Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to...

Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to exist after death and you will not be punished?

No wonder atheism is Satan's masterplan and you degenerates are falling for it.

No I not. Athisme is wrung

I feel like this has been posted before....

cristians can fuck a thousand childs and shouldn´t feel bad about it because they can just repent in confession and go to heaven no problem.

Religious people are all literally retarded

Really? You're going to this at 3 AM?

Shit... this is still going around? This copy pasta is like 3 years old at this point

I don't understand why atheist don't an hero.

I. Mean, why even reproduce if ur atheist?

Why wouldn't you just end it? It's not like it should matter to you.

Law keeps the majority of people in check. Granted, the are exceptions to this, but the law (at least in the US) punishes people for wrongdoings.

Hermetic Rosecrucian jewmage reporting in.
>Captcha Attention bus
>All aboard the attention bus

At least we're not pedos complaining about simply killing something as opposed to what you'd do to 10 thousand infants.

Religious countries have more crimes than atheists countries. That's a fact.



Holy shit this is repasta bait fuck

I want those in my mouth so fucking bad



That has actually happened in religious wars and they were convinced they were going to heaven for killing thousands of infidel infants.



Lol since when did ur religious beliefs coincide with morals?

Hedonism, atheists actually experience physical sensations without opiates of the masses numbing their perspective.

That foreskin and cockring are absolutely gorgeous

>unironically arguing in a bait thread

Religious people also commit more crimes than atheists because their morals have a false source. They believe morality is flexible, that forgiveness is possible. Atheists instead endure in a universe where there is no forgiveness and you must live with your own actions forever.

You dont need the danger of punishment to behave like a decent person or to feel guilt. There is the neet thing called ethics. It's basicslly whst all modern laws are based upon. You should read about it.

No, I doesn't.

>Unironically arguing in a bait thread

>Unironically arguing in a bait thread

>using so many layers of irony, its undetectable to the average furry.

>Being upset on the internet

his cock is in such close proximity to his asshole why doesnt he just jam it in

What is wrong with you OP? Is your fear for being punished the only thing that keeps you from being a monster? If so you should meet your doctor. As an atheist I can tell you, empathy and respect for life it self makes me to don't even think about such things.

Fun fact: Did you know that the Image you are using is from the movie The Never Ending Story, after the book with the same name, written by the German author Michael Ende, who wrote it to teach children Aleister Crowley-style Magic? Just to show you how hypocritical you are!

they aren't atheists

I don't care what they are I just want to see some ass get pounded

>the gfur circlejerk believes it can stop bait threads

focus on the Hillaryfags then

I can't believe these threads are the exact fucking same 10 years later.


It's only been around for two months, newfag.

10 years?

bruv these atheist threads are only 3 years old at most, they started a little after the bannana spam which I do remember when it started, July of 2014.

While this is clearly bait/shitpost, OP is bringing up an interesting point with respect on the average atheist's position on abortion.

People who use this argument look fucking insane when they use it because they're basically saying they'd be morally bankrupt if religion weren't a thing.

Could you be any more stupid?