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they are not made by slaves. you watched too much movies.

I missed the part where the pharohs got trolled by the President of the United States inventing execute orders.


Kree, Jaffa!

who made them? they hired contractors?

>The pyramids were built by paid, skilled laborers.

this. Also making jews liers for saying they slaved away to make them.

the people had to work for a couple of time there instead of taxes.

Problem is we don't know who built this, but a lot of skill was involved so probably not slaves.

OP, are you fucking stupid?

so they were paid money and could at any time quit if they wanted?

They were looked after and in fact had houses. Dont let the jews lie to you about their heritage.

they paid with their working power/abilities. not sure if the had money at this time.

One thing is for fucking sure - show me ONE THING built by "slave" negroes that has endured to this day. ONE.

They picked cotton, and did menial tasks (equivalent to today's Mexicans). They didn't build any monuments, erect any structures that will last thousands of years, etc.

Fucking negroes. Must be sad waking up every morning, knowing you are nothing but a sack of shit piled high.

You do know that the builders of the Pyramids were not slaves right ?

thanks for educating me. i hope you too soon and up with a "job" like those free and independent people that built the pyramids since it sounds like it was a very fair deal for everyone involved. good luck with nice new job.

Great Mosque of Djenné, in Mali.


more like monuments to skilled ancient masons

It has already been replaced, the one you can see is a fake, true one has been taken by army

Built by the Fulani's - Middle Eastern (i.e. Arab) origin.

History harder, pleb.

Kree Heru'ur! Shel pac herac Apophis!

Source: My ass.

That is a fucking sand castle mate....

>loses argument so turns passive aggressive as a chance to save face
christ its an user website no one will know about your failure

tfw the actual mosque was built during French colonial domination

>Say statement.
>Get agreed with.
>N-nice s-sarcasm
So you acknowledge you're full of shit and what you said isn't true. Okay.

Aksum and Lalibela in Ethiopia.

you sound pretty angry about something you claim victory over. what makes you so mad? i mean you are proved right. correct? why doesn't that make you happy because you're apparently so smart?

>the guardian
So I was right, source was from the ass, just a different person's ass.

stay in your little world kiddo and believe what you want.

>Trying this hard.
>Even the article has no proof, just theories.

Oh boy, maybe you should get a job kiddo.

Yeah they feed them like kings.

no fear about my income, i'm fine with my job.

there was obvious unionized labor 4500 years ago, the people that actually built them negotiated labor contracts with the pharaoh, had worker's comp when injured on the job, and paid well for over time. i know this because people on Sup Forums tell me this.

"Egyptologist Mark Lehner, an associate of Harvard's Semitic Museum, is beginning to fashion an answer. He has found the city of the pyramid builders. They were not slaves."

"The surprises were just beginning. Faunal analyst Richard Redding, of the University of Michigan Museum of Natural History, identified tremendous quantities of cattle, sheep, and goat bone, "enough to feed several thousand people, even if they ate meat every day," Lehner adds. Redding, who has worked at archaeological sites all over the Middle East, "was astounded by the amount of cattle bone he was finding," says Lehner. He could identify much of it as "young, under two years of age, and it tended to be male." Here was evidence of many people—presumably not slaves or common laborers, but skilled workers—feasting on prime beef, the best meat available."

"There were slaves in Egypt, says Lehner, but the discovery that pyramid workers were fed like royalty buttresses other evidence that they were not slaves at all, at least in the modern sense of the word. "

"Lehner currently thinks Egyptian society was organized somewhat like a feudal system, in which almost everyone owed service to a lord. The Egyptians called this "bak." Everybody owed bak of some kind to people above them in the social hierarchy. "But it doesn't really work as a word for slavery," he says. "Even the highest officials owed bak.""

>not knowing how to read

some people just don't want to hear thinks they don't like. it was such a good analogy and we crushed it. such a shame.

FYI the pyramids were not built by slaves.


