Does anyone else constantly think about cringe-worthy events from the past?

Does anyone else constantly think about cringe-worthy events from the past?

I can't seem to get away from them.

They're haunting.

Bump so I can write a real reply


Oh yes, whenever I'm doing something monotonous like driving, mowing the lawn, woodcarving, etc. It's terrible.

I used to be that way, though that was in the ages of 10-13. I sort of started creating a memory loop where I automatically start to forget things that I have done about a week after I have done them. If it's cringe I usually start to force myself to forget it a few seconds after I did it. Idk how I creating the loop, but all I have to say is was 85% sheer willpower

not constantly, you get better at dealing with them the less you do them

so just don't do weird shit

Pretty sure 99 percent of humans do that

The thoughts come and go but they used to be way occurring in my mind. I just focus on the present.

Could you give an example?

You're trying to get at or remember something from before then that nullifies all those things. Maybe something that makes you the winner, a decision you made before?

It's the nature of OCD, you have something but you don't use it and the events have piled on to the point that the most efficient way to sort them is to just think on them until you remember that one thing that came before.

Yup, that shit echoes for decades.

>be 13 in middle school
>playing electric bass for orchestral band performance
>whole school + parents attending
>8 of the 40 band members are in "jazz band" with me
>decide before that we're going to interrupt the final applause by starting one of our jazz tracks
>song starts with bass intro, followed by horns 4 bars later
>i start playing, crowd goes silent
>friends chicken out, horns don't join
>i play the intro riff again
>still silence
>autism takes over
>proceed to play slap bass solo
>kick over bass amp
>kick over drum set
>kick hole in kick drum
>really shredding this bass lick
>band teacher is red as fuck, super pissed
>security runs on stage
>tackles me
>scream - "Get your filthy mitts off my Herbie Hancock!"
>suspended a week

Yeah, I can't forget cringe from my past, and it eats me up. My wife is the opposite though - she just forgets shit.

Maybe if you weren't horrible people y'all wouldn't feel so bad

I try and forget I come on here.

It haunts my that I ever came on here to start with.

>First day of JR High
>Friend introduces me to his girlfriend
>She says "Make sure to wave hi if you see me!"
>Few days later
>See her
>Go up to her
>Poke poke
>She turns around
>I smile and wave and say hello
>She stares at me like I'm insane
>Hear girls laughing at me in the hallway every day for the next week or so

>be me, 15, 2002
>friends take me to my first rave
>come home at 8am
>ultra-conservative parents drinking coffee and reading the bible in the front room
>i'm coming down from 4 pills, first time doing drugs
>eyes are obviously dilated af, visibly sweaty, grinding my teeth like a crackhead
>left house in jeans and black tee
>return in rainbow-decorated pants, beaded bracelets, necklaces, etc.
>plur af
>proceed to explain every detail of my drug-fueled night
>demonstrate how to give a "light show"
>parents are speechless
>go to my room
>fall asleep
>wake up
>holy fuck what did i do

>Middle school, 11 years ago
>girl compliments my hair
>say it's ugly in a dismissive way
>she still likes it
Man I was a stupid fucking kid. Couldn't take a compliment.

I remember a girl in school used to flirt with me, but I didnt care because I was young. Then, when I got older, I started to like her but she didnt like me anymore.

>23 and alone now

that's fucking hilarious! why would you be ashamed of that?

also this is funny af

>Be me, 13-ish, middle school
>Have a crush on queen bee girl
>Decide to get her a present for Christmas
>I'm 13, so I have no money of my own
>Decide to steal one of my family's tree ornaments to give to her
>Wrap it up with a love note, saying the ornament cost a lot of money
>The fateful day arrives
>I'm too embarrassed to give it to her in person, so I leave it on her desk before the other students arrive in class'
>I take my seat and wait
>She arrives, and looks almost creeped out by the gift on her desk
>She opens it, and reads the note
>She begins to laugh hysterically
>Shows it to her friends
>They laugh too
>She and her friends come up to me
>"user, I have like a million of these at home. They're not expensive at all."
>Put my head down in shame as everyone laughs at me
>I'm the laughing stock of the class for the next few months

