TIL: Alt-Right = White supremacist

TIL: Alt-Right = White supremacist

America Is fucked

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Honestly does any white person really give a shit about white supremacists? Only Jews really care if they exist or not

The Alt-Right are a white supremacy movement. Trump confirmed it in his press confrence.

Left/Right post are bots. Left/Right post are bots. Left/Right post are bots.

Do your research

So? Like I'm white... They won't come for me till the racial purity tests come back and by then I'll be in Reo

TIL: Alt-Right = Anyone the Left wants to label as White supremacist.
Fix'd by your friendly neighborhood Libertarian.

They seem like bots, propaganda needs to be inline with people's interests. White guilt only gets you so far.

Cant we all just agree that both sides, left and right, are equally fucked these days with only a small minority able to see that what we really need is a healthy balance of both

TIL: black lives matter = black supremacist
TIL: Antifa=globalist terrorists and fascists

Libertarian? Don't you mean library terrier? Also who will build the roads?

So? We are clearly supreme. Undeniably so even

trump supporters in the middle

I wonder what they are distracting us from? New trade deal? Neutron bomb?


I spoke with Jesus this morn and he said, "I'll be fine. You alt left commie fascist brown shirts are fucked. "

>Anyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi
Libcuck logic at it's finest.

Oh dear

Trump said it himself you dope

Gee pick a fight with guys that are armed to the teeth that's gonna end well. You can't be pro gun control and be an anarchist

No it isn't you brainwashed dumbass.


Speak for yourself faggot

Just quote him then, stop saying "he basically said it guys! For real" all he said was they're were bad people on both sides. They were beating his car with baseball bats what do you expect the retard to do?

Stop or I'll tell all your liberal friends you said faggot

Nazi here. Go to Sup Forums

No user you are brainwashed. And why are you posting an upside down flag you disrespectful piece of shit. America freed the slaves as the first nation you better fucking never post that shit again and I'm speaking to you as a European.

White people never think about being white. Far too much other shit to do and get done to ponder something you can't do anything about.
Only dumb niggers waste time thinking about shit no one can do anything about.

>Trump said it himself you dope
Got a source on that? Because it sounds like bullshit.

Pretty sure that guy was getting ready to fold up his flag. Notice the cane keeping him upright?

>you're both fine, very fine people
Fify bro

I don't give a shit. Never post that image again pretending that America is a nazi country in the same thread. It represents everything good about racial freedom. Go to hell.


I didn't post the image you fucking retard. I commented about the photo being misunderstood.

>as a European

Fuck off then. You literally have no say in this and no right to support a morally corrupt president who is promoting fascism. Not directly, but his actions are allowing the fascist movements to stand up and voice their ideas. Something that will cause unrest and violance.

America is in a state of emergency and the upside down flag represents a country in distress.

The far right wants ethnic cleansing, the far right wants to get rid of the far right for wanting ethnic cleansing, how is that the same ?

I don't care faggot.

Upside down US flag is also a distress call.

I think they all grew up with rich parents. Now that they gave grown up they want the government to be mommy and daddy and tell all the bad men to go away.

>Don't do it again
>Go to hell
>I don't care faggot
This is some top-tier autism.

Enjoy your no go zones, and worry about your ownn takeover, we go this.

>morally corrupt president
>America is in a state of emergency and the upside down flag represents a country in distress.
This has something to do with demeaning the flag that represents freedom, how? Oh and an upside symbol equals mocking something and it always has for as far as I know what you just said was complete bullshit probably heard it from the media. Also prove that terrible claim that this is Trump's fault. He has been promoting coming together ever since he started running. YOU guys are always shitting on white people or just people with a different opinion that you don't know shit about. So anyway provide proof. And I have a say in anything the fuck I want you faggot you just fucking stop me.

Americans talking about freedom for everyone
>building a wall to keep Mexicans away from their country

I think you mentioned far left. Also really? You really think antfa is super clean? You can't just tell lies to make your side look better. Both sides in this are playiñg dirty don't pretend like they are not

That and fear of the unknown "work"

You' don't know shit then. The upside down flag has always represented distress. Look it up you faggot you're on a computer.

