from concentrates, they skyrocket your tolerance.

Become a rapper

kill yourself faggot

i know how you feel lol,
try to refrain from doing it all day until you have everything done for the day. for example if you have work, try to use weed as an award for getting through a productive day. either that or just smoke sativas in the morning and indicas at night

Oh, I thought meth was a strain of weed Fred, my bad I guess...

Tell me how does it make you a complacent loser?? I feel as if i could cut it anytime and i have before in the past since ive been smoking for 7 years.. Doesnt seem to effect me being smug or dissatisfied with anything .. Still the same me and if anything ive had fun with the experiences i gained with it.. Ive learned self control & how to appropriately handle it

holy shit dude

honestly vaping will slow you down. also, waiting until later in the night to start can help more than limiting yourself once you start, if only because drifting off to sleep is easy

Had to quit lots of times for tests and such, here's what I do: Get a hobby. Anything that keeps you occupied you'll eventually develop an interest in, and it won't be long before you'll forget about weed entirely. Playing the guitar and drawing are god-tier stoner hobbies btw

Learn to grow it or start ramping down your usage with tolerance breaks. If you can't sleep take a sleeping pill. There's no easy way to break a big habit like that quickly without some discomfort but eventually you'll even out.
