ITT: We guess an user's age based off of his favourite hard alcohol. Mine's Grand Marnier

ITT: We guess an user's age based off of his favourite hard alcohol. Mine's Grand Marnier

What's a fella gotta do around here for some apple juice?

Are you gonna be offended by any answer? What if I say 5? What if I say 50? I have no idea what that stuff is.

Bacardi 151

I'd guess 12 based on your grammar.
>my favorite is Beefeater

I love a Scotch Whiskey on the rocks myself

You're 13 kiddo

I would say you seem to be a little under the age of 31 there las


I'd guess mid 20's, do you also happen to work in the industry?

Maybe not the best rum ever but still tastes pretty damn good especially considering the price.


ahaha you are right, although much closer to the legal drinking age than 31

19 with a job that barely pays for your cellphone bill, much less your tryhard-trendy alcohol habbit

23, you prefer other stuff but 151 is a good bang for the buck plus it feels a little classy edgy

27 with zero social life

17 with absolutely no idea what "good" means, and even less idea of what "for the price" means

Off by 10

Do I celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanzaa?
Do I not like spending money because I'm poor or rich?
Am I efficient or stingy?

I stopped drinking after I tried shrooms... But it was good ol jack

Really, really close on the age. I am fortunate enough to drink almost whatever I want for basically free, but otherwise you'd be correct, probably wouldn't be able to afford the drink

Bell's scotch and Singleton scotch.

You're off on the rum but still better than 15 I expected.

19 maybe. Wannabe fancy kiddo

Pic related. Gin & tonic is best highball.

I do work in a paper plant, my lungs are probably dying. I'm 26

I drink fucking shit trash. This is the most drinkable cheap booze I've found.



Jack Daniels Tennesse Honey

Bulleit bourbon


Yes please

I stopped drinking after i discovered that weed is by no means a better alternative.

Millstone Rye

24 and a hipster

shame there isnt one in my country , if i were to guess i would say 19 ?

Tastes great neat



18 female

22 & broke

wildcard: 22 and hipster af, or 32 and actually Irish

27, that shit is nasty though drink something else. Canadian whisky is too sweet

bingo, though I'm 26 now I found it at 24.

im 17


Go to is gin tonic

>not a hipster
>not 24

Really close on the age, but not exactly a hipster. Just grew up drinking it. Native Irish grandfather who raised me was an alcoholic that only drank the stuff

I know my gin and the sad fucks that drink it
>I'm one of them



Don't get me wrong, I like Guinness. Specifically Guinness Draught, it's just like water though. You should try the Extra Stout. If you can find it, try the Foreign Export Stout. Both are good tbh.



Early 20's, lives on the west coast

Gin: Bombay Sapphire, Tanqueray Ten, Hendricks

Vodka: Moskovskaya, Stolichnaha, Grey Goose if a reasonable price

Bourbon: Buffalo Trace, 4 Roses

Canadian Rye: Alberta Premium Dark Horse, Canadian Club Chairman's Select

Scotch: Lagavulin, Johnny Walker Black or higher

Rum: Mount Gay, Havana Club, Appleton Estate

Mid 20's



Jamesons caskmates and whiteowl, both on the rocks of course.

Bang for your buck and not too sweet or over spiced. Captain has too much vanilla and is too sweet for me and a lot of it has too much nutmeg.

36 & dying of liver failure.

Jose Cuervo tequila

Goodnight alcoholicanons remember to drink at least a pint of water before bed to stave off the hangover.

About a decade older, and male

Glenfiddich 18

Tullamore Dew or Knob Creek

>all time favorite
Although I like most whiskeys as well


Nope off by 9. Switched from bourbon to gin when I was 22 though.

Macallans 18


Trying to preserve your esophagus for penis eh?


Breddy close. 34 and my alcoholism is turned down to a generally dull roar at this point in my life.

>TFW I didn't think of tequila

Spot on. What gave it away?

Vodka is the alcoholics choice, a little nip and no one can smell it on you

thats hot i'm actually 32

Good guess on the overholt im 25, 4 roses works too and dalmore for a decent scotch

Close. 27. And an alcoholic.


Wrong nigger, that's strong peppermint shnapps followed by gum or an altoid.

We all wish we were 19

this actually tastes like shit. japanese whisky has a really sharp bite to it

Tip: Between 18-63

happy 18th birthday


I didn't mind it when I tried it, but that was a while ago admittedly.

>being concerned that someone can smell alcohol on your breath after you shit on their lawn

ur sooo beyond the line muhnigguh

When I could afford it. These days it's whatever rotgut they happen to be selling at the grocery outlet.

19 with an uncle that has a small bar and uses old terms

I'll make sure to try and find it, thanks for the recommendation

or possibly autistic/australian

Chewing cinnamon gum has worked well for me to mask the smell.

Based on my extensive research I 100% agree . Good for every day shot and beer..

Tesseron Extra Legende


Wrong. 25 and too broke to successfully drink myself to death.

Same thing

You hate yourself in a special way don't you?


Why are people posting spirits they never could afford?

I can, and do. But it is expensive, so I only buy it/get bought it for special occasions.

Meh. So career focused life became mundane.

Big fan of this with ginger ale and a lime, or just a glass with a splash of water and ice.



Smoothest liquor I've ever drank

