Okay anons, if you could teleport in real life, what kind of shit would you do on a daily bases...

Okay anons, if you could teleport in real life, what kind of shit would you do on a daily bases? These are the only restrictions
>you can't teleport to anywhere you can't directly see, so no teleporting across the continent
>you have to actually see the places with your own eyes, so you can't just look at pictures and teleport there

Other than that you can instantly move to any place that you can directly see, no matter how far away it is (so theoretically you could teleport to the moon and back to earth if you wanted to do so, since you are able to see the moon at night)

There are no tools or hand signs or any of that bullshit necessary to trigger the teleportation, you simply think about it and it happens. You can also use the power as much as you'd like; you never get worn down or run out of energy.

I'd teleport into your mums vagina.

Too bad you'd never be able to see it.

I'd travel to Saudi Arabia and demonstrate my power in public so the authorities can execute me for witchcraft.

I'd probably go to the beach and teleport a reasonable height in the sky over the ocean. Spend a few weeks getting completely accustomed to playing with gravitational acceleration. Eventually (hopefully) get to the point where I can gain a shit to of speed and start hurling myself long distances. Closest thing I could get to flying with that power. Probably die in the process but what the fuck else would I do? Rob a bank? Blindisde an fuck that one slut from high school I never got attention from?

Sounds pretty boring compared to fucking bending space.

Realistically I'd probably just use it to get around without having to drive my car everywhere. I'd move into a top floor apartment in the middle of town, that way I could teleport to anywhere nearby instantly. When I want to go home, I just look through my window and teleport there.

Id teleport to the sun.

>put mask on
>start fighting crime for living
Ez. I'd also rob stores at night, obviously.

I'd teleport behind OP
>Nothing personnel kid

God knows if I had a special power that used my ability to see id go blind the following week.

make an atmosphere on the moon


but if you can teleport to what you can see cant you just look at a cloud, and then while you're up there look in the distance of a certain direction and just repeat this until you get somewhere. id do that just to get across the continent

I would proberly get fat. No reason to move at all teleport everywhere :(

but I've seen her on blacked

Teleport into yourself via a mirror

I didn't say you couldn't do that.

You can teleport anywhere you can see. That being said, you don't need to teleport to the maximum distance. you could look straight up and teleport miles into the air, then teleport again looking farther ahead, making many different jumps to get to a destination a long ways away.

But you can't just teleport across the world while sitting in your bedroom.

Then you must know that my mother's vagina gape is infinite, and thus cannot be perceived by the likes of a mere mortal such as yourself.

her asshole is fine too

what are with this morons and their free instwatches?

I could just teleport as far away as i could and as soon as i do, i do it again and just spam it

obviously use it to rape people and instantly leave the crime place