You're argument is complete nonsense. Maybe get a proper grasp of the English language before you try and stick up for yourself.

>Fuck off then. You literally have no say in this and no right to support a morally corrupt president who is promoting fascism

Yes, yes, Trump is promoting fascism and he's a Nazi and he's a bigot and he's a big meanyhead and he smells bad. Anything else you want to childishly pile on?

He's talking about me. And I know that Europe is screwed. Alex Jones is basically my beacon of hope and Trump is a great inspiration to the people as well.

A huge portion of female Trump supporters on Twitter are fake.

If every other country is allowed to have secure borders, then why can't the U.S. have them too, what about equality?

Tell me Sup Forums, why are Americans so damn fucking insecure in everything they do?

Also they think Scandinavian countries are Utopia. Guess what guys? Your socialist Paradise is still 87 percent white even with all the refugees. White people are the only ones that can even support such large social welfare programs.


>You' don't know shit then. The upside down flag has always represented distress.
Just go watch CNN you liberal goon.

you need to get fucked with barbed wire.

not only is that a gross generalisation, but it is a stupid thing to say. what are you - and Ancap? you think that the country would be better with no government, just little tribes protecting each other from the gangs of thugs and rapists,? that if you give allthe power to the rich and the property owners it will be a utopia where everyone magically gets what they need handed out by the invisible hand? grow up.

Government is the least worst way of ensuring that the rich and powerful do not fuck you and leave you to starve. that the cost cutting bottom line businessmen do not pollute your water and sell you cars that explode (see ford Pinto if you don't know about it already)

You think you are an independent overlord self sufficint alpha male - you are not. you live in a civil society that has allowed you to prosper - one that the government has ensured. you are not an island. you want to live in a state of nature, with all your freedoms? well Hobbes knew what that life was like - lonely miserable, nasty brutish and short.

grow up.

Yes I'm sure that now it means that and there are 50 genders. U done?


>Fix'd by your friendly neighborhood libertarian

And that's where I won't take you seriously

you wanted a theof to not do his job and piss off other countries? you wanted an incompetant man child to fuck over the education system, the medical care adn the economy? you wanted a con artist to steal and play golf?

what kind of a sick fuck are you?

A huge portion of social media is fake, and the rest is manipulated, so what's your point?

Antifa looks bad because of a small minority of fucking retards with small man syndrome. Same as the "alt-right" fascists. If your ideology is sound there will always be someone who misenterpret it for their own fucked up benefit.

Christianity and Islam are guilty of the same issues.

No one is right or wrong here. It's just the small % who act on their idiotic "understanding" who destroy everything.

The idiots who follow these people are to blame as much, if not more than these "martyrs"

Jesus, humanity fucking pisses me off so much. We all have an opinion on everything, but at the end of the day it's black and white, stupid and stupider

you didn't even watch the presser
you don't even know what antifa has been doing for the last 2 years.
you don't know anything about this
but must importantly you didn't even watch it.

pic unrelated

America was not the first Nation to free the slaves

>I can say anything I want and it will be true

>Not marxist = white supremacist

Good point, I wonder if they'll figure that out before its too late


It definately was the first nation in modern times.

This is actually false, but it wasn't that big of a gap between the dates of the first ones to do it.

Hello Sup Forumsfriend Let's get this trainwreck rolling.

Also - there are still slaves in Africa.

>Modern times

So the world didn't exist before America then?

Then what nation did it before it? Did they also make it illegal?

There are still slaves in america.
They just don't know it

You need to get a Fucking job and move out of your parents basement.

Yeah no shit what does that have to do with America?
Yeah but not LEGALY


You are making assumptions about my views. I just think far lefties usually come from wealth. What so I'm an anarco capitalist because I think statism isn't the answer? Have you ever worked in government? They could give a shit about you yet you want them to be all powerful. You people could cause a dictatorship to flower like mao's garden

>but not LEGALLY

I'm talking about American citizens

>pretending to be the morally and intellectually superior for not picking sides
>not realizing both will kill you for not picking a side

>Christianity and Islam are guilty of the same issues.
Yeah except I don't see christians blowing shit up k? Islam is currently a threat and promotes violence. Christianity doesn't. I get your point but don't compare these 2 again.

