Capitalism was a mistake

Capitalism was a mistake.

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Capitalism provides meme magic money?

cash protesteseses outsude how boh dah

If only I was born a stupid whore with huge tits...

>this is considered white in america

She'll be a broke by 15

This fucking country, man.

She needs her mouth fucked

Were her nudes leaked?

fucking truth


You giving this dumb fuck attention is exactly what's wrong with the world.

Your conception was a mistake

i wouldn't be hyped if i made a million off being a retarded nigger wannabe who has no skills.

>being a retarded nigger wannabe
>has no skills.

Pick one.


Everyone feeds the trolls. They always win in America. Be the loudest, dumbest most obnoxious living meme in the most public ways possible and you're guaranteed to get fed dollars by the American public.

No one cares about doctors and the progression of the human race because it's not entertaining. Be a social media faggot and you will get paid.


>Be the loudest, dumbest most obnoxious living meme in the most public ways possible and you're guaranteed to get fed dollars by the American public.

You'll even get elected...

this bitch has nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with what retarded americans consider entertainment

That's enough truth for today. I'm out guys. Fuck this world.

nah shes in music videos and does other things now, shes gonna do fine

What exactly does she... do?
She was on an episode of Dr.Phil

any vids?

>What exactly does she... do?
She exists...people watch for some reason.

Just waiting for some1 to test the link and confirm..

take this down dude...

Virus link. Tested with a proxy

im loitering now

Didn't work for me

She wrote 30 Rock

Sneaky OP...tsk tsk tsk

It's actually great that someone can be that value-less and become a millionaire.

The fact that a middle class/lower middle class nothing can become loaded doing absolutely nothing is an utter miracle triumph for the little guy.

You should be happy you live in a society where literal miracles are possible, because that's exactly what this little pissant getting rich is.

>The greatest system ever invented was a mistake because of some ugly kid with a push up bra

Where da nudes?

She'll go broke and end up doing porn which I will end up jacking off to. So idk what your definition of Capitalism working is because that scenario sure as shit works for me.


You're gonna get banned.

This, she's just another Farrah Abraham. Look at her video with James Deen that girl was hot. Also Kim Kardashian's video is hot too.

jelly user is jelly


She's considered the next Beethoven by the most renowned musicians in high-class society as well as leading the cutting edge of cancer research.

>social media was a mistake

Don't be a sore loser; life is a competition and obviously you're not on the winning team.

Stop posting virus links

Stop with all these links and shit
Why haven't I seen this cunts nudes yet if there out there it's been a week or more
Fuck someone just post it

No, capitalism was the greatest economic machine of it's time. Uniquely designed to most efficiently develop the vast untouched and land and virgin resources available for three centuries. The fact that as a system it's becoming obsolete due to new technologies and circumstances never before seen by the human race shouldn't detract from what it has accomplished.
Some whiny little slut getting shot up the wage pyramid on a fountain of jism isn't even an issue user.

>Some whiny little slut getting shot up the wage pyramid on a fountain of jism isn't even an issue user.

That's fucking poetic and hot as hell at the same time.

How exactly has it become obsolete?

And what should it be replaced with?

You're playing a very dangerous game, user.

She isn't 'value-less'. She is female, has big tits and a nice ass and flaunts it in the public view. There is always money in that, no matter how brain dead or foul mouthed she is, no matter how despicable her personality might be, she still has tits. This isn't a 'triumph for the little guy', this is textbook "girl exchanges her body for money" that is as old as time.

We are already developing a sort of new communist-capitalist hybrid system in the US. It's called kenyanism economics. The most powerful country in the world has a system that was created in 1776. We are already seeing people getting fed up with the system in place through riots like Charlottesville. But for now civilization is being held together by a thread. Do you think that N. Korea doesn't hate Trump enough to bomb us? We have fought Korea before and lost because they are backed by China. But at the same time the Chinese population is very concentrated in one area. And their communist approach of making cities then trying to entice people to move there didn't work. They are still hundreds of years behind us as are many countries in the world.

>communistic anything in the U.S.
Stopped reading.

You should try to read up on what kenyanism economics instead of being an ignorant fool. But communism is going to be even more necessary as most jobs are going to be replaced by automation. Not to mention that most businesses just hire Asians for pennies on the dollar, reducing need for US born workers.

don't have adblocker, says it's detected. i call fake link.

Practically every single economy is a mixed-economy, they just vary by degree.

What has made America in the past the single greatest country on earth (I'm not American, and I live in Sweden), was capitalism. And people are starting to remember that again, having been oppressed by the government for a long time.

You will never get your communist hell, unless you decide to move to North Korea before the country implodes.

>nice ass
Her ass is flat as a board.

>kenyanism economics
HUE, nice bait.

Has anyone got n00ds of her?

