Gonna try out anime, give some good suggestions that are on Netflix

Gonna try out anime, give some good suggestions that are on Netflix

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what genres do u hate, saran


Death Note is god-tier if you don't mind jumping into the hard shit off the bat.

I'd try full metal alchemist brotherhood. I'm pretty sure it's on there and it's also a good show

I might watch taht

Madoka Magicka is the ultimate mind-fuck, LSD: The Anime

Avoid the ones with spikey haired lead heroes.

I just finished Your lie in April. Made me cry the bastards.

full metal alchemist bh and death note hands down

I wouldn't say Death Note is god tier at all, but if you don't mind edginess it's definitely a good one to start with.

I'm not sure what's on Netflix, but some personal recommendations (some are god tier, some are just good starters in general):

* Gurren Lagann
* Code Geass (R1 and R2)
* Cowboy Bebop
* Attack on Titan
* Steins; Gate
* The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

This should give you a good spread of the popular anime genres and gives you a decent general idea of whether or not you'll like anime. There are a fair few genres in general, but if you didn't like any of these shows then you probably won't like the others.

why do they all have to be little girls .. no ty


yeah S;G is my all-time favorite, sadly not on Netflix

how is death note edgy, retard
because L looks emo?

It's about a self righteous dweeb who takes it into his own hands to kill criminals (many of which haven't done nearly enough to deserve death). How is that not edgy?

most were murderers, he started killing extra of the less guilty to send a message for world peace

Sure but most of them were already convicted and being punished for their crimes. Not only that, but he killed many innocent people just to prevent himself from getting caught.

Don't get me wrong, I never claimed that Death Note wasn't good. It raised interesting philosophical questions and the way Light handled his challenges was definitely captivating.

I'm just saying that it's edgy, so you need to have some tolerance for edge in order to enjoy it.

One punch man was recently added to Netflix

Kill La Kill is on Netflix


On netflix SAO is ok 1st season but don't limit to Netflix websites like kissanine have series for free,my list is as follows

.spice and wolf (inb4 furfag pls kys)
.attack on titan (obvi)
.if her flag breaks
. Parasyte
. And finally boco no pico
Last one is a joke unless u wanna be sacred for life go at it

Fullmetal alchemist

Code geass Naruto death note

Just had a look at what you've got to choose from. It isn't much. My best suggestion would be Mushi-Shi. It's an even paced and comfy series free of the usual trash and tropes usually associated with anime. I saw they also have Expelled from Paradise on there. Watched it recently on someone's suggestion. The release poster and beginning made me hesititate but it turned out to be pretty good. It simultaneously tells an interesting story and discusses the human condition. If you have an interest in AI you'll probably enjoy it too.

This is fair

Kill La Kill is non-stop bonkers and full of the common tropes I can rarely stomach, but tbh it's one of the better ones.