Will this flick be any good?
Will this flick be any good?
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Rock's a massive height fraudsters, he's 6'1 and a half
>the Rock
The rock is 6 foot 2 at best, all celebrities lie about their height
>the rock 6'4
>shaq 7'1
Either shaq is actually 8 feet tall or the rock is a dirty liar.
Forgot pic
This. 6'1" or somesuch. Notice he wears shoes and is only about 4" taller than barefoot Efron.
>I know how tall the Rock is because I've met him so many times before and everytime I brought a measuring stick with me xDDD
Charles barkley is 6 foot 5 as well
seems about right. I'm 6 feet and I've stood beside people 8 inches shorter than me. Theres a huge difference. dip shit
Its hollywood lies
Arnold is reported too by people who met him to be short as fuck
Go to bed dwayne
Holy fuck you niggers are new as fuck
Wow, he's a big guy.
Zac Efron is closer to 5'7"
apparently Dave Franco is 5'5.5"
According to the photoshop ruler, Dwayne is a bit less than 6' tall (182,4cm). If we go by Barkley being 198cm. You can measure both men and this is what comes out.
Barkley is known to be about 6'5 aswell, hes always lied about his height hes shorter than jordan who is 6'6.
Yeah, it's a difference of eight inches.
Look at the picture, retard. The black chick is almost the same height as the Rock, even though he's in shoes and she's barefoot. I really doubt she's 6'2.
the black whore stands before the rock
>Daddario will never play with her tits while you eat her out
Music for this feel?
>hes further back than her
>what is perspective
>being this fucking retarded
The renaissance rediscovery of perspective missed your family-tree did it?
yeah, but he's wearing shoes, it balances out
That sounded like a bible passage.
>Yea though the black whore stood before the rock she did not doeth nothin.
Not at all faggot
damn efrons core is way more shredded than the rocks
>it's anons believe billed heights episode
Glen Jacobs is 6'7-6'8 in real life. There's no way the Rock is 6'4.
Nobody stands before the Rock!
Who's the fat dude? Is he there just to make the others look better? He's got bigger tits than some of the girls and has to wear a t-shirt to the beach.
No the canera is just angled that way
>it's an user is insecure about his height so has to put down the height of famous hollywood celebrities episode
>tfw 6'1
>tfw all I want is to be a short qt gril
I'm 6'6, if you're cute and will wear a wig or pixie haircut and dress like a girl I'll be your bf and make you feel like a short qt grill
>they're shorter than Jared Leto
Oh god.
I'm 6 feet and taller than majority of people. whats wrong with 6'1? seriously, how insecure can you be if you're not happy with 6'1?
what is this? the new hobbit cast?
He wants to be the little girl you fuckin dummy.
>dating a 6'1 girl
Try again, Dwayne.
>They'll get more screentime than Jared Leto
oh lol
i'm not cute ;___________________;
>a 5'5" midget with an annoying voice gets to bang Alison Brie
Why is the universe so cruel?
The womens swimwear isn't sexy enough
>The Rock
Plastic operations and steroids.
that's probably more due to delusions in height perception, thinking that anyone over 6' is massive and shit and over estimating how size translates irl.
... im 5'6. ive got a chance with her.
fuck yeah.
I can't comprehend what genes you need to have as a girl to be this tall and how tall you would be if you were a dude with those genes.
Well, people over 6'3 that lift are huge, it's just that so many men e-stat their height.
You're dead to me then.
Doesn't matter, they'll never be as perfect anyway.
when the black whore stands before the rock the sixth trumpet will sound
>be 6'1
>talking to randos in a group
>somehow people start talking about height, girls ask how tall we all are
>I get asked first
>say I'm 5'10 so the manlets in the group have to say they're even shorter or risk sounding like they're lying
Baywatch confirmed for bringing about the Apocalypse.
Hope you're happy, Jews.
>Shit that never happened
you motherfucker. i do this too lol
>hey user you're pretty tall what's your height
>nah I'm only 5'10
>manlets scramble on what their new height should be
kek you absolute madman
My fellow amazonian nigress.
>tfw 6'1
>tfw called a giraffe in grade 4 because I was 5'8, or a horse because I liked to run
>tfw haven't had a date in years
>tfw sister in perfect 5'3 or 4
grade 6* but i was pretty tall even in 4
How do you measure yourselves, do you take your fucking shoes off?
no, you stand on a chair even.
I'll date you.
>lelelel i 9,43948398 inches are a foot
>4,549897 feet are a yard
>1958,8172837128 yards are a mile
I don't get this at all, it's fucking retarded
Shut up yurogarbage go drink a liter of Muslim cum.
It is dumb though kek.
I'm Canadian
>Telling girls you're 5'10" when you have the chance to drop the 6'1"
Go drink a liter BAG of Muslim cum.
Not that hard
12 inches makes a foot
3 feet makes a yard
1700~ yards make a mile
Metric is better for science shit so you can do exact calculations easier but as far as basic shit like height, metric is just different, not better or worse
The more I think about this the more devilish it is.
You absolute maniac.
>metric is just different, not better or worse
tell me real quick how many yards is 1.789 miles
what? wouldn't you just get called out immediately?
>Will this flick be any good?
No, but I'll pay watch this over the Ghostbusters reboot any day of the week.
Even in that "Reality" pic the biggest guy is still closes to the women and like a wall between them.
Also there is a noticable gap between them and the rock exactly like in nature how groups of wolves or shit don't go too close to the females in fear of getting ripped by the alpha male.
You manlets need to kill yourselves and not get into our genepool through pity or rape.
You seem kinda obsessed with Muslim cum.
I mean you have 100 black people for every single muslim in canada. I am sure you convince some of them to let you suck their dicks so you can get this shit out of your system and don't have to ruin Sup Forums for everyone else.
It was banter m8, and now you're getting all syrupy. Not a good look.
Male equivalent of that height is 6'6.
It didn't seem like banter. It seemed more like deep seated issues with your own sexuality.
Just come out as gay. Life is so much more fun if you are not lying to yourself.
See, you're being syrupy again, stop that.
i'm a very secure guy, whenever i encounter anyone tall it's common for the to exhibit "aggressive behavior", an effort to "destabilize" me, it's always funny because it never works, sometimes i even respond the same way and basically everyone shits their pants, i must look intimidating
So what is the limit for manletism in meters?
If you're under two meters you should kill yourself.
That shit's in the Bible.
2 meters.
Which according to some calculator is 6 feet 7 inches.
why waste an opportunity to devastate a manlet on some dollar-store broad?
no. girls can't visualize numbers to space
99% of all the people are manlets then.
Except germans and croatians.
I don't know why they are so fucking big.
god do all gay pornstars do ridiculous stuff to their body to get that kind of lumbar hyperlordosis
Don't know. Maybe he's got a medical issue that he's exploiting.
Only nerds are tall
Every professional athlete in a sport that matters disagrees with you.
>Rock keeping the creeper manlets away from the babes
Based Rock enforcing the rules of nature
Nerds all of them.
>tfw 5'6 twink
wish I was gay
want me to emasculate you until you break mentally and beg for my cummies?
Fuck off manlet
Paul Walker is listed as 6'2 and was good looking enough that he wouldn't be an insecure faggot and lie about his height. The rock's height is probably from his wrestling days which is almost always exaggerated. There are several pictures where the rock is clearly shorter than Paul Walker.