>these guys actually think poo-package can look nice

Fresh OC of Dani's babies.

All I was saying to that guy was what you just said. The capitalist system is evolving, it's not pure like it used to be. Also nice reddit spacing faggot.

Read the rules newfag, number one says not to request something that violates U.S. law.

>pure Capitalism
Hasn't been that way arguably ever.

well one of her babies

Die cunt

Also you're one to talk about communism sucking when you get everything paid for by the government. I know people who live in slums. My best friend from high school for 10 years sells drugs. My other friend just had a baby and lives in a trailer. Fuck off you little faggot, you live in a fantasy world.

Sorry, get rid of what ever phone or computer you are using right now and make your house of mud and your own shit and then you can complain about capatilism

Nigger are you fucking gay or something? A nice ass is the best part of a woman.

The issues with the country are purely within the capitalist aspects of it.

he didn't lie tho

Capitalism uses competition to find the the most efficient means of supplying a demand. It doesn't actually create a demand, it relies on a free market to dictate what needs must be met and adjusts labour accordingly. Wherever supply outdistances demand the market undergoes a "correction", which layman call a recession or a depression. In which labour in a particular field of supply is reduced until demand naturally increases.
The problem capitalism faces in the modern age is two fold. First, globalization has limited the number of new markets and access to new resources, which was always a theoretical possibility, and as such the prices of material and overhead are some what fixed. Making labour the only adjustable cost. Second, technology has advanced and allows fewer people to produce more. Increases in demand are no longer directly tied to increases in population. The formula capitalism has depended on for centuries is inverting, and over supply is a problem that can no longer be corrected. Not when 100 people can produce enough food, shelter, clothing and energy for 120 people. If you allow those extra 20 people die off, the eighty you have left can still produce enough for 90. The market can't correct.
How do you fix it? Fuck if I know. The best way to manage a closed system seems to be either a socialism-capitalism amalgamation, like what the scandinavians and chinks are using, or a waste based economic model. Which would mean either a war based economy, because nothing creates demand and wastes supplies like war, or a unified expansionist economic goal, like colonizing mars or something equally crazy.
TLDR; Technology fucked us, it was only a matter of time, I never asked for this.

You're the gay guy, gays fuck asses which makes you gay or bi to like one homo.

Maybe the first sense it seems least insane? Oww wait this is Sup Forums everyone just wants insanity to rule...

No they don't they just want to talk to people who aren't typical tribal idiots.

>greatest system ever created

>We are already developing a sort of new communist-capitalist hybrid system in the US. It's called kenyanism economics.
Good one, you have no idea about economics

Good answer

The economic expansion of the XX century (aka golden 30s) was only possible because of all the destrucction of the 2nd WW. After the recovery acumulation (the driving force of capitalism) has been increasingly difficult. Debt and financialization are only ways of trying to keep the acumulation process up, but they are only short term solutions and will lead to crisis. The only "good" solution would be another war and to restart the whole process again like we did in the 40's, but nukes make that impossible.

TLDR; capitalism was never sustainable, but is even more doomed because of nukes

Leave capitalism out of this. "Doctor" Phil was responsible for putting that retarded cunt on television.

Now you understand why America loves war. It doesn't have a choice.

Also the internet has forced a competitive market that even fewer can succeed in, and causes single companies to become gorged on success at the expense of literally everyone else's failures. Distance used to mean something. Location used to mean something. Environment used to mean something. Now it means little. Laws against monopolies were made to prevent this, but now they have no power. Capitalism will cause it's own collapse, especially as the masses who have become lazy under it no longer have anything to offer.

She'll be broke within 5 years, don't envy her, she'll probably be a used up crack whore by the end of this decade.

Are you talking about a war based economy? It could be done, we could go full metal gear solid and just manufacture an endless stream of shit proxy wars (which I've heard argued the secret cabal that rules the world is already doing). Hell, we as a species could do it 'right'. Every body knows the score, a global census determines how many people need to die to keep the economy going. we pick a battlefield, we choose equal equipment and we go at it. The winners get extra chocolate or some shit and the losers family's know their loved one died for humanity's sake.
How fucked up would that be?

I mean so do I. Most "Typical Tribal Idiots" just don't have a clue/don't care.

I was referring to Scandinavian style Socio-Capitalism.

heir was mistake because it doesn't fit into capitalist system

I absolutely love that this girl exists. While she gets propped up and is rolling in dough, just for being a fucking belligerent idiot, all the feminist and SJW bloggers and their garbage readerbase that helped to prop her up, stay in poverty, singing for their supper and living paycheck to paycheck. She'll give relatively NOTHING back to any of them, and it's the greatest punchline this year.


not to mention she'll be a pumphole for niggers and little else. SO EMPOWERED

I've been selling crack nigga

>replies to a 2 hour old post

You sure showed him.
