

This squirrel or two is my bro I've been feeding them

Other urls found in this thread:

m.youtube.com/results?q=lonely island threw it on the ground&sm=1

"Good people don't pal around with neo nazis"

I think I have a parable of Jesus for you but I forget which one it is

Seriously, shame on you guilt by association man-turds

Modern liberalism in the (temporaily!!) former United States card

For example I for one am only about as racist as liberals say everyone is, for which I do NOT apologize

If I were kkk level racist there might be a few people to whom I owed an apology instead of vice versa

I swear to god, just you fucking TRY making me apologize for some micro aggression shit and so help me I'll make YOU apologize with a fucking macroaggression

A verbal macroaggression that is

I'm so wimpy and nonviolent I've literally never even punched someone in my entire 30 year life (or been punched)

Unlike the junguans, I don't have a secret female anima personality

You guys had everything right except the focus on sex and gender

I am a wholly integrated personality



Another schizophrenia (which I don't have) card

The privilege of living in a nice neighborhood

Praise the sun!

Praise the sun!





The good ol bridge of death


Far side

What the fuck is this thread

Emergency exit on the far side (not taking it)

You gonna do a fucking flip off that thing or what?

Secret path straight to Korean hell

I'm not fucking retarded bro I'm just a camera guy

My name is randy magnum

what is this thread?

Korean zero gravity hell

Where's the rest of the damn pictures then, Randy?

Trim your nails faggot

>i hate those guys. fucking business


And trim your fucking nails or bite them off. I puked a little in my mouth looking at that fucking thing.

I'm mapping the typical circle I do around the bridge I use for bridge tricks


Is it it's birthday? Whats on the ground?

how in the fuck did you only take 62 pictures in 2016.

Look both ways before jaywalking across an active highway kids

2016 was a slow year my wife left me and my dog got cancer, he was never the same after that so I put him down.

Didn't really feel like taking photos, you know?

how hot is it there? looks pretty hot to me

Other way

The weather is nicely warm it was absolutely freezing last night

Safely back across and on my way home

looks like altadena ca

Good work!


Edmonds WA

Coffee delivery for giant slug


Edmonds WA card


Actually I don't have any nail clippers and biting nails is gross

Are you this guy

m.youtube.com/results?q=lonely island threw it on the ground&sm=1

You have a knife.

I don't take pictures except for threads like this

It's not a big hobby of mine

Not me, I've never been married as you would guess from my insanity

Thank you!

Actually I have like 30+ knives in my magic cupboard somewhere

I'm also on the run from the mental health gestapo for like 2 weeks now

This is literally how little they care what I do

If dubs you trim your nails using the knife.

Praise kek for his mercy

at least you got coffee and knives, what else to ask for?

Not much really I'm pretty much content and waiting for the literal second coming of Jesus or for my ex gf Lauren to apologize to me for not vouching for me to tghe mental health board, whichever comes first

The scientologists will hate this but cannabis can really accelerate your progress on your case if used with careful supervision by a qualified OT

Good thing they've declared me an SP years ago already

All that mirai nikki stuff really more accurately represents Scientology than Jesus or Muhammad tbqh

You turn around and... why the fuck do they like me so much? What is this?

"That dimensional drift was hot. How'd you rock that?" - Barry the cyborg

leaving thread because your nails are fuckin gross

Like this


You may need the sun for this one

Sorry that was just the old pic rotated here is a new one