ITT Batman TAS title cards. Posting in alphabetical order and I'm missing a few

ITT Batman TAS title cards. Posting in alphabetical order and I'm missing a few.

Aaaaand I already fucked up. Here's the first one.

It's been forever since I've watched these so my memory of which episode is which is a little fuzzy.

Like this one, I don't even fucking remember this one at all.

I remember this one getting a lot of hate, I didn't mind it so much but I can understand why people didn't like it.


Goddamn captcha is fucking me in the ass.

Really? It was a Ra's al Ghul episode.

Oh god, this one was an amazing episode that had the Joker posing as a birthday clown and trying to turn a little boy against his father (The Mayor if I remember correctly)

Ooooooh yeah! I remember that now. Ras al Ghul was the shit on this series.

RIP Adam We

This was an amazing episode.

Sheesh Pengurs, laying it on a little thick aren't we?


Cartoon sexual tension was always welcome in the Catwoman episodes.

I've always loved these title cards, even when I was a little kid watching these when they aired for the first time.

I wish they had sold these as a poster. Maybe not this particular episode, but the "Almost Got Em" one up there would be badass over the couch or something.

This episode was great. Joker in a sweater and smoking a pipe is an amazing visual.

Never liked any of the Ninja episodes for TAS. They felt really out of place to me.

Any episode with Mr. Freeze was just fucking awesome. They did such a good job with him in the series. Whenever he made an appearance you just knew shit was about to get fucked.

Kids today will never know the greatness of a series like this anymore. The animations going digital just lost something in translation imo.

Not all the title cards can be winners. Some of them are just text over a simple background.

Ah yeah son, the Scarecrow. I loved his portrayal. Especially after they got him established and fleshed him out a bit. He became pretty terrifying a bit further down the road.

This is part 1 of 2. But the second title card is exactly the same as this except the color is shifted blue. I always thought it would have been neat if they had reversed the comedy/tragedy masks in each title card. But I guess they would have had to re-draw an entirely new cell for it.

Also Clayface was awesome. Especially that scene where he was in the control booth and couldn't control his shapeshifting.

Eh I'll go ahead and post the second one. It's just different enough to warrant it's own post.

As far as I know this was the only appearance of Maximillion on the entire series run. I don't think he's even shown up outside the comics aside from a little easter egg in the Arkham City games.

Everyones favorite episode, and rightfully so. Harley was a great character in the series and still is one of the best parts. Too bad they're fucking her up so badly and turning her into Deadpool. It sucks that she's so overexposed now that it's ruining her character.