We didn't have slaves either, indentured servants (alt facts)

>Everybody owed bak of some kind to people above them in the social hierarchy.
Almost like, slaves owed some kind of work to people above them in the social hierarchy.

Compelled to work for your master? It's not slavery unless the master is white!

They were made by respected and well fed workers. Fucking pleb.

>i don't know how feudalism worked
If you can't see the difference between slavery and vassalage, you should go and read up on it.

a Grand Duke can also be compelled to work for his master (the king), but is he a slave
all US males and many males in many other countries are subject to the potential of draft and conscription
are conscripts slaves?


>a Grand Duke can also be compelled to work for his master (the king), but is he a slave
Yes. Just because the Grand Duke can in turn compel service, does not mean that he is not a slave to the King.
>are conscripts slaves?
Yes, in the most obvious and dire way.

Compelling work by violence is slavery. You guys are the temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

Yes, actually. There is graffiti from stone mason guilds in some of the shafts.

Dukes can be compelled to work by violence

slavery is distinct from involuntary labor, even if such labor is under threat of violence
there are many reasons humans compel each other to labor with force, but not all of them make slaves

slaves are permanent involuntary laborers and are considered a separate social class from the general population

laboring as tax payment for a period every tax cycle is not permanent, nor does it denote a separate social class

similarly, conscripts are not slaves because they are not a distinct social class from the general population and their servitude is not permanent

Well, given the archaeological evidence is that the workers were skilled masons who were free workers, paid well by a complex infrastructure...

They wont be taken down, except by mindless ignorance: You.

There's been quite a lot of archaeological excavation not of the pyramids themselves, but the housing areas of the workers nearby. There's a huge amount of data in there, including some remarkable stuff like employment records and orders for more material, food, etc that have been found.

Its all pretty good evidence that the workers were skilled masons.

>Well, given the archaeological evidence is that the workers were skilled masons who were free workers, paid well by a complex infrastructure...
>They wont be taken down, except by mindless ignorance: You

Skilled masons may have made the blocks etc as well as planning BUT tell me genius, how exactly did they get stacked into the pyramid shape? dragged into place by slaves. moron

Slaves in the US were not all permanent. In fact there were quite many freed slaves. Some, in turn, bought slaves even! The slave turns into the slave driver, much like our Grand Duke example. Conscripts are indeed a separate social class, subject to entirely separate laws and customs from the general populance. You must not be from a country that has/had conscription.

So, our definition of slavery isn't very good.

Unless you're a Marxist, who believes that appropriating workers' labor is slavery. Which is, actually, the only workable definition.


Not him, but I do have a nice trade (machinist) that affords me and my family a cozy, modest living. Just like those Egyptian pyramid builders who were in fact well paid, skilled laborers and artisans.

You don't entrust slaves with the job of building an engineering marvel intended to house the remains of someone who is considered a god incarnate, as well as his/her family and the servants who will continue to serve them in the afterlife. You trust people who know what the fuck they are doing, and can get things done within a reasonable time frame. Shit, getting slaves to do even menial shit, like picking cotton or mining diamonds isn't even worth the hassle because slave labor is inefficient and only willing to work hard enough not to be starved, horse whipped or killed. There's a reason why the early American colonists tried to utilize indentured servants, and convict labor before settling on slaves. It's because, in theory at least, indentured servants and convicts have a reason to work hard and try to make a good impression, as they have the hope of upward mobility, no matter how limited. Turns out though that they also had enough sense to just pick up, leave, change their names, and go a few miles down the road where no one knew them.

You also don't try to enslave people who's tribe lives in the general area, and belongs to a larger confederation of bands, clans, and tribes who dominate the entire region, unless you can subjugate them all. That was briefly tried too, to disastrous results for the ones attempting it.

To OP, you keep on protesting about historical "slavery" while you wear your lovely $500 made by child labor sneakers ;)

That was built by arabs...under the instruction of the french

so shitty example
