Anyone interested in seeing her mental health diagnosis?

Anyone interested in seeing her mental health diagnosis?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's right there


status - retard

I can diagnose her easily: Immature attention whore.

The cure is stop treads about her

Status - Raped attention whore

What does it change she looks fun ha. And she's cute.

Will dump more pics of her too.



What does it change she looks fun ha. And she's cute.

Looks kind

I hope she doesnt kill herself

She is pretty nice :)

I don't think she will, and if she does, she'll probably do another thread or stream it, so this isn't your last chance to stop her user
I don't care, and honesly hate how much attention this seeks here

Whats her youtube chanel?

I like you too

Ciara, stop talking with yourself please.

ciaradesu if I'm not mistaken

checked the metadata and the file as been photoshoped. Give us the original

I just cropped out some personal details.

I like your dr worm video and the /r9k video with, I'm just a teenager

Black them out, no cropping

You should stop lurking. Repost pic grabbing ear so I can save it.

I wish I could make you feel better.

I edited it on my phone. If I black out the details it'll just say it's photoshopped again.

Watch the fuck out
I was diagnosed with the same shit like 4 years ago now I'm an alpha.

She's funny

Ok I come back from the future. This is her in 10 years.


Cat is me irl

Ty Sup Forumsabes

On DC or Marvel multiverse?

Ciara diagnosis:

Angsty Teen
Attention Whore

who is she?

fuck off faggot

Let me see... you are carrying, on your phone, your med history to share it on e-boards... nice one, points for trying...

> (OP)
>Ok I come back from the future. This is her in 10 years.
You fucking can't read?

Where is the rest?

Retarded queer detected.




what the fuck is an incompatible opinion or idea?

If you're not smart enough to figure it out on your own, you're not smart enough to be here, Jamal.

Borderline personality disorder.
Anyway, any nudes of her? Pussy, tits etc?

Shit personality disorder. Got tits user? Lol i joked on you

She's 17.

You know they're cp, right?

>all underage nudity is pornography

She's in her 20's

Look at her YouTube

Without a date on that post, it's worthless in proving your assertion. How old is the channel?

That isn't the most reliable source if she wrote it herself eh

She recently changed her description to that. Also, look at her, she's clearly underaged. Her channel is under a year old as well.

Im meant to just believe things yeah ok

What are you even talk about? Are you in this much denial to justify posting CP? She's clearly underaged!

So no nudes, then. This thread sucked.

retarded cunt detected


>She recently changed her description to that.
According to you. Not exactly proof. Try thinking before replying, mobilecancer. And if you think that looks under age, you're more of a virgin than you portray yourself.

She's looked like that for years and people can look like that in their 20's, also she looks fully grown i can detect this stuff pretty well

Do you believe a post on Sup Forums over her YouTube description?

I'm the one who called it out on being cp, you fucking faggot

Why do you type like a nigger, though?


am i right?

Anons baiting you

Years? 4 years ago she looked like this.

I don't need a newfag phone poster telling me things I already know, sweetie.

Dropping meme bombs fam

...the same.

are you triggered?

she's so cute.

i love u ciara, get better.

That looks more like a 17 yo

idk dude she looks like a 12 year old boy here...

>types like a nigger
>desperately wants to believe he's not impotent and capable of emotionally affecting others
I'm sensing a trend.

I'm 45, am I too old to look at her? Hoping she's 21 years old.

She looks like a 12yo boy in every picture. How closeted do you have to be to not realize that?

Here's another pic from 4 years ago

Sorry buddy. She's 17.

You're too old to even be here.

What happened to her?


Son, if it wasn't for the old guys there would be nothing good on this site.

Can we have the diagnosis now?

She died after catching diseases when she had sexual relations with her cat :(


not a trend, more like pity

I posted it already...

Fact: There isn't anything good on this site. I legitimately feel bad for you if you're stupid enough to think there is.

Who is this girl and why is she important?


>i pity you for pointing out i'm a subhuman
Nice try, kid.

When did she get assaulted?

Here comes the non-English speakers.

This is like 10 years ago you're a liar fuck you

It literally gives you a time frame in the thing you replied to, moron. Sit on your hands.

Why are you here? There's plenty good on this site, not my fault you weren't invited to the secret sections.

It's from her big sister's confirmation, who is a year older than her. Her sister was 14.

What's this meme?

He's right.
