Other urls found in this thread:


Which one is you, OP?



Smug Sue looks more suspicious than smug.

Suspicious Sue.



>i'm vlad putin, and this is jackass

these are funny but it's a fucking shame too lol they look so lovely.


Yes we take picture, then we go and blow up shit









Crimson chin
fucking kek


The greatest Sup Forums story of all time right here




The russians (slav) are soulless, just like the fucking chinks and gooks.

Hate to break it to you...the two photographs are heavily photoshopped. I've seen the original version before.

lmao that took ages to read, good though

>Which one is you, OP?
>one is you

Good job, nigger.

That's correct though
>third person present tense of to be
>he is asking which singular member of a separate group is currently the OP



sorority girl and by jove might catch my dick up they bums if they don't watch out


Gen. laffed at this when i saw it on the social media some day ago.

Never spend my time reading these endless stories.

Not the Crimson Chin's best angle, for sure. I assume he couldn't be made to look forward.

skim through the boring parts sure, but its hilarious

Hah. There was a st ahahah a story ahahahah a story about a guy who ahahahahahahah

>tfw no flannel fae gf




That wasn't even funny that was just a good read


Totally disgusting. Yuck!

Lost. Big time.

Are you a mom? Wtf? Lmao

Does that nigger have Albert Fish as a profile picture?

7/10 chuckled a bit, sad that this is the funniest post in this shit thread


>Raptor Joe


Wheres is the fucking helicopter ffs i hate those Captcha





Then post contribute faggot






aw fuck. Did it actually get leaked?
Also fuck you.


There you go got this shit thread back on track. see:

>shit streeter

Shouldn't it be street shitter?

It's not real

Goddammit David


unnecessary explanatory second line


Please kill yourself. This is not a meme. Proceed to end your existence on this planet.



gonna have to try harder than that kiddo. 1/10 for making me reply. peace out on your shit thread

fuck off

This was absoluteley dissapointing. Kill yoursef.

This is the worst thing I've ever seen


This is not even my thread you autistic pile of reddit trash

Your spelling is absolutely disappointing too.

this is a gif



No, I prefer the hot first lady

Obviously, it's just a TV program.


got more?


ITT ppl who dont understand that michelle is wearing a maid costume...

its a joke, you moron



she is the furthest thing from hot



Compared to Michelle Obama she is infinitely more hot.

Ok, I've losst.