Just because you served and still have your dress uniform in your closet, does not mean you're a wizard and have an infallible worldview. it also doesn't mean you're exempt from the UCMJ and get to wear it at public rallies and make political statements that reflect back on your branch.

...in case you forgot your first week in boot.

fucking dopes.

Were a Fucking super power idiot. We are the ones writing the checks and snapping necks. We don't appease terrorist anymore, Obama left office remember?

Yes exactly. But not in a legal sense. Because what they're doing isn't even legal.

But america must be a land of nazis how else should trump have won the election after all he said. If you after all still voted for trump you must be a nazi or at least support their world view, which supprice makes you a nazi. Because every single word from the lips of this egomanic alzheimer's patient is pure BS and Propaganda. He lied to you in every single way possible, and yet you still fail to realize that he's making equal steps as Erdogan does in his country, just less obvious. Instead of silencing the media he undermines their credibility with false Fake News accusations while he himself is spreading Fake News when ever he opens his mouth. He's trying to get addresses of opposing protestors via the justice department. (They tried to get a huge set of data on protestors from Dreamhost)


>Yeah no shit what does that have to do with America
No one said it did, cluebag.

Christianities crimes run muuuuch deeper than suicide bombings and terrorism.
Christianity is guilty of political corruption, child trafficking and brainwashing. The last part being very much part of Irish (my) history

Oh yes the whole " only a small group of radicals" how come that argument doesn't wash when the only side says it? Can't you even see the irony? Really? Your side all ways explains away the Jr gulag patrol. Both sides are garbage

>thinking OP is in the picture

Fuck of newfag

>after all he said.
Stopped reading there. Then what the fuck did he say then?

Only white people who don't live in a fucking vacuum on an isolated farm where they can afford to be as ignorant as they want to be, and actually live in a culture alongside other humans that work together to accomplish more than herding an endless line of cows into a truck.


Shut up Hibernian scum, I hope you like felafel and clitoral circumcisions you traitor.

Most people who voted for Trump were poor white people that lost their jobs thanks to Obama and been left in the dark.

My side?
I don't have a fucking "side". My point is that what starts off with good intentions will always be taken and manipulated for the wrong reasons by bad people, ruining origins reputation and integrity.


ok so he has helped the coal industry pollute more and dig up coal that no one needs. he has pulled out of the future job generating Paris accord - giving the advantage in developing future tech to other countries, and making America a laughing stock.

requesting a million dolalrs a mile for a wall that won't work isn't much of an achievement you know.

Hostile nation travel ban has protected no one.

rebuilding military - lol. like it was small1 you mean "giving mor etax dollars to special interests and the military industrial complex to make useless shit, rahter than actually creating jobs that make useful shit."

his tax reform plan - to help lazy millionaires is ahrdly a great acjhievement either.

which foreign allies are more strongly bonded to this clown? Russia?

Helped to stop nigger babies being aborted in overcrowded nigger lands. great job

re-established the National Space Council but has not appointed two of its members after eight months, along with hundreds of other appointments still not made - because incompetent.

yes I know it is bait, but i could not help it...

I own my own company, and my parents don't have a basement. But thanks for the advice - I am off to swim in my pool now.

We live now. We don't give a fuck what Christians did a thousand years ago.
We do care about mudslime invasions cuz they are happening NOW.

Hope that clears things up for you.

I'm assuming he's referring to Trump's speech following Charlottesville. In his speech he condemned violence but said that there were people on both sides who were there for civil reasons, protest/counterprotest the removal of confederate statues or something of that nature. The part everyone is having a problem with is that Trump said that there are good honest people on both sides who did not wish for there to be violence. He's probably right, but because he defender the alt-right he's supporting Nazis so I guess we have to impeach him now.

I swear people are fucking stupid.

Why did you put Trump's head on a body that is not obese? Are you ashamed of your leader's body?