It's the 21st century, why aren't you encouraging your wife/gf/sister to serve the black man's sexual desires?

it's the 21st century, why aren't you encouraging your wife/gf/sister to serve the black man's sexual desires?

Kill yourself faggot

>Five basic rules of propaganda

The rule of SIMPLIFICATION: reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

The rule of DISFIGURATION: discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

The rule of TRANSFUSION: manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

The rule of UNANIMITY: presenting one's viewpoint as if it were the unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure, and by 'psychological contagion'.

The rule of ORCHESTRATION: endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

Which category do you think this thread falls under?

My wife sucks black cock like every day

Paid whore. Doing whore things.
She's looks depressed af.



as you watched the first one, you may enjoy this one too

Dude, this is a troll thread. Also a porn thread, but it's such blatant trolling that it kinda qualifies as a joke. Which you didn't get. You're one of those alt-right faggots, aren't you?

Do you even have the remotest idea.. of what the taste of asshole... taste like?

So, rule of orchestration?


In Jesus name amen




These kike-bots sure are annoying

>describing practises as "rules" in an attempt to give the argument more weight


Disfiguration or transfusion?

How come like 90% of female on male asslicking porn is niggers


I make my gf do it for me instead because I'm not a retard


because women sense the black man's potency and feel an irresistible urge to serve him sexually

it's genetics dude, white women will always crave negro penis


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, kys you untermensch







>licking ass

Does it feel good to get licked in de ass?
Seems a bit gay


Because they literally don't want to.


She already does and I'm in the process of catfishing her atm

I would imagine it's like taking a shit, with the added satisfaction of dominating a whore


Sounds epiq!


Remember folks, welfare is paying for this shitskin propaganda.

Still hoping a bunch of comets/meteors hit Africa.

Aids hasn't been working as well as we would have liked.

>comet hitting the Earth

you do realize that would wipe out all life on the planet don't you? fucking dumbass trumpanzee

imagine finding out your daughter does this. you'd be fucking gutted

Depends on the size you troglodyte.

unless you had videos of her doing it

yeah, just look at what happened to the moon.

Fucking dumbshit.

meteors strike the planet every day dickwad

>the Moon


>praises eating dudes assholes.
What's wrong with you

The same guy who makes these threads is the same one who supports antifa, and communism. Plus they cry about the alt right all the time. HAHAHAHAHAHA why am I not surprised

White women need to stop hogging all the black men

that's a video of a landslide

Are you the same fag that said he wanted to be a white girl to serve black guys?

I've been cucked by a BBC. Pic related, top one is me. Which one is hotter? Top or bottom

even "straight" white men can't resist the black man's inherent sexual might

for all their bleating, you just know that most of the "men" in this thread would enjoy having a black penis inside them


You look the same

I'm not mentally ill.

............someone is horny and just broke the cringe scale

She's fat lol

Alot of white men in this thread are insecure about the sexuality and will try to hide there desires for BBC

You were cucked

You were sent a picture of his dick/full body.

You sent both your dick, and his to someone to compare it.

You most probably cry yourself to sleep, continuously gazing at his enormous penis, while holding on to yours.

While you're reading this, your SO is getting fucked by him again.

Why have you not KYS yet?

>nationality = species

I think that's a lot of it too. Even if there's a girl in the porno, noticing the cock or caring at all what the guy is or looks like is very gay.

It's still mostly just bait and trolling though.

I love trolling racists, but the bottom pic is porn star shane diesel.

I live to be cucked?

Shave diesel/thread he is a god, bless.

I love when shane has girls lick his peehole

Is that Annette Schwartz?

>I love trolling racists

You should kill yourself, faggot

Women can only pretend to love a white man

>posts porn

Nice bait fail, faggot. Next time don't try and help your trolling by showing a woman that had to be paid in order to get interracial.


What's funny is how insecure white people are.

White men are insecure, so they fantasized about their white women fucking black guys or the worst-case scenario in their cuck, racist reality.

White women are so insecure that they actually started fucking black men as they thought it would make their white men happy.

White men are now crying about it. White women feel lied to. Stupid white people.

>You're one of those alt-right faggots, aren't you?
alt-right faggots like to gobble up propaganda too


>_rustytrombone 1.webm
sauce my good friend




Did say I DIDNT enjoy it faggot.


a rock of that size would have wiped out the city ....... or the country





Because I'm not a fucking beta cuck, now go rob a Liquor store or something like this tyrone

that's a land slide and you are a fucking moron

haha, what the fuck is this shit

idk found it here, dont knoiw why im posting it

Hi Bettendorf

Sage these shit threads, Sup Forumsrothers. Remember, sage goes in all fields

Saging a thread still allows you to reply without bumping, the only function it ever served. Don't believe this misinformation

sage isn't a downvote you fucking reddit retard
see this post