Just got off work, late af but making the best out of my freetime, long hours, smoking some dank...

Just got off work, late af but making the best out of my freetime, long hours, smoking some dank. Feel free to ask me questions about shit.

On a scale of 1-10 how high r u?

Where did you get setup from including the thc oil shit. I wanna be able to do this too but can't find anywhere to buy online. Since its illegal here still.

Im a 5 rn, im gonna get ready for another smoke session.

I live in central valley of californa. Fresno Visalia area

Bump, taking 4 huge hits right now

that's a weed vape?

Its a Brass Knucle brand cannbis oil pen containing 1 gram that is 74% THC

What you got in that cartridge fellow vsper?

I got some medicinal cannabis oil. Its Gelato, great strain for working and relaxing.

Do you save money by vaping or whats the appeal? Those shits are expensive at 60-70 a gram. How long do they last you user?

Here it costs 45 dollars a gram of oil. I also save money because i get more of a focused buzz with wax and oil and such. The reason why i went vape because to me they are considered the solar panels of cannabis.

But they last a while or you burn through them on week..? Im not a heavy smoker but the guy at the shop was trying to sell me one claiming it would save me money on weed.

If you are a light smoker then its a good deal. Im a daily smoker, so though i use more, i feel almost 25% more boost in my focused high for work.

what are with this morons and their free instwatches?

Im not into that fashion watch trend shit. Im a beaner. Medical patient, 18, going to college

You better not fuck my order you pothead degenerate

I can smoke weed all day and still function. Theres a difference between a stoner amd a pothead. Potheads dont do shit man, I on the other hand work 12 hour shifts while stoned. I am going to study computer science and see how that goes.

Any proper stoners in here, been toking for about 10 years now.

You had a look at dynavap?

I only been smoking for 3 years. It was until now i got my medicinal marijuana card and started to smoke daily. It helps me focus on work and aprieciate life much more. I wish more people could see that stoners can function in the real world.

Sounds like your throwing all your money away if you need to be "stoned" to work. I mean how shitty is your job that you need to be fucking high all the time to make it manageable why not look elsewhere?

I dont toke before or during work. I waste a lot of money on it. At least £20k on bud. I could be in a better position.

Ive got an offer to move to Canada, but it means leaving my 8yr realtionship behind. But career in weed & lifestyle.

Your weed sucks

Im not working full time. Right now im working at a packing house until my semester starts for the university. So i can have extra cash for supplies and bud.

If i was you I'd take that chance

K whatever.

Dubs dont lie

Its a working holiday so i have to come back, plus we could both get in via express entry.

I proposed, i move over, get sut up after 3 months she comes and visits for 6 months, looks to extend stay or get work permit, if that fails come home together and apply via express.

But shes a fucking woman isnt she. Oh no I want to go on my own merit I dont want to go off your back. I want us to go together.

you know just generally unreasonable and stupid as fuck. She'd rather not go, not get the experience and points for express, and sit at home waiting for soemthing to happen.

Yeah this solidifies my decision to take that chance

Out of all the amazing drugs out there, why do you settle for weed? That shit's for edgy 13 year olds.

At this rate you'll move on to coke next user and you could kiss that computer shit dream aside. I seen this happen before and im seeing it happen now

Its because Its not that expensive, and its the perfect high I need, i only do drugs for medical benifets. Cannabis is helpful in many ways, but ill be honest, it would be hard for me to leave it.

I'll have to convince her, I've left her in the past, a couple times, and regretted it. Despite all the annoyances, its me and her, not me then her. So Im gonna have to whittle her down. But fuck, for years Ive been wishing for an opportunity to run away. Such a strong urge. I could achieve greatness without her, but maybe sacrifice happiness. She knows it, shes told me in near enough words.

Nah I only fuck with cannabis. I wont even do shrooms. Cannabis gives me the perfect high I need to be productive.

You are literally saying she's the one holding you back user. I know its 8yrs and shit but trust me you'll regret more years from looking back and saying i should listen to that fucking user

Motherfucker go do shrooms and then tell me how much you appreciate life and nature. Weed can't hold a candle to shrooms

It doesnt matter if its more powerful. Their both the same shit when you think about it. All that is needed is if one drug makes you better, great. Cannabis is my one drug.

I disagree, in that they're not the same. And have no problem with weed. All im saying is if the opportunity to take shrooms ever presents it self, take it. It could save your life

where do i get it, i want to see but i'm stuck with neither, but with experience of weed. i feel like i cant find a single fucking dealer anywhere.

Depends on the area and how many people you know around town.

Nice tey mr Cop

you got me mr. drugga :)
but seriously, it's like all the friends i smoke with are holding back


dude weed lmao

Hell yeah, it's some good shit


It is going to go poorly


no u

Can you buy the juice in bulk or something?

Whats the name of your dispensary user? Im from the bay im willing to drive down there for some 45 dollar knuckles

If anyone can ship me some for 45 that'd be great

I'm 19 and stoner with full time job also going to study cs. You aren't on a good path friend.
You haven't even tried shrooms so just stfu. Weed is nothing compared to lsd and shrooms. If I could get acid as easy as weed I would quit weed forever.

Lmao, psychedelics aren't recreational drugs you goof