I want to become a trap, how do I do this? Pic is my ass in yoga pants

I want to become a trap, how do I do this? Pic is my ass in yoga pants

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Whats your kik ?

Don't have one, can you just post some general tips for me to follow

Well with a ass like that i wanted to see more, but basically just be like a girl ,crossdress in various clothing

I'll make a Kik in a bit, I'ma shave some more just to be hairless or as close as I can get, I'll post my Kik when it's made

Take pictures with more light, I can hardly see anything. Do you want to look good in person or just get people to jerk off to photos of you?

Mmm fuck i will wait for u babi

There you are! Last thread died. I was the roller.

I just want people to want it, I'm not ready for in person yet because I'm really new to this

Yall done shaving baby?

About to start, I'll let you know when I'm done ;)

Welcome back ;)

Looks like other people want your ass too:)


Post pics of shiny ass.

Hehe, looks like it, I'ma take a shower and get ready for more pics ;) be back soon


Bumping while waiting so the thread doesn't die.

Like i said ill be waitin with the rest


Not op but this is me.
For fitness I usually just focus on my legs, waist, and cardio. I run 30-45 minutes about 5 times a week, and squat (personal one rep best is 405lbs), and do other leg excercises.
Eat less meats, and eat more fruits, vegetables and grains.
For everyday looks learn how to use makeup and wear clothing that hides your waist. My shirt in the pick is tight in the chest and shoulders and loose in the waist.
And try not to stress yourself out to much over it. After all my work I still have very masculine traits and figure so instead of trying to change them I found ways to complement them into my looks. I've got a strong and lean woman gymnast kind of shape, so I wear athletic clothes often

Also I've only got SFW pics, and only like 3 of them

How to get nsfw ?

OP went from unsure in the last thread to making me roll for panty pics to fulfilling my request for leggings and now a shave. This is so much fun.

Just the info OP needs. Thankies.

Can we see the other two?


Where is OP?




Post those sfw. Is this a fetish for you or do you feel trans?

can i c ur b hole

OP we need an update! We're dying!

Got the cock out in the last thread.

become trap.
yep best advice
(not saying i am one so don't trip)

Is this oc?

I'm gonna get high and shower.

I'm op, I'm back, I cut my self while shaving and it's near my ass hole, I'm not sure if you still want me to post pics or if it'll ruin it if I have a bandaid over it or something, oh and due to the cut I wasn't able to completely finish shaving, I'm really sorry boys, but I can keep posting if you want

Do it

dang i missed it

I still want your kik babi i need more

Op again, This is my first time so I'm pretty new to this stuff, it was my first time shaving around there, I got mostly everything though I think, can you boys forgive me


If you make a kik then yes :)

How do you like to be talked to?

Liz with the BJ lips


I'm new to this so try whatever

Op here, making a Kik for this atm, will post info when done

It is Liz right?

just be a fag


what do traps aim for sexually? do you tell people you try to hook up with or what i don't understand

Only posting in kik?

Op here, pic is my Kik, I will do some requests I am comfortable with on there and I will post some of them on here

My kik hasn't let me back on :/

mmm I hope so love

You should fix it

looks like you've got some lovely full lips

I think they'd be perfect for a nice sloppy BJ

You're fun. I like you.

Fuck me sideways it didn't record that part :(
Well i guess i have some ok other stuff oc from tonight

Closest i could find :/

I will but for now this is better than nufin :(
I already redownloaded emulator and second version too. Multiple times
Thank you i hope this is a better pic here
I should use a lip shine or something
Sounds delicious ;)
Thank you ^_^ I do this for pleasure so I'm glad you're having fun tooo
In the spirit of fun heres a goofy one name of pics silly too

So there isn't more? :(

Why are you up so late and still sonwuirky and fun?

Love those shiny legs.

anyone want a taste?

>Pic is my ass in yoga pants
lack of ass more like. you have to use your hand to stretch it so there's any shape!
and a faceless person can't be a trap.

little clitties like yours don't deserve attention

yeah just not the lips sticky from precum i wish got recorded. my cams been fucking up lately did same shit the other night
copious amounts of illegal narcotis ^_^ ;P
i get high oon cum XP

Well then at least fuck me mean boy!

I'd love to have a taste. Clitty looks delicious.

Needs a cage so we can fuck face to face.

sorry just recorded this not the best screenshots

i'm down with cage
you make me smile like a dope ;D

Hmmmm I'm drooling.


my ex wife (bitch) stole my toy
but i made due. and some wonderfal boy named andy got me stuff off wishlist including two new ones

>i made due


not working right now
But mine is

something from yesterday cause still looking through tonights

by that i meant i used one of the bottles you get from an indian casino lol
^_^ oh my



that's churro trap but she does not meet :(

She is Italian too

good to know thx
>inb4 doxxing





youre hotttt. kik?


Gnoccherrima as always.

wow you're italian bb ? very nice :)