GoT_07x06 done √

GoT_07x06 done √
who has seen GoT_07x07?

Other urls found in this thread:[Leaked]_-_[ECLiPSE]

Nobody retard.

can't believe they already deaded a dragon

It is leaked, I just downloaded episode 6, you retard!

Vikings is originally better.

You asked who has seen ep 7, and that's nobody you fucking autist.
Everyone has seen ep 6, you're not special.


omfg omfg omfg

shit quality but its real

Already? The season is almost over.
The episode was fucking stupid though.
>The north is constantly -40 degrees, the lake isnt fucking frozen?
>Gendry ran 100 miles in a couple hours in a blizzard
>They somehow hold off a million dead people with 6 fighters for any period of time
>The wights don't just form a bridge of corpses over 2 yards of water
To name a few.

And a bunch of retards will click on this.

its real

You're dumb as a stump. You know that?
use this then

And welcome retards

Don't worry, your daddys computer wont get a virus. It's real.

they all die

It's a quiet day in the Indian call center

only 1 dragon and john die

Just watched it. OMG. How does it work if John Snow dead?

Ep 7 is also leaked but shit quality, how do you not even know this? You've been cucked :)



7 out too tho but only on private trackers, they said theyll leak it properly in few days and let 6 sink in, you can stop acting tough neet boy

You fucking Indians need to lurk more before trying to pretend to not be a fucking Indian.[Leaked]_-_[ECLiPSE]

He sleeping. This torrent has the x264 virus

>It's actualy true? at $0 ?

Just watched episode 7... whelp... they're down to one dragon now. and john is still dead/missing.

i hope youre right that whore deserves everything

thanks for this nice bullshit

Wrong, I actually did watch it while it was up last night, Jon is back and they still have 2 dragons but Littlefinger is not in season 8, She who passes the sentence swings the sword and its not what you think.