It was supposed to be her moment, and you took it away

It was supposed to be her moment, and you took it away.

thank god

She is pretty bad and has plenty of skeletons in the closet but she is at least a competent and highly intelligent person no matter your opinion of her.

She had actual policy that made logical sense and would have been a billion times better President than the fucking cockwomble Nazi sympathizer in the White House.


Hows that wall coming along btw?

she had her moment in 92

>she is at least a competent and highly intelligent person no matter your opinion of her.

you must have a hard life being this autistic

You'll see racist, Drumpf will get impeached any moment now

I'm fine thanks. She is objectively both of those thing you compete jizzrag. You don't have to fucking like her to admit the blatantly obvious.

She's the most evil women on the planet

Don't say anything bad about her or you'll commit suicide.

>doesn't like someone
>"impeach his ass"
Tell me what Trump did to get impeached. Trigger you? He's mostly a bumbling idiot when it comes to military matters, but he's not a criminal.

this is her now

He hasn't given up his businesses. Once he completely separates from his businesses I'll be cool with him.

>itt: false-flaggers and idiots

Dont let the newfags know!!!

and the failure was soooooo delicious. Her and Trump were made for each other as candidates.


Kys newfag

the fuck she is. if you spent ten minutes off a fucking campus and had any goddamned sense of political history you wouldn't say something so retarded.

>Lost the presidency to one of the least electable people in the country.
Choose one.

>implying she ever did anything
>implying she's owed something for nothing

yeah, that's what i said. NEWFAG!

She managed to lose an election to a GOP so fucked up that presented as candidate a washed up reality tv has been. Competent and intelligent are not compatible with those circumstances.
Not telling that the donald is better, but to lose against him should have been crushingly depressing, with the level of bipartisan support she got she must be a psicopath to not give a shit and don't an hero herself.

The decision of whom to elect was made by the incompetents. Stupid people make bad choices.

dubs get

>Being this delusional.
Hillary was rejected by the people because she is such an incompetent, entitled asshole. My fucking dog could have beat Trump in the election; Hillary actually ran a worse campaign than my dog would have.

I would have voted for doggo

Please, Hillary lost the election for herself more than Trump won it for himself. For an actual politician, shady shit and all, to be beaten by that buffoon, the Clinton admin dropped the ball fucking hard, and the Dems are gearing up to do it AGAIN in 2020. We are so fucked.

>She's the most evil women on the planet
Nah, you don't know my sister, but she does make a great second place

The entire goal of politicians is to sway the opinion of the idiot masses. How do you think people with no original thought form opinions? They're told what to think by the most clever social engineers.

That was a weird non-sequitur to an user who is just trying to get some dubs...