I'm going to kill myself on Labor Day ask me anything

I'm going to kill myself on Labor Day ask me anything

Other urls found in this thread:


Can I have your stuff?



I don't have much. Just some money on PayPal. I was going to give it to my friend,

wtf is a labour day?

Are you willing to do anything it takes to achieve happiness? or are you not even going to try to change your mind?

I'm going nowhere in life, I can't find love, I have PTSD and bad depression

will you stream it?

Do you have a little sister I can console after your untimely yet hilarious death?

I can if you want. I don't know whether to slit my throat or my wrist.

Do you want to talk to me on skype? Maybe you wont kill you. Maybe you don't want to kill yourself after that.

Well....when people on internet forums make threads and say "ask me anything" they generally want to field questions for a short time...how is this not apparent?

>tits or gtfo

Post nudes because I won't have a chance to sleep with you

Please don`t.... Don`t do it


You're really fucking hot though

I didn't know women could have depression.

I have a feeling that isn't you, regardless.
Can I have the body after? you know while it's still warm?
also info on the stream please

Most of us don't know where to go in their lives, not really a reason to give up nigger.
I'm disabled, technicaly I have more excuses to do an hero than you, what's your excuse asides from what you said?
Also love is bullshit, it's not real, give up hope on it and you'll feel better.


I made a nice stir fry today, am I an adult now?

they usually are the main cause

You sure are ugly enough for it, good luck.

So many newfags in this thread lol

Don't do this OP. Give me a good reason why your life should be taken away by you when you yourself didn't give yourself life.

I don't think it would help... I just want a boyfriend but the guys I like don't like me back.

I'll stream it on 11:00PM EST on Labor Day

if dubs you live but spend your entire life crippled inside a hospital

>Greentext your life as testament

I was merely pretending

Are you old enough to show us your pussy?
If so do you have a little sister we'd rather see?

Can you post nudes at least?

They never stop coming either.


You know that when you die there is no heaven or hell, no reincarnation. It's over.
What things do you like?
I've also had depression, but I focus on things that I like and even if you do not seem to like it, you can enjoy it.
You are beautiful, and young, and sure you springs. Why take your life? With the amount of things you like or would like you have to do.

Please respond on Insta

Why not today?

Just because my pics are all over Sup Forums doesn't mean it's not me posting. I'm out so I can't do a timestamp but I think my extensive collection of photos of me proves it's me.

moar eliza pics, faggot.

If she's old enough to end her life, she's old enough to post nudes.

Especially if it is to be the only way people fondly remember anything about her, right ?

kys pedo

fuck ok


What's that got to do with her little sister? Are you a faggot?

Post nudes. (/w timestamp)
Blow up the lab.


You've got nothing to lose by changing EVERYTHING, right?

Do do it!

You are attractive. You WILL have a good life if you just ride this out.

What you think is tragic and hard now is actually insignificant noise. Hard to believe, but trust me.


gee I wonder where you got that idea from


screen capped and set a date on my calendar
I'll hold it to you cunt
also, you never answered about the body.


You don't know that. I don't believe in heaven either but I'm still not stupid enough to say that it can not exist.

>Do do it!

I'll take the bait, even though it's probably a bearded 50yo redneck posting this:

"Where do you live, sweetheart ?"

Where do you live?

>Just because my pics are all over Sup Forums doesn't mean it's not me posting. I'm out so I can't do a timestamp but I think my extensive collection of photos of me proves it's me.

1x1 she's just an attention whore
Die bitch

In your mum

When is laybourye day?

Why Labor Day specifically


Just a state or province or something. I'm not looking for a specific address.

Why are you putting so much importance on being in a relationship?

Listen to me OP this is not what you want to do. Yes, life is not fair, it's even mean sometimes, heck there's times I can't even decide what to jack it to but I would never even think about killing myself on Labor Day. Seriously that's like way far away can't you do it right now?

why wait?

Jesus Can Save You

He Loves You Individually and wants to grow in a relationship with you

Pictures were all taken from her Instagram. Creep.

Last day of summer.

That fact that I already have pictures of here clearly disproves that point summerfag


The pictures aren't the right size for Instagram. You can't post full vertical pics of Instagram, they crop them a bit

I love you Ciara. I don't know if my love counts tho.

Think about it: If she's going to kill herself, she doesn't have to worry about the party van !

So she CAN produce all the Cheese Pizza she wants, whether of herself, of her little sister, or even of both of them, having some Wincest.

Why are you even on Sup Forums ?

Poast this hand gesture with your face visible. Since apparently you can't timestamp

:0 can I abuse u? In a really good listener and have had suicidal thoughts too but I know how to fight them off. Your so sweet I bet .. you look like you deserve some humilation! U may as well if your going to kill your self. . I bet your a loser any way :3 lol

"ask me anything" Such a pussy. if you're going to do it do it. you act like noone else has thought of killing themselves before.

youre taking your depression and not only letting it get the best of you but youre utilizing it for internet sympathy.

grow up and realize life is a bitch and when you start giving a shit itll maybe be good for you. nobody gives a fuck about asking you shit.


Haven't been on ED in fucking ages.. Thanks for the reminder, muffintop.

the rest of us just want a relationship where we grow in you


Fuck off pedo

did I do it right

>believing everything you read on ED

But what if you didn't


The screenshot is known to be fake

think about this shitface


Genuinely surprised. I had assumed up until this point that some retard was fapping to the thought of role-playing as you.
Don't kill yourself, dear.


Post nudes

There are so many rumors circulating about her, with little proof to back it up.

will you give us more nudes before then?


life is worth living if you just give it a chance and try to do something worthwhile

She is attention whoring, if it's even her and not some dude who looked for a pic of her doing a certain hand gesture, finding another pic of the same gesture and asking "herself" to do it. Where is my tin foil hat, though.

Anyway, attention whoring.

ED is very factual and accurate! How dare you...

idk how you are but i love you.

No. I still have a few ounces of self respect.

16 is legal in Sweden.