Yes I do, but not that cringy to make a kek-worthy greentext

>be 6
>4 year old sister asks me
"who do you love more? mummy or daddy?"
>i say"boaf"
>sister says
"no pick onli one"
>i say "ummmmmmmmmmmmmm........... daddy"
>sister runs upstairs to tell my mom
>mom gets in huge fight with my dad than beats me.

what a huge bitch.
I feel sorry user

you deserved it fgt

Same here,except that she was already in a relationship. Still in contact. All I cared about was going home and playing games, our class had some kind of ranking list of who was the most prettiest /coolest, I was consistently top 5, but found girls icky and gross.

I feel privileged to be part of the 1% that don't then

>when I was about 13-14, I wore a collar for several months everywhere I went
>family would tell me to stop and I'd tell them they didn't understand
>friends at the time did their best to pretend the thing didn't exist

I will never live it down, OP.

Masturbate to them. Takes off the edge the next time you think about them. Conditioning.

that's the stuff alcohol was invented for

well, this one i got, i was too beta
>be 11
>like girl
>she is a great friend
>one day we play truth or dare
>take note: i had almost no friends, was kinda intelligent and i was pointed out as the weirdo of the class for no reason
>was very shy too
>i say truth
>she asks "do you like someone?"
>i shiver a bit
>i say "yes"
>another round passes
>she asks "who do you like"
>i say "i wont tell ya"
>she insists "tell me, tell me"
tbh i dont know why did i like her, she was a bit nuts
>i grow the nuts
>i say "i like you"
>then i sperg out
>"dont, dont tell anyone please"
>she keeps it cool
>nothing happens

Holy shit my sides.

>Be me
>Be 12
>Be in car with my dad
>He asks me if he's clear to turn onto this street
>Not thinking about it I just say yes
>Next thing I know we were hit by another car
>Dad still hasn't forgiven me

>called weirdo for no reason
Sure buddy.
Also you were 11. That's about how 99% of 11y/o crushes go.

Also, am I the only one to ever masturbate in a church parking lot?

you dumbass lol
this is the kind of stupid shit I used to do
I was spaced-out like all of my childhood


R. I. P.

Well, I lied in the no reason, hehe. Sorry.
I was too nervous, maybe a bit hyperactive.
And in my old school, I have to say, kids were way worse than the older people there.

Oh yeah, forgot to add. I was doing it because of my gf at the time who wore her own.
She was an asian qt but was also crazy and big into furry (hence the collars).

>5th grade
>just watched family guy for the first time
>that episode where Randy pants Peter and calls him a nerd
>i did this while lining up to go to recess, but i just pantsed myself and said "Randy!"
>i immediately regret that decision
>girl screams and tells the teacher
>i told the teacher it was an accident,and i should have brought a belt
>i got off Scot free but the mental scars are still last.

>be me, age 6
>everytime i had to take a shit i would hold it in
>i would hold it in for days
>i would clog the toilet everytime
>my dad would have to unclog my 6 yr old gigantic monster shits weekly
>one day my brother walks in on me in our room
>im literally on all fours in the corner with my ass in the air
>the entire room smells like shit
>i still dont want to release it, i need a few more days to let it build up
>every shit was pure suffering because i had to drink stuff in order for it to squeeze through my asshole

why did i do this

pic related of yours was same thing i was going to say



holy kek
pic related is your brother


when i was in the 2nd grade i had a tic on my balls, and had to get it off with tweezers.
>i was in the same school as her untull 7th grade.
>she never mentioned it to anybody else
she was a good friend

forgot to mention i told that girl i had a tic on my balls. pretty big part of the story

pretty big part of the